It’s time for a Kulture lesson ladies!

69  2018-03-22 by Dontfuqfatties


Damn, just look at that account...soooo many crazies today.

I'm not like the other girls, I don't have internalized misogyny

/u/WotNoKetchup, I'm gonna take someone's evaluation of coultures, who's username suggest admiration for ketchup, at a very low level of importance.

What kultures would they be, where men raped and cornered women?

One of those cultures created ketchup. Checkmate Ketchup-Loving Feminist.

So you admit the Kultures raped and cornered women?

Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively

Don't see anything in thier about morality?🤔

Lol when? Where?

Name one society where females werent the actual power behind any fucking great leader. We go to together like Kraft Dinner™ and Ketchup.

Everywhere, men cornered and caged women and girls in and raped and murdered them.

It wasn't a blip, it wasn't an exception, it was the rule across the world.

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."

Buybull 1Timothy 2:12

The practice of female infanticide is as old as history itself. In Ancient Greece in 200 BC, the murder of female infants was so common that of 6000 families living in Delphi, no more than 1% had two daughters.

The Romans were no different: a message from one Roman soldier to his wife reads, “I ask and beg of you to take good care of our baby son … If you are delivered of child … if it is a boy keep it, if a girl discard it.”

In some northern Indian states, baby girls were killed as a matter of course. Under the British colonial rule, when demographic statistics were first gathered in India, it was found in 30 villages that there were six boys to every girl. In some villages there were no girls at all.

Devaluation of the girl and worship of the boy is caught in many cultures’ proverbs and poems. In China, it is said that “raising daughters is watering another man’s garden,” and that “a daughter is a thief.” Girls were also described as “maggots in the rice”. An old Chinese poem describes the celebration of the birth of a son, who is dressed in finery, laid on a luxuriant bed and given a precious jade insignia.

A daughter, by contrast, is dressed in a plain cloth wrapper, laid on bare ground and given a wooden whirligig. And this was when all went well. At worst: “In cities like Beijing, wagons made scheduled rounds in the early morning to collect corpses of unwanted daughters that had been soundlessly drowned in a bucket of milk while the mother looked away.”

The dying daughter and the thriving son is not from the distant past, these patriarchal practices may date back to antiquity, they are not merely the fast-disappearing relics of some ‘ancient’ son preference.


No no no, that's when you pay another man to fuck your wife. That passage is from the Bible, Ketchup. It's a pretty famous book, so it's important to get this right. Here's a helpful song about it

/u/WotNoKetchup pls come give us all spelling lessons.

We need it 7erribly

I got one want to know the proper way to spell kunt.

/u/WotNoKetchup, any suggestions?

Never heard of that term before is that what trans are calling themselves now?

did u mean trains

Are you dyslexic or is English you second language?

See, this is why we need your brilliant mind to edukate us.

“trans” is an abbreviation for an adjective, that’s why i was confused

Inglish is my turd langwage.

Naw, it's what feminists go by.

Nope, they never would.

Yep. It's an ye olde feminist word for, "undesirable cunt."

But they dropped the undesirable and added a K to make it seem cool and then ran around talking about a men's kult.

But it is in fact the word for feminist: kunt.

See also the plural form: kuntbucket.

You are definitely on speed aren't you? just like others in your Kult.

Women have no existence and no essence; they are not, they are nothing.”

Otto Weininger

John Wesley (1703-91): “Wife: Be content to be insignificant. What loss would it be to God or man had you never been born.”

you know, your posts make me realise how many wise ancient men thought women were pieces of shit. i might actually consider becoming misogynist now, tbh.

The judge who told the jury that the 7 year old female rape victim was "no angel", directing the jury to go easy on the rapist who had presumably been given the 'come on'.

The judge who gave the rapist a lenient sentence for being considerate and using a condom

Tell me how horrible a person I am, do. Attack me, go on! Say how terrible the things I write are! The only ones who try to close down debate like this are the ones who didn't want the debate in the first place.

Women had nothing to do in constituting Laws, or consenting to them, in interpreting of Laws, or in hearing them interpreted at lectures, leets or charges, and yet they stood strictly tied to men's establishments, little or nothing excused by ignorance.

The Muslim world, the Christian world, the Hindi world, the Jewish world, all combine into one patriarchal world and is nothing more than a huge women's prison.

keep yourself safe then.

Yeah, I will move to a Kulture that isn't anti female!

Wait, there just isn't one.. my bad luck eh?

yeah sucks to be you, i thank god everyday i was born a man.

He admires his own biology that makes him a male & sneers at his mother's biology that makes her a female & thanks his lucky stars he lives in a world where the preference at birth in his HEman world is for the male.

"As to children, a father and mother when they produce a boy congratulate one another, but when they produce a girl they put it to death"

Don't worry, men in their history never valued women like they valued themselves!

yeah, it's great to be me and it sucks ass to be you, we've established that. now like all women, your only value is to entertain me, and i'm getting bored of you, so begone thot !!!

sorry captain cunt but you are an insignificant piece of squirrel shit

yeah but i'm a man so i'm still more valuable to society than you, and will have a better life by default.

I do believe men are women's intellectual equals but if you are all most happiest digging in mines, don't let me stand in your way!

you just spend 5 hours convincing me that women have a horrible life, and now you're disagree than i probably have a better life than you because i'm male?

how do you explain this radical change in logic? also thanks for saying that men are as smart as women, how kind of you.

I do believe men are women's intellectual equals

also thanks for saying that men are as smart as women, how kind of you.

