We're getting the nudes, guys

44  2018-03-23 by Matues49


There's going to be erotic copypastas describing what happened inside of the tapes/photos for decades to come. It could very well manifest into something as infamous as "Yeah, she does it for me", or perhaps, with a stroke of brilliantly disgusting imagination, something as disgusting as the Anne Franke copypasta.

What's the Anne Frank copypasta?

I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.

I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.

Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.

Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.

You dream of the beautiful face you have found in this place. So soft and sweet.

One day you will both die and your ashes will fly from an aeroplane over the sea. But for now you are young and all you want is lay in the sun, and count every beautiful thing you can see. Love to be in the arms of all you’re keeping here with you.

What a beautiful dream that could flash on the screen in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, you awaken from your slumber to the sound of a bloodcurdling scream. You open your eyes to darkness, it takes a split second for your vision to readjust. You feel lonely and cold. Another shriek knocks you back into reality. Anne sitting next to you, clutching her belly, face contorted from pain. A foul smelling fluid lies pooled on the floor around her mid-section. Your hot dirty fuckfest has brought on labor. she cries your name, begging for help, begging for you. The noise. She’s louder than a line of Louisiana Tigers giving the Rebel Yell right now. You raise your finger to your lips to tell her to be quiet. But the agony is too much for her to bear. You’ve got to do something or else it will awaken the entire neighborhood and with it, the Nazis. Suddenly you remember the bulge in your pants. You’ve got morning wood. It’s not the best gag, but it will have to do. You stand up, squat like a slav, using her belly as an impromptu stool, grab your still cum-crusted cock, and shove it right inside her mouth. At first, she tries to scream even louder in surprise, but your circumcised 100% Kosher dong blocks her windpipe, reducing her screams to a barely audible gurgle. Suffering from unbearable pain, she bites down on her your meat with each contraction. Now you’e in pain too. With each contraction, she bites down harder, it feels like she’s gonna tear your cock right off. Eventually, the pain subsides for her and she doesn’t bite down as much. Now it seems almost as if she’s starting to enjoy it. You can feel your child kick on your testicles. Clearly it’s excited too. Suddenly, your cock starts to shake like a V-2 again, you pull it out of her mouth just in time. You bust your steaming hot and sticky load, blanketing her like an incendiary carpetbombing of Dresden. Semen stains her mountaintops (all three of them), along with her hair and most of her face. She quietly giggles from the ironic amusement of it all. You giggle too.

Then a look of sharp pain shoot across her face. She’s having your baby. You wish you could bear all the pain for her, but all you can do is sit and watch. You look down at her vulva, still oozing with cum from that great fucking you gave her a few hours ago. You can see a head of black hair poking out. You fear that she’s gonna start screaming again, much to your relief, it seems that she’s gotten better control of the pain, thanks to you. She begins to softly moan, it seems as if instead of experiencing excruciating agony, she’s experiencing an orgasm. You can’t help but grin as she keeps pushing. As more of the head becomes visible, her moaning intensifies. Finally a small head emerges from her vagina. You can see a face wrapped in an umbilical cord. A small pair of hands grab the head, she weakly tries to pull the head out. You put your hands around the head and begin to help her pull. Desperately, she goes into the next contraction with all of her energy, and pushed with everything inside of her. She feels everything. She feels shoulders and hips and feet all slide down inside of her and pop out in one long push, with a rush of fluid behind it, and it feels amazing. She throws her head back with a rip-roaring orgasm that penetrates the very heart of her soul.

