45  2018-03-23 by Yakubs_Creation


By the age of 18, Yakub graduated from the colleges and universities of his nation. 20 miles outside of present day Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Yakub began to teach his doctrine called, “Tricknology”. His Holy book was called, The Book of Tricknology of 120°. He told his followers if they follow his doctrine, they could rule the world for 6,000 years and make slaves of everyone else. Yakub’s large following and teachings began to intimate the King of his nation, so he was put in jail.

Yakub and the King made a deal while he was in jail. The deal was for the King to give him and his followers everything they needed to start their own civilization and leave their current land. Yakub and his 59,999 followers moved to the island Patmos in the Aegean Sea. There he formed his government headed with a nurse, doctor, priest and cremator.

How deep down the rabbit hole are you willing to go? The black devils have been pulling the wool over our eyes for TOO LONG! Expand your mind, learn the secrets of tricknology.

began to intimate the King of his nation

the king wanted Yakub's bussy

Curse be yakub and his creations!

big if true

I would really like to see what the text next to his dick says

The image on the right is not Yakub, that's Yashmal. Get your fucking facts straight, mayo.

I didn't make this picture I stole it from the tribal descendants of Yakub. His horrific visage is properly displayed in my profile so ALL can know the truth.

The Virgin Cracker vs. the Chad Hotep

The one on the left looks straight out of a virgin vs Chad meme

The Virgin Yakubian vs. The Chad Hotep