You really should stop trying to read things that are not there.. you really are making yourself look an idiot now.

also i agree, women should be the ones digging in mines. if we men hate them and believe them to be inferior, why the hell are we doing all the most dangerous and deadly jobs ourselves?

really makes you think.....

Not even half a percent of men have ever worked down a down, let alone ben in one..

and women have a 5,000 year history of working down mines.. but that info is part of gender studies and is why men are oblivious to it.. cos women's history is totally different to men's due to women always facing the opposite end of the gun barrel to men.. and perception is everything.

oh, your degree in gender studies is where you learned all this?

You mean women's history?

yeah, i'm dumb and didn't go to college, sorry.

Don't forget,_K%C3%BCche,_Kirche (obviously Kabbalistically related to the US KKK).

Kinder, Küche, Kirche

Kinder, Küche, Kirche (German pronunciation: [ˈkɪndɐ ˈkʏçə ˈkɪʁçə]), or the 3 Ks, is a German slogan translated as “children, kitchen, church”. It now has a mostly derogatory connotation, describing what is seen as an antiquated female role model in contemporary Western society. The phrase is vaguely equivalent to the English "barefoot and pregnant" or the Victorian "A woman's place is in the home".

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"Her world is her husband, her family, her children and home. We do not find it right when a woman presses into the world of men.

Rather we find it natural when these two worlds remain separate.

Woman and man represent two different types of being. Reason is dominant in man"

He wrote furiously whilst jerking his tiny todger with his other hand Author - Hitler - Mein Kampf

What did Hitler mean by

"We do not find it right when a woman presses into the world of men"

What world is he talking about?

i do believe that women should have been allowed to kill jews in the holocaust, right alongside the men, it's not fair that only men get to participate in genocide.

Yes, there is no doubt a person like you would think like that.

you know in one of those links you gave me about russian soldiers raping german women, there was a part where russian women were stated as saying they believed the german women deserved to be raped, because of what germany did to russia when they invaded.

there were also reports of russian women who were part of the red army laughing while german women were raped.

i wonder, how does that fit into your "men are evil and women are pure" theory?

you know in one of those links you gave me about russian soldiers raping german women, there was a part where russian women were stated as saying they believed the german women deserved to be raped, because of what germany did to russia when they invaded. (yeah i actually read the whole thing)

So did I and considering those women were surrounded by armed men who would turn on them at the first sign of any criticism of them, then one is not surprised at those women's reactions.

The Russian soldiers were raping every female they could get their hands on and they weren't averse to raping their own female comrades or Jewish women and girls who had survived the concentration camps.

They raped females of every nationality they came across from 1 year old to 80 years old, none were exempt.

Even Jews were know to capitulate with the Nazi's just to stay alive for one more day and who could have blamed them surrounded by raving lunatics who were pointing guns at their heads.

In times of war armed men see it as a perk of their position and for being male to rape females.. it's a little reward for themselves & all their brotherhood.. after all what else are women there for if not for that?.. to be punched and mauled

Collectively men collectively do need things they can punch and maul and kick and throw around so they have something to take all their frustrations out on, sexual or otherwise... and why not women after all they are nobodies in men's world.. in men's tin pot male run totalitarian dictatorships.. men are special and have special needs .. and what women suffer at their hands.. well who gives a damn?

and men suffer so much. .. but they never suffered being unarmed in the face of their enemy like women did and do in every war men cause.. who is that coming over the hill? Run it's an army of rapists, run even though there is no where to run to.. they are on every side, where ever you look.. they all wrap themselves in the very same flag when their mutual target is named she.

lol, it's the men's fault that the women were also bad. how did i know that would be your reply, classic.

"Nor did the Soviet women soldiers do anything to stop their male comrades. One Berlin woman was being raped in succession by three men when three others arrived, one of them a woman. When the German woman appealed to her to intervene she merely laughed out loud."

Reminds me of this user who I ironically used the long s in their writing

That’s fucking hilarious. Is there a keyboard that has that, or would they have had to save it as a command?

Given that it hasn’t been used in ~200 years, they probably had to set something up to type it

Wow, that’s... special. I can’t stop reading it as a f so it sounds like a caricature of a lisp.

No. Why do you aſk ?

So I can go get snacks.

they are actually surrounded by wolves who are at their door frothing and foaming from their mouths, just waiting to tear into them to get an equal share of the meat.. flab....

This is trollx- it’s flab.


Omg, women are so fucking dramatic and petty sometimes.



Omg, us men are such assholes who need to stfu up and listen to women. Masculinity is brutalizing our young boys, it's time for women to run shit.


To be fair, a more realistic reaction to the second dude would be "please, no, stop! I am not consenting to this!"

Feminists make me embarrassed to call myself a woman

/u/WotNoKetchup immediately decides to prove her point. Also Kultures is not a word. Don't bastardize our beautiful German language; Goethe died for this.


The English language is so versatile it is made up of so many different languages..! and new words are being added all the time, it's not a stagnant rigid thing unlike some languages..

English being a weak language which definitely lacks character is not a good thing at all ... Also you can't just add your own words, that's not how it works.

English being a weak language which definitely lacks character is not a good thing at all


It's curious then that the whole world now speaks it and really it's the only international language there is..

English is the fat woman of languages. You get with her because she's an easy lay but you won't ever be truly satisfied by staying with her. Now, German, French, and Japanese, those languages represent attractive women.

You sound like a Nazi on speed?


You sound like a Nazi on speed?

Why is that a question? Is it because you're retarded?

You are you thicker than whale sperm?

What's with the same format in your posts? You a bit or something?



You know how I know you're retarded?