You look at the newborn now lying on the floor and see that it is a boy. You have a son. Perfect, perfect in every way. He begins to stir and you realize he’s about to cry. After all that’s happened, you don’t to given away to the Germans from the wails of a newborn. You gently lift him up and place him on Anne’s semen stained mountaintops. The baby quickly finds the breast is soon sucking happily. Semen, blood, amniotic fluid, breastmilk all mix and fill the air with a strange scent that while repulsive, is also extremely arousing. You can’t resist the urge anymore. Your mouth land on top of Anne’s opposite breast, sucking first your own cum, but then her tasty milk. You look into her eyes, she’s somewhat annoyed, but too exhaust to really care. A gust of wind coming from a hole in the wall blows through, cooling both of your sweat-drenched bodies, but also disturbing the little one. You’re afraid he’ll start shivering. You look around the dusty attic for something to keep the baby warm. You settle on Anne’s fur winter jacket, having sat unused for the past two years. You know Anne will definitely not be happy that you ruined her favorite coat, but it’s for the best. She hasn’t been able to fit in it for the past nine months anyway. You carefully wrap your little one in the coat and hand him to an exhausted Anne, she continues to quietly feed him. You notice the dead silence for the first time, not even the other occupants of the Annex, mere feet away in the next room, were roused. You feel a sense of relief. You’re safe, for the moment at least. Eventually you curl up next to her quietly and begin to doze off. Your secret sleeps in winter clothes. Tomorrow, you can find a way to explain the night’s events to your parents and hope they don’t kill each other. You can somehow find a way to get your little bundle of joy to safety. But tonight, you just rest, your first night as a family.

Oh god, just thinking about this is making me rock hard. The hardest I’ve ever gotten. Oh, I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna-

cums in diary

Okay, well, what's "Yeah, she does it for me"?

I see Amy Schumer as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Amy Schumer is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Amy Schumer does it for me.


I'll believe it when the sex tape drops. Going to order a pizza (not with little pizzas), going to dim the lights, and enjoy a night of watching the best porn movie ever made. Maybe even make a bingo out of it.

I think I like Trump now

Really, now I want this to be true. If this is the story the public will insist we get rid of the 22nd Amendment and make President Tiny Pizzas our first President-for-Life.

Wtf I relate to this

Presidential bussy!

pays hush hush money to pornstar




Keep stringing us alog! You clearly don’t have anything!

I have a strong feeling that all this is going to end up with me drinking a bottle of bleach because nothing else would be able to remove the image of Daddy's nudes from my brain.

This is yet another cunning Trump plot. After all the jokes about his tiny hands, he wants whatever tapes of him boning porn stars exist leaked to the public so everyone can see him wearing a Magnum condom on his monster dong.

She can't release nudes. This is 2018 and we have revenge porn laws. Plus nobody would believe they were real anyway. If they can make up a convincing Obama birth certificate that fools everyone then someone can photoshop Trump's head on Ron Jeremy while he's banging that pornstar.

I'm wondering if you believe the birth cert is fake? For reals though?

The obama supporting forensics expert in Hawaii hired for the year long investigation concluded it was fake. He has a personal website detailing how he's an Obama supporter yet through his professional dedication still had to affirm that the copy he was given of the cert is a forgery. So the question is, do you believe it is fake or do you think you know more than an expert who begrudgingly admitted it was fake?

citation needed.

So are you a troll or do you actually believe your link means anything at all? You realize that it contains no evidence, and even says he never examined the document the White House released, only the file sent to him via some guy.

So you know more than him yes or no? I gave the link, now it's your turn to answer my question you dodged twice.

...there was no evidence, and he didn't even examine it. Thus you don't even have an example of a guy who examined it.

Thusly, you're a confirmed moron.

Don't get so triggered. I asked a very simple question and you avoided it like the plague. If you don't want to answer it then piss off.

You asked a question based off a lie, and I just exposed your lie, dude.

It's so difficult for you to do this isn't it? You must have an allergic reaction to answering simple questions. Either answer the question or piss off.

question is, do you believe it is fake or do you think you know more than an expert who begrudgingly admitted it was fake?

I know it isn't fake, or at least there is no evidence it's fake. Because this line of yours:

an expert who begrudgingly admitted it was fake

..is a blatant lie.

Cool. So you think you know more than a forensics expert. That's all I wanted to know. None of those are lies btw. I even gave a link you asked for that shows the 1st and 2nd are true. You can disagree with them, but the statements are not lies. They are truthful statements as written.

That's the best part, your link did not back you up at all, which might be worse than no link at all.

Perhaps you should carefully reread it, and then quote the part that says it's a forgery.

so we need evidence to prove it's fake since we can't take his word for it, but no evidence is needed to prove it's true, just take their word for it. K

Occam's razor says it's likely a real certificate, and you've been caught lying multiple times about what the forensics guy said.

