Welcome to troll town! Today’s troll council: slap fight on trans and if cis is a slur against natal women. Gay men every sigh thankfully.

7  2018-03-22 by Dontfuqfatties


And while everyone is entitled to their opinion, not all opinions are equal. Some are supported by reality, others are not.

This from a trans ((((woman)))). This is art ladies and gentlemen.

🚨/u/pro_skub_neutrality we summon you once again.🚨

I for one cant get enough of you!!!😘

Holy shit his posts.

Yah its pretty insane

Just like how black people using the same restroom as white people made white people uncomfortable.

Hmm, that sounds familiar... It's almost like how trans people using the same restroom as cis people make some cis people uncomfortable, so obviously trans people need to be controlled to keep the cis people comfortable. What? No, that's not bigotry, you're bigotry!

This guy compares a women's desire to not share a bathroom with him to racism and the rest of his comment history is complaining about misogyny.


Its gold Jerry! Gold.

/u/WotNoKetchup do you think think terf is a slur as well

Of course and it is totally wrong, it should really be Merf.. Male Exclusionary radical Feminists.

So correct your language now and stop maligning natal women.