Und vhuts wrong with schmetterling?

Read some Rilke

Japanese sounds better than everything else, mostly because there's so few unique sounds that it ends up with a lot of rhyming. Moon runes are pretty neat looking too, I guess.

woke feminist whitesplains why english is the best language of all.

Never read what is not there!

Pretty sure the post itself pretty much did that.

Pretty sure the post itself pretty much did that.


We women can all be one of the guys but never call men one of the girls because they will faint in humiliation.

So what you are saying is that women have the option of being one of the girls or one of the guys if they want while men are restricted to only being one of the guys if they want to avoid humiliation. And this is oppressive towards women?

hey boy, don't throw like a girl, you don't want the bro'hood to look down on you too, do ya?

Nobody cares until they find out the hotties only bang the jocks

Well, girls throw in a really poor and comical fashion.

That's exactly what the Nazi's said about the Jews just before they exterminated them..

You're blowing your cover by actually being funny.

I bet Mexicans look pretty comical when thrown over a a WALL.

You think Nazi's exterminating Jews because they saw them their inferior, funny.

You sick pitiful bastard.

You know better than to play it up like this, although I admit this phrase:

because they saw them their inferior, funny.

is pretty TrollXian.

Men saw females their inferior, just like the nazi's saw Jews their inferior and both at some point started slaughtering their targets,

So don't give me your troll crap..

The Nazis saw Jews as inferior because they sterotyped them as immoral dangerous criminals, who's existence held back humanity. I wonder who now a days thinks a broad group of people are single-handedly responsible for society's shortcomings?

Hmm! that is exactly what men did to females.

Men said women had been sent by the devil to lead men astray?

Historically and certainly Hysterically men's collective view of females in their male run Kultures are as Outsiders, aliens, interlopers who by their merest existence in them, distracted men from their real intended purpose in life which was warring and erecting huge monuments in honour of themselves and dancing round their totem poles howling uncontrollably whilst watching women burn alive.!

So men in their hysteria removed women from every position of power and marginalised them, so when they raped them, there was no one left who could oppose them.

Which is exactly what the Nazi's did to the Jews

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."

Buybull 1Timothy 2:12

"What is the difference whether it is in a wife or mother, it is still Eve the temptress that we must be aware of in any woman.. I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of child bearing." Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Regius (354 - 430)


are you saying that a great female holocaust is about to happen, because people think it's dumb to throw like a girl?

The holocaust vain thugs began committing against the female centuries ago has no end in sight yet.

i still see plenty of thots when i leave the house so they must be doing a pretty shitty job. maybe they should pick up the pace.


a term used by men to belittle women and mentally make themselves feel all smug and superior.. status manhood

Notice that is men's entire history and it's what all their stinking Kultures are built on and there is zero to choose between any of them.

You know the "The Jewish prayer" all Jewish men are supposed to say every morning on getting up to thank their god don't you?

"Blessed be the god who has not created me a heathen, a slave, or a woman?"

Apparently we should always be respectful of others religious beliefs, because we are told, not to

Well you know? .. it OFFENDS THEM And God forbid that should ever happen.

"Blessed be the god who has not created me a heathen, a slave, or a woman?"

that's pretty good. i'm not religious but i might start saying that everyday just to get some perspective, and feel better about my life.

"at least i'm not a woman", shit, i feel better already.

Men's history is all about building up their own self esteem by smashing down women's.

The first woman to attend a meeting of the Royal Society was Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle, in May 1667. There were protests from the all-male fellows – Pepys recorded the scandal – and the dangerous experiment was not repeated for another two hundred years.

Oh Lordy someone protect the poor fragile male citizens and their little ego's..

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."

Buybull 1Timothy 2:12

Proof men are nothing but cowards..

The sign read

"Women keep out, it's not your Kulture it's ours and it's not your world, it's men's and you women ain't welcome in either"

Do you think men would have eliminated all females by now, if they hadn't needed them for their own existence in their HEman utopia's?

i think men were too busy running civilization and inventing literally everything exists to spend 100% of their time torturing women for fun, but sure, women have been treated bad historically.

thing is, humans are shit, and if women were bigger and stronger than men, we'd be the victims. being a shit person isn't unique to men. if you gave women power over society tomorrow, things wouldn't magically get better. women are abusive psychos too, they just mostly target children and not men cause children are weaker.

go talk to some men with abusive mothers about how women are perfect and men are evil.

also everything you quote is from hundreds of years ago, i'm not sure what point you're even trying to make. hundreds of years ago people were pieces of shit? yeah sure i agree. christians used to burn people alive and shit, now they don't, humanity got quite a bit better.

i'm sort of serious posting now but it's probably pointless, you've based your entire life around cherry picking examples of men being evil, i'm not remotely going to have a civil conversation with you, so i'll probably just go back to stupid sarcasm.

i think men were too busy running civilization and inventing literally everything exists to spend 100% of their time torturing women for fun, but sure, women have been treated bad historically.

Are there any Kultures where men are totally barred from politics and have no architecture that they can call their own and are barred from being composers, barred from being artists, barred from writing any laws that affect them, barred from being authors, barred entirely from boardrooms and the military and barred from being lawyers, judges or jurors and barred from all forms of education and have absolutely no involvement in running the culture what so ever and if there are what part of those Kulture represents them and what part of them can men actually call theirs?

so what is your end goal? all women go live on a lesbian island? kill all men?

you talk about how much you hate men all day but i'm not sure what your ultimate goal is, besides being the female version of an incel, spending your entire days trashing the opposite gender.

you also post on gender critical, which is literally the female incel/mgtow sub.