Lying? Surely you jest. I did not misrepresent anything he said or lie about anything.

Making up a document because you can't find the real one is an equally simplistic scenario. It's less likely to lose a document vs having it, but Occam's razor deals with complexity not likelihood. Even if the document is fake it does not mean Obama was not born in Hawaii, which would be a less simplistic and more complex scenario/theory. It just means the document is fake. Occam's razor doesn't apply if we're just talking about the cert.

You said he was 'forced to admit it was a forgery' which did not happen in your link. You lied.

do you think you know more than an expert who begrudgingly admitted it was fake

I need you to find a dictionary and look up the word "begrudge" and then think about what you just said.

My point was he never said it was fake, or a forgery. That was your lie.

You should have just stuck with not knowing what begrudge means because this is way worse.....in his statement he said it was so obviously full of discrepancies that he wondered if it was intentionally faked as an impeachment tool. That is in fact a statement it is forged. Maybe in your world if you make extreme ontologically absolute statements like that it somehow doesn't count. Like maybe saying "he's obviously been shot in the back of the head by a paid assassin while he was asleep" is somehow not a statement that a homicide occurred in your mind. But reality doesn't work that way. It was a statement that he believes it was forged. No irrelevant "gotcha" because he didn't say the explicit verbatim words "I think it's fake" changes that.

He makes the white-washing disclaimer that he can't be certain as to the original copy since he only viewed a pdf, but if you reread my original statement I was only referring to the copy he was given. Ergo, I did not lie.

First off, he never examined the document released by the White House. That immediately renders his entire investigation irrelevant.

full of discrepancies

This does not equal a forgery, as stated by the man himself. Plus he never stated what he thought was 'suspicious' about it. The only detail Arpaio released afterwards was immediately debunked. Thus, it's logical to conclude the guy never actually had anything juicy, or you know that old moron Arpaio would have released it. The fact you still believe the original document is fake as well allows me to conclude you, also, are a moron.

First off, he never examined the document released by the White House. That immediately renders his entire investigation irrelevant.

You must have skipped the very first post I made where I said it was his copy that he concluded was fake, ie the copy released by the WH to the public.

This does not equal a forgery, as stated by the man himself.

I can't decide if your illiteracy matches your idiocy. I word for word said he was not referencing the PDF he looked at when claimed it's uncertain if "it" is a forgery, meaning the original copy. He admitted the copy he looked at was a forgery. You either have the attention span of a goldfish and forgot I said this or you stopped reading halfway through what I said. I'm sure it's a combination of the two.

Thus, it's logical to conclude the guy never actually had anything juicy

You lost the benefit of the doubt in matters relating to logic when you showed you don't understand Occam's razor and just arbitrarily say it applies. And again your belief's entire foundation boils down to "evidence is needed by thee but not for me"

it was his copy that he concluded was fake,

Nope, he didn't even conclude that copy was fake. He said it was suspicious and problematic, but never explained why.

He admitted the copy he looked at was a forgery.

No, he did not. He said it had 'blatant oddities,' but that doesn't mean it was fake or a forgery, even it was the copy released by the White House. The only detail we got from that examination was also debunked, so I expect he was misinformed.

Finally, your explanation of Occam's Razor was so hilariously wrong I didn't even bother with it, since you still are lying about the guy saying anything he examined was a 'forgery.'

Nope, he didn't even conclude that copy was fake. He said it was suspicious and problematic, but never explained why. No, he did not. He said it had 'blatant oddities,' but that doesn't mean it was fake or a forgery, even it was the copy released by the White House. The only detail we got from that examination was also debunked, so I suspect he was misinformed.

Why are you starting back at square 1 and mindlessly repeating what you said when I already explained to you why you're wrong? It's just going in circles. He says it's a forgery. Address my other points above regarding why you're confused as to it being a forgery, or shut up/stop replying.

Finally, your explanation of Occam's Razor was so hilariously wrong I didn't even bother with it, since you still are lying about the guy saying anything he examined was a 'forgery.'

Cute. Does it deal with probability or simplicity? You guessed wrong the first time so try again. It's 50/50 so even you might have a shot of getting this right the second time.