Women pointing out men's history of oppression of women and girls is not women being anti male and it certainly isn't women hating men and if you think it is, then you really need to get your thoughts sorted out before responding to me again.

In a world that idolises the male, women and girls are murdered for men's sport.

Collectively, gangs and armies of men in times of war take it as a perk of their position to terrorise, rape, torture and mutilate unarmed women and girls and being armed, male and backed up by their like minded armed bro's, it gives them all the confidence they need to realise their most inner sadistic thoughts and laugh and cheer and high five each when they do.

One should never underestimate the capacity of men to bond while the trauma of their victims are reduced down to background noise

Hard core porn anyone? Honduras anyone. Saudi Arabia, the Congo, Amsterdam any wat men have been involved in anyone.

Men knowing women and girls have been forced into porn or prostitution, is not a turn off for men, but actually it turns them one all the more.. which is why most men are opposed to ending the exploitation of women and girls because it is in seeing women and girls suffering that men achieve for themselves the most sexual satisfaction of all.

if i went around posting stories where female had sex with underage boys or abusive mothers, and i cherry picked examples and was online posting them all day, you can bet i'd be called a misogynist.

you're a misandrist sweety, you hate men.

also you didn't answer the question, what is your ultimate end goal here? what is your points?

you see in war, violence is everywhere. the psychopaths aren't really held back by laws anymore. if you're implying that literally every man in a war zone ever has raped women, that's pretty offensive.

One should never underestimate the capacity of men to bond while the trauma of their victims are reduced down to background noise

"all men are rapists", yep, misandry. "all women are gold diggers who only care about men's money, here is a history lesson from many different random cultures where women only married wealthy men", would be considered sexist if i said that.

also what's wrong with hardcore porn? don't those girls get payed obscene amounts of money and actually purposely sign up for it?

at this point you're just making up stuff cause it fits your narrative that "men bad, women good".

you're a female incel.

You are obviously unable to accept reality, armies of men coming over the hill will be looking to rape every female they can get their hands on and again men have not kept this a secret and it is well documented .

So as you are unable to face reality it is pointless explaining these things any further to you as you are an idiot in total denial.

A mind is like a parachute, it has to be open to work.

so the solution is to send women to die in wars instead of men.

Most wars are civil wars, this means war is on women's doorsteps and they are the target but everyone knows unarmed women are immune to bombs and bullets ..

Armed men have always been against arming women in times of war but they have never been against raping and mutilating unarmed women and girls in times of war

but then men have never wanted to be in the position they put women in, unarmed in the face of their enemy.

yes, rape happens in war. lots of other shit happens in war too, war is a horrible thing.

you still aren't really clear on what your point is. is your point that every single man on the earth is a rapist, and he would rape, if he was in a position where he couldn't get away with it?

is that your ultimate point? because most people do already know that soldiers do horrible things to literally EVERYONE in a war, that includes the men they capture too.

yes, rape happens in war. lots of other shit happens in war too, war is a horrible thing.

That's right armed men in times of war are against arming women but they are not against raping and mutilating unarmed women and girls in times of war and men see it as a perk for being male, armed and supported by their brohood and all men unite under this one flag of every creed and colour and bond together they have one mutual target named she.

Women have only one enemy to fear in times of war and that is called he.

Don't trip, don't stumble, don't fall, for he and his brohood will tear into you the very first chance they get.

Women are not the opposing team in the patriarchy, they are the ball men kick around between themselves to achieve their goals.

i'm starting to like you. can we be friends?

[citation needed]

I have a humiliation fetish, actually. Tell me I'm a naughty girl 😍😍😍.

So you agree, there is greater social pressure for men to conform to traditionally masculine behaviors. BTW nearly every 15 yo boys throws better than every 15 yo girl. so it is pretty sad if you can't :(.

“the overhand throwing gap, beginning at 4 years of age, is three times the difference of any other motor task.”

Don't forget to take your meds :).

mass murdering females is a male past time..

The Nazi's saw the Jews their inferior and it didn't take long for them to start eliminating them..

Which is what happened when men all across the word decided females were inferior to the male..

OMG we want sons not daughters.. men said

Chinese philosopher Han Fei Tzu once put it,

"As to children, a father and mother when they produce a boy congratulate one another, but when they produce a girl they put it to death"

Right, we should kill all women because they aren't as good at throwing balls.

Sex selective abortions are basically non-existent in the West, and when they do occur the women are just as culpable as the men.

Note that a normal ratio is between 1.03-1.07 men born per woman to make up for the fact that more men are dumb enough to get themselves killed before they are able to have kids (also more male children die before age 5 due to weaker immune systems than their female counterparts). Wait, does that make men inferior?

Didn't take you long to bring up Nazis. Show me a culture where people want to eliminate all the women and I'll show you a culture that won't exist in 50 years.

Your meds are right there, go take them!

As men across the world declared women their inferior, men went on a killing spree, SLAUGHTERING Millions Of Females and those females men did not murder, men hurriedly pushed into corners to confine and isolate them, from their male run totalitarian utopia's!

The significance of this one idea changed the course of history for ever

The Nazi's never killed all the Jews because it was more useful to them and their cause to enslave thousands of them first!

"If women become tired or even die, that does not matter. Let them die in childbirth, that is why they are here."

Martin Luther. (1500 CE)

Seriously, is this you /u/AshamedNEET?

Men should be ashamed and embarrassed by their sexes history and the continuing holocaust they are committing against the female sex.

But men aren't ashamed or embarrassed and they have never kept it a secret how much they hate the female sex, have they?

Gender selection is not in decline as a result of economic modernisation and the dissemination of ideas of gender equality. Rather, son preference and its deadly consequence – the kind of mass killing of female children that scholars now call “gendercide” is both spreading and intensifying.

I prefer femicide personally.

I heard most men during their history do.

Feministcide is even better if I'm being honest.

I have a humiliation fetish, actually. Tell me I'm a naughty girl

No one is surprised you have a fetish, it's a very male thing.

I dunno, rape fetishes seem to be mostly a woman thing. Different strokes and all.

Women don't have rape fetishes as one of their most fears is being raped.

You know zero about women.

Dude...I can write a thesis on female fetishes. Sexuality is as varied for men as it is for women, if not more. Read some Camille Paglia you pleb.

Youre going too hard on the troll account tonight.


Cameal Puglia is a couch potato who's favourite hobby is watching soap operas and has the mental depth of a flat pancake!

Paglia is very good at contradicting herself.. LMAO

"i guess I'm just a natural warrior"

“If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts"

Oh Camille how wrong can you be? Women were the first to develop language across the world because they were the ones who spent hours of their lives with their children teaching them how to verbally communicate and women were the first to discover medicines, the first to create vegetable gardens, and they discovered how to make beer and they supplied 80% of all the food their tribes needed to survive.


"There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper"

WTF.. but there was a female Mozart you ignorant twat, it's just she and her talent weren't allowed to flourish in a world that was anti her sex.

You know?

Mozart had a sister who was a talented composer but as women of her time, men fell over themselves to stifle and suffocate them and all their potential and her father said, "lets just get you married off and we will have no more of that!"

The idea was to ensure only men and their talent was recognised.

Men were that vain and selfish can you believe it?

Even more dribblings

"It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent women. Never in history have women had more freedom in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation.

Except Paglia pre the patriarchy of course, which you conveniently over looked and now only due to feminism again which you further ignored!

And more dribble

"Homosexuality is not 'normal' On the contrary it is a challenge to the norm...Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction...No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous...homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait."

OMG yet over 400 different species of animal studied exhibit homosexual behaviour? Someone better tell them animals, Camilla says they shouldn't be doing that, it's demolishing her idiotic supercilious crapiola ideas.

Haha never go full retard

I will leave that to you and your bro'hood, you all have had a lot of practice at it.

"Girls begin to talk and stand on their feet sooner than boys because weeds always grow up more quickly than good crops" (Martin Luther, 1500 CE)

Women have no existence and no essence; they are not, they are nothing.” Otto Weininger

John Wesley (1703-91): “Wife: Be content to be insignificant. What loss would it be to God or man had you never been born.”

Maybe Wesley should have put his question to his mother but he had gone full retard by then along with his bro's.. who had highly inflated ideas of themselves..

They were all just Nazi's on speed after all..

They were all just Nazi's on speed after all..

Yo soul sista, You do realize that methamphetamines had not even been synthesized while any of those dudes were alive right?

Strange that fascism was though and they were all Nazi's to women..

It's a feature of all men's cultures, all drooling and frothing from their mouths and cornering and caging women in, ain't found a single one yet that wasn't like it.

Men call themselves civilized but that idea is pure fiction faced with the reality of their crimes against humanity, the female sex that is.!

So you did not know that fun fact. Also I think you meant to say "mens kultures".

How many cats do you own? Is it more than 4?

Before the British ruled India, it was a custom for Brahmins to burn the widows of newly deceased husbands alive on their dead husbands funeral pyres, this practice was referred to as "Sati" or "Suttee" and was a common religious custom invented by men.

The widows were promised if they willingly sacrificed themselves on their husbands funeral pyres they would be reincarnated and return in a new life as male? However if the women refused to comply to their own destruction they were informed they would be reincarnated after their later death but bad luck for them they would return as female, obviously a fate worse than death in a Kulture that idolises the birth of males whilst despising the birth of females.

Is there no end to men's grandiose ideas of male superiority.?

Answer the question kunt.

It's kinda sad watching you attempt to fit your entire vocabulary into a sentence. LOL

Joking aside, your writing comes off as very feverish and frantic. Are you medicated or using stimulants when you reddit?

Armies of men see it as a perk of their position, armed and surrounded by their bro'hood who boost their self confidence to rape women and girls.

Anyone would think men in armed groups wanted to rape women and girls as a matter of course.?

Yep foaming and frothing from their mouths, men can't wait to get their equal share of the meat, can they in reality.

Men have never kept it a secret how proud they are to be male.

Ahhh I see. Youre either mentally incompetent, or a really shitty troll.

Ill be pinging you here often!

History is really inconvenient for men, isn't it.

It's not about brave heroic men, it's about vain thugs, rapists and thieves who robbed women of everything.

Men are sadistic at their very hearts if they owned one between them and collectively between them they have zero conscience.. there really is absolutely nothing there.

One should never underestimate the capacity of men to bond while the trauma of their victims are reduced down to background noise

Keep going

The Male prayer..

Let us all prey on women and girls

A men?

Just one more.

Only one, but I have only just started?

The first woman to attend a meeting of the Royal Society was Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle, in May 1667. There were protests from the all-male fellows – Pepys recorded the scandal – and the dangerous experiment was not repeated for another two hundred years.

What utter utter selfish fucking ugly cunts men were, utterly self absorbed in their macho hate filled Anti Female world.

Right chump!

Thank you!

Have a great weekend

you are welcome, anytime.

Don't forget to come back for round 2

and you enjoy your weekend!

Reading these things makes me feel horrible, especially since people act like it's funny and inconsequential. I wish women would engage in more terrorism to increase our status.

If you're trolling I really, really hate you. What kind of consequences would you expect if you constantly taunted an ethnic group in this way?

Why not quote all the laws that allowed men to beat and torture their wives at their own discretion in western countries into the 20th century?

Why not quote all the laws that allowed men to beat and torture their wives at their own discretion

One can't cover all of men's vile ugly history in one go you know?

What would men do if they weren't trying to topple each other from their shit pile?

To men who have only ever believed in competition and elitism, Equality is an alien concept they are totally unable to comprehend or fathom.

You really really realllllllyyyyyy need to get laid.

They say men ain't in touch with their feelings but that is completely untrue, its just that they all manifest in their knobs.

idk the weirdo formatting and randomly inserted all-caps laughing is giving me more of an "actual nutjob" vibe here. if it's a troll it's very well-executed

In contrast to her brother, who quarreled with their father and eventually disobeyed his wishes with respect to career path and choice of spouse, Marianne remained entirely subordinate to her father. She fell in love with Franz d'Ippold, who was a captain and private tutor, but was forced by her father to turn down his marriage proposal. Wolfgang attempted, in vain, to get Marianne to stand up for her own preference.

Maybe she should've been more like Mozart.

Yeah right, surrounded by those instilling in to her she and her sex were inferior, from the day she was born to the day she died.

Mozart and his sister enjoyed a pleasant childhood, indulging their musical creativity and creating their own childish kingdom. As Marie Annel and Wolfgang’s musical genius progressed into composition, her adoring younger brother greatly praised and encouraged her work. At a concert, when he announces that the piece he has just played was written by his sister, Leopold their father is incensed. He orders Marie Anne to never compose music again because in the 18th century, women did not become composers.

Thereafter, Leopold focused all his attentions on Mozart, not Marie Anne. He refused to allow her to study the violin and composition. Leopold announces Marie Anne must remain at home when he takes Wolfgang on tour and obliges her to give piano lessons to wealthy students to finance her brother’s Italian tour. Her dreams shattered, Marie Anne complies, but falls into a deep depression.

I bet she did in her anti female world.

Yeah right, surrounded by those instilling in to her she and her sex were inferior, from the day she was born to the day she died.

There are always people telling you that you were inferior. :/) Didn't you read the part where Mozart himself had to at one point fight with his father for his passion.It also didn't stop many women from accomplishing great feats.

In all honesty I am just baiting you but western women are one of the most privileged people in the world. You really shouldn't be acting this victimised.

I know exactly what you are saying

"You western women aren't oppressed, you got to Saudi Arabia and see how we men treat you there"

Western men tell us western women are privileged because they have their equal rights and they should get down on their bended knees and thank western men for not treating them like their bro's treat other women around the rest of world.. likes pieces of shit on their shoes

Yeah, western women have a lot to be grateful for and one of those things is feminism and all the women who fought for their equal rights.

Viva Feminism!

Western men tell us western women are privileged because they have their equal rights and they should get down on their bended knees and thank western men for not treating them like their bro's treat other women around the rest of world.. likes pieces of shit on their shoes

Not all of them are telling you to be grateful, many are telling you to stop still acting like victims and actually do focus on issues that matter.

The west has given the equality and more(imo) that all of you crave and so still complaining about men(in the West) calling them as a whole wolves and inventing ways to act oppressed is pretty sad.

Men never gave women equality, western men denied western women of equality for thousands of years and all western men did was return to women what they stole from them in the first place and not because they wanted to and they have only been returning it in dribs and drabs so far, bit by bit and reluctantly and we ain't no where near getting all of it back yet.

In the west, rape in marriage was not recognised as a crime until 1998 but in the rest of world it still isn't recognised as a crime ..

Men never gave women equality, western men denied western women their equality for thousands of years and all western men did was return to women what they stole from them in the first place and not because they wanted to and they have only been returning it in dribs and drabs so far, bit by bit and reluctantly and we ain't no where near getting all of it back yet.

I said the west has given you equality not men. Are you really that upset :^) that you're not even reading properly?

The west is merely a failed patriarchy.

Considering the level of success the west has compared to the rest of the world, I'd say they're doing a lot of things right.

You mean because of feminism? You might be right.

I would it's because of things like technological development, democracy, imperialism, and a whole bunch of factors.

I mean the west was ahead of the world even before the advent of feminism.

What world?

Where men cornered and caged women in?

Have men stopped doing that yet?

From your androcentric point of view the world was perfect, it was a male utopia and ran entirely by men to their own satisfaction and what satisfied men was to stifle and suffocate women, both physically and intellectually right across the globe.

Men's history is about a violent bunch of self righteous arrogant vain thugs and villains who spend their time trying to topple each other from their shit pile.

What world?

The rest of the world outside the west. The west was better than asia and Africa even before feminism.

Also better doesn't mean perfect. Learn to read.

That is from your androcentric point of view is it? lol

It was objectively better :^). Unless you consider dying in famine, disease without any access to the best medicine/doctors available at the time.

Well women were the first doctors, the first to discover medicines, they were the ones who developed language across the world but some how they got squeezed out and then confined to four walls.

So if women and their potential had been allowed to flourish the world would be far better than it is now.

Men stifled progress because they stifled and suffocated women physically and intellectually.

Men never made the world more they made it less, a lot less and denied women their history and their role models and that is unforgivable.

Well women were the first doctors, the first to discover medicines, they were the ones who developed language across the world but some how they got squeezed out and then confined to four walls.

Most of this is too broad and unproven.

Most of this is too broad, unproven and outright false.

Untrue, you really should pay more attention to anthropology.

Many of the oldest texts on medicine are by men for example.


How surprising is that because men wouldn't allow women to be authors, politicians, doctors. etc etc.

Untrue, you really should pay more attention to anthropology.

If it is then provide evidence. Many of anthropological claims are routinely debunked and a lot of them don't stand up to scientific scrutiny.

How surprising is that, is it because men wouldn't allow women to be authors, politicians, doctors. etc etc.

Basically you have evidence. I am talking about medical texts. So if women were the first to invent medicine then prove it.

There have been plenty of non medical texts by women from the same period. So it's not like women were prevented from writing about medicine.

You disprove it.?

Men barred women from being authors, composers, physicians, politicians, etc.

Men tried to erase women's contributions to der Male macho bullshit Kultures.

There have been plenty of non medical texts by women from the same period.

What period are you referring to?

As Marie Anne and Wolfgang’s musical genius progressed into composition, her adoring younger brother greatly praised and encouraged her work.

At a concert, when he announces that the piece he has just played was written by his sister, Leopold their father was incensed. He ordered Marie Anne to never compose music again because in the 18th century, women did not become composers.

Thereafter, Leopold focused all his attentions on Mozart, not Marie Anne. He refused to allow her to study the violin and composition. and all because she wasn't born male in an anti female world..

The male choir in a smug satisfaction of attempting to elevate their own significance, sing

"OMG why are there so few women composers compared to men? It's quite clear, you women just don't have the same abilities as men"

"But men denied women being composers!"

The male choir sing "Don't be ridiculous when did men ever do that? prove it, herp derp!"

Men's apartheid, where male bonding is at it's peak is when they are busy building up their own self esteem by trying to smash down women's.. and doing a merry tribal dance, penis back slapping each other, whilst howling at the moon.!

Same old, same old shit!

You disprove it.?

The burden of proof is on you. You're the one making the claim.

This science works. You claim that women invented language and medicine. You have to prove it.

We have proof of men practicing medicine as early as he Sumerian period.

If you can't

What period are you referring to?

The same time periods from which the oldest written records about medicine are found.

If you claim "X is true", that is a truth claim and requires proof/evidence/justification.

If you claim "X is not true" or "X is false", that is also a truth claim and also requires proof/evidence/justification.

Now if I show the evidence from anthropologists that what I claim is true. If you do not accept that as true then you will have to bring your own evidence to disprove their evidence..

You understand that don't you.

The same time periods from which the oldest written records about medicine are found.

That period you are referring to presumably is from ancient Greece, is that correct?

If you claim "X is not true" or "X is false", that is also a truth claim and also requires proof/evidence/justification.

It actually doesn't lmao. In science you don't have to prove a negative.

Saying you do not believe something that is nothing to do with the supernatural requires you to justify your disbelief with tangible evidence otherwise you are just giving an unqualified opinion and opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.

Which written language are you referring to

Saying you do not believe something that is nothing to do with the supernatural requires

Bullshit actually, something need not be supernatural for the concept "You don't have to prove a negative to apply".

Again Russel's teapot proves this. So the burden of proof lies with the person making the positive claim in this scenario.

I've also said I haven't made any negative claims as well which you conveniently ignore.

But let me guess you don't have any evidence for making the claim women invented medicine and language. You were lying and now that you've been exposed you're trying to weasel your way out.

Which written language are you referring to

Sumerian, Tamil, Sanskrit, etc....

Again Russell's teapot can only exist in the supernatural and cannot be proved one way or the other and that has zero to do with what we are talking about because their is quite solid evidence here on planet earth to confirm history and what happened in the past.

And re the languages you quote Sanskrit is deemed to be the oldest language and goes back as far as 7,000 to 8,000 years!

So now you will present me with evidence of the women authors and their works who wrote in those languages and that time to prove your case, won't you?

Again Russell's teapot can only exist in the supernatural and cannot be proved one way or the other and that has zero to do with what we are talking about because there is quite solid evidence here on planet earth to confirm history and what happened in the past.

Nope Russell's teapot is not supernatural. It's literally a fallacy based on a teapot in space. Nothing supernatural about it.

Also female Sumerian poet

Ancient Female writers in Sanskrit

Female Tamil poet/writers


Enheduanna (Sumerian: 𒂗𒃶𒁺𒀭𒈾, also transliterated as Enheduana, En-hedu-ana, or variants; fl. 23rd century BC) is the earliest known poet whose name has been recorded. She was the High Priestess of the goddess Inanna and the moon god Nanna (Sin). She lived in the Sumerian city-state of Ur.


Brahmavadini or "an expounder of the Veda" are those women who composed any hymns of the Vedas The prominent among them were Lopamudra, Vishwawara, Sikta, Ghosha and Maitreyi.

Maitreyi, (the wife of Yajnavalkya) is accredited with about ten hymns in Rig Veda

Two suktas (hymns) of the tenth Mandala (book) of Rigveda, 39 and 40, each containing 14 verses, have been attributed to Ghosha. The first hymn praises the Ashvins. The second hymn is a personal wish expressing her intimate feelings and desires for married life.


The Avvaiyars (Tamil: ஔவையார்; 'Respectable Women') was the title of more than one poet who was active during different periods of Tamil literature. The Avvaiyar were some of the most famous and important female poets of the Tamil canon. Abithana Chintamani states that there were three female poets titled Avvaiyar.

Among them, the first Avvaiyar lived during the Sangam period (c.

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It's literally an argument based on a teapot in space.

A teapot in space can only exist in the supernatural that is why it's author created the idea under the title.. "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."

And we are not in that realm and you dismissing evidence purely on the grounds you dislike it with out any evidence to back up your dismissal is totally unacceptable, so stop pissing about.

And although your links are very enlightening, it's only poetry and it's very similar to what happened in the west where women were strictly monitored by men and limited to what they were allowed to write and as long as stuck with the religious theme and didn't venture outside of that they were allowed a degree of space. Men really weren't interested in women's opinions outside of that and they were very careful to oversee what they wrote.

There have been plenty of non medical texts by women from the same >period. So it's not like women were prevented from writing about medicine.

So you have provided some poetry and hymns women wrote praising their gods but nothing showing women wrote anything about medicine.?

Of course you are not going to find what men would't allow to exist and that was women's knowledge, women weren't supposed to get above their station and their station was that of cornered slaves.

A teapot in space can only exist in the supernatural that is why it's author created the idea under the title..

Considering we've sent a car to space, a teapot in spcae certainly isn't supernatural

So you have provided some poetry and hymns written by women praising their gods but nothing showing women wrote anything about medicine.?

Which is what most men write at the time as well.

I think you lost track of what the argument was about, you claimed women weren't allowed to write about medicine because they weren't allowed to write at all which I disproved with evidence.

Oh Camille how wrong can you be? Women were the first to develop language across the world because they were the ones who spent hours of their lives with their children teaching them how to verbally communicate and women were the first to discover medicines, the first to create vegetable gardens, and they discovered how to make beer and they supplied 80% of all the food their tribes needed to survive.


Idk, some women like to get chained to their bed and pretend to be raped by their partner, of course including the use of a safeword so you don't accidentally go too far ... or so I have heard.

yeah right cos men can't tell when they have gone too far? and they cant tell the difference between images of women who have been raped and images of women in hard core porn because both images sexually excite them.. they are all a turn on for men, not a turn off.

Ever thought of being a dominatrix? You could literally get paid for beating the patriarchy.

There is very little that doesn't get men sexually excited and infamous for having fetishes galore.

You know when men have a fetish to dress up in servant girls outfits and pay to put themselves in the position to be abused both verbally and physically by some woman dominatrix is that due to the fact those men see servants girls as slaves and so imagining themselves in that position is a sexual turn on for them

Most men have to find women who will help them to realise their particular fetish, what ever that fetish may be and most men have to pay women because it's not women who have the fetish and they wouldn't help those men for free because there is nothing in it for them, sexual or otherwise.

Men putting themselves in a position they recognise as a demeaning position for women to be in and getting sexually off on it, and expecting women to help them achieve it, is nothing but pure misogyny and hypocrisy.

Those women who are supposedly dominatrix's only do it for the money, not for the love of men.

There is very little that doesn't get men sexually excited and men are infamous for having fetishes galore.

So true. Some degenerates think they are literal women.

there is no point telling an anorexic that they are not fat because they mentally cannot see it but they are not degenerates, they are just people who unable to accept the reality that is obvious to everyone else.

Welcome to r/Drama!

I hope that person gets modded.

Ok you got me, whose alt is this?

God I hope /u/deepdickedhillybilly has returned.

Women don't have rape fetishes as one of their most fears is being raped.

Rape is like the no. 1 fetish for both men and women.

A study of college-age women in 1998 found over half had engaged in fantasies of rape or coercion which, another study claims, are within the normal range of female sexuality.

This isn't the Victorian era anymore, sweaty.

Rape fantasy

A rape fantasy (sometimes rape play) or a ravishment is a sexual fantasy involving imagining or pretending being coerced or coercing another into sexual activity. In sexual roleplay, it involves acting out roles of coercive sex. Rape pornography is literature or images associated with rape as a means of sexual arousal.

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lol do some googling, it's like one of the top 3 most common fetishes.

you've just been outed as a man LARPing as a feminist trollx land whale.

nice try buddy.

Don't know why you need to show you are thicker than whale sperm? But please do carry on.

So because your here could you explain to me why you feminists fucking hate tomboys so much does it have something to do with hating "assimilation" or some shit like that?

Why are you making stuff up?

Oh yeah, now I remember because cos that's what you usually do.!

Look i'm just calling like i've seen it my life. So are you gonna answer or keep ignoring it?

It is natural for women to feel shame, though.

I really love how they lose there shit over "i'm one of the guys" like any opportunity to shit on tomboys the feminists take it.

I really love how they lose there shit over "i'm one of the guys" like any opportunity to shit on tomboys the feminists take it.

/u/WotNoKetchup is just mad that women with IQs greater than their shoe size have accepted facts.

Shoot, even stupid sluts have figured it out.

You see, men like to refer to women as sluts and whores because mentally they want to separate themselves from women and then imagine themselves sitting on some imaginary pedestals looking down on women and sneering at jeering at them.

Men enjoy having lots of sex with lots of different partners and see it as an achievement and their bro's pat them on their back, high fiving them and congratulating them and building up their self esteem..

but these same men will never pat women on the back who do exactly the same as men.. No, those men will call those women sluts and whores to demolish their self image, their self confidence and self esteem..

and that is what men see as as a victory, annihilating the image of women to build up the significance of their own

It's the double standard in men's apartheid, they don't want equality, they want a win.

u/WotNoKetchup Clement of Alexandria was just trolling and trying to get a reaction from the pagans most of the time. Don't take him too seriously.

The person you are speaking to is probably mentally ill.

Explains a lot about trollx

She is probability busy battling Crypto-hate over at /r/drama right now.

True story.