The year is 1996, and people are arguing over whether or not female ejaculate is pee pee.

203  2018-03-23 by snallygaster


Pee is stored in the balls (ovaries)


Oh my god why and I still alive?

I was just starting college in 1996.

Had my first Usenet account in 1992.

I was about three years ahead of you for college. Our time is up I’m afraid. Time to wander into the wilderness at let nature take it’s course.

No way. 40 is the new 20.

Close enough. Dr Kevorkian....’s successor, take me away!

get the fuck out you old pieces of shit. Seriously, /r/drama is for late teens and early 20's

Son, I'll be the grandfather figure you never had

I'll get the lube.

Molest me grand daddy <3


I started college in 1985. Suck my grey haired, yet very feminine, ballsack.

Good, I'm planning to move to SE Asia in the next few months. I'm tired of this fucking snow.

I like your plan better.

When this forum post began I hadn't been born yet, but I was born midway through.

I was just starting grade school in 96.

Im not the oldest dramatard!!


Not by a long shot young buck

Oh God... facepalm

you're on fire

no u


Yes, its urine.

Repressed watersports enthusiasts

Sad, smh


oh look, a frigid woman who’s upset she can’t piss herself achieve the ultimate orgasm

Your mom orgasmed when you came out of her vagina. The slut!! 😤😤😤

Right?! Rumor has it that Whore even had an anal orgasm all over the bed.


pls don’t birth shame homo sapiens

Dude piss lmao

It's obviously pee and this conversation gets old but is never ending.

The stuff that soaks your undies after you cum is not pee, the stuff that gushes out in porno films/by women who have seen these films and immitate it is. However a lot of this is to do with a urination fetish and some women getting off on pretending they can't help it.

No one talking about squirting is ever talking about normal female turned on wetness but orgasm incontinence.

I'm talking about normal female ejaculate that comes from orgasm.

Where does it come from anatomically?

Some of it comes from the skene's gland, located at the end of the urethra (not the bladder) and some comes from the vagina (that's the blood plasma with no red blood cells in it, which is actually what natural lubrication is).

Yea that's what I figured and that's just sloppy wetness not a real ejaculate.

No it is ejaculate, there is white stuff in it only after orgasm

Lol, no. If there is "white stuff" and its no my wife stuff its basically froth from all that hard loving.

The white "stuff" is froth, ie air bubbles.

Are you seriously trying to imply women ejaculate semen? lmao.

this comment is transphobic


The butt.

umm, women don't "ejaculate" you retard.

I swear to God everytime I think /r/Tendies is the most fucked place on Reddit you tards have to one up them.

how do you find something like this. I was like 3 when this happened

Do you piss when you cum?

Don't be too surprised if a doctor is unaware of these glands. Women and their anatomy is infamous for getting lost in the cracks

Back in the 90's we still hadn't seen a fully nude woman yet, ergo we still had some things to discover.

I still haven’t. 🤔

You don't watch porn?

those aren't real women, but post op trannies. it's a deep conspiracy, look it up on youtube. also most female celebs are trannies, like gal gadot, 0 hips, no tits, man jaw. most porn stars look like little boys with no hips, they are trans.

back in the 90s they were women, now the jewish agenda have you all jerking off to post op trannies and you don't even know it.

I want to believe this post wasnt ironic

i'm LARPing but there is a sub on reddit that believes this, and youtube videos where everyone in the comments believes it, it's a real theory.

What sub believes that? I like reading crazy people from time to time.

i cant' remember the sub, there was a drama post about something that linked to it and that is where i read all that shit.

something like transpiracy maybe?

You don't like tranny's? You don't wanna suck some tranny lolly?

I'd have gone with "lost in the folds" myself.

It just takes so long to download the bottom half of the picture on a dial up modem. We’ll be long finished before we even get there.

This guy modulates and demodulates.

Yeah, I never made it past the navel on one of those old screech-boxes, probably why I turned into a degenerate.

Well it took like five minutes for a 200 kb JPEG to load and then you got a phone call right as you were getting to the good bits.

I was only looking at real estate information


So do you.

Some things don't change

Let me warn you: it's gonna get wet and juicy today. Yet there is nothing to fear. On the contrary female ejaculation is an incredibly empowering feeling. Sometimes it is referred to as squirting or gushing. In tantra it is referred to as kalas, which indicate the esoteric nature of this phenomena and its connection with the cycles and the moon. My favorite one is a beautiful word for it amrita, which means "divine nectar." Are you getting the feel of it? Mmm...

It's SO not pee. Here's a study that proves it: first of all, the smell is different. Female ejaculation smells wonderfully. It tastes really good too. The amounts of the liquid vary from woman to woman and from day to day. I know from my own experience - sometimes I will trickle a few drops, and other times the amount can be significant. These large amounts are truly amazing. And doctors won't give you an explanation to why it happens. Medicine accepts that some liquid can come from the Skene's gland, that's what female ejaculation is for them. But the abundant fluids cannot be explained by conventional medicine.

Here's a hint: female ejaculation is a MYSTICAL experience. It is directly related with your connection with the cycles of the Moon. If you pay attention you will notice that on some days of the month squirting is easier than on others. Tantra says that the ability to produce kalas is a woman's step into paranormal powers. It is the physical manifestation of sexual energy. How cool is that? AND YOU CAN DO THAT TOO.

The liquid is very precious. It has lots of healing properties, the results of which I have witnessed many times. Tantric people try not to waste a drop of it; they will drink it and rub it on the skin. It feels and tastes beautifully.

why are people like this

Here's the thing. You said "squirting is pee."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a pervert who studies female ejaculation, I am telling you, specifically, in fetishes, no one calls ejaculation pee. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "pee family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of urea, which includes things from wee to whiz to piss.

So your reasoning for calling squirting pee is because random people "call the yellow stuff pee?" Let's get lemonade and Mellow Yellow in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone kinky or a watersports enthusiast? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A watersports-lover is a kinkster and a member of the BDSM family. But that's not what you said. You said squirting is pee, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the fetish family watersports, which means you'd call blumpkins, clop-porn, and other kinks watersports, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

It's piss. Nice pasta.

Doesn't it come from there bladder?


And it's chemically identical to pee...

Sweat is chemically identical to pee as well. Athletes aren't covered in piss after hours of playing are they?

This would technically turn any sport into a watersport.

How exactly is sweat chemically identical to pee?

Oh wait, it's not.

Sweat contains water, as well as trace amounts of minerals, lactic acid, and urea. Guess what's in your piss?

Also if you have a UTI one of the ways to tell is finding lactic acid in your urine.

Concentrations matter, they may share SOME chemicals in different concentrations, but the chemical composition is most certainly NOT the same.

kidneys filter out many more things that what sweat does. you're really dumb and probably never took an anatomy class.

1) Is it really, though?

2) Does sweat come from the bladder?

1) See below. 2) Of course not, I'm talking about composition though.

Just like seminal fluid or vaginal discharge is pretty close to boogers but people are fine swallowing them. Human bodies are gross and it's best to just open your mouth and not think about it.

1) Nah.

2) Well I wasn't.

I don't think it's icky. Have your fun; I sure do.

pee comes from the balls, sweat comes from lots of little balls

sweat isn't chemically identical to pee. god i hope you're trolling.

Mostly, it's /r/drama after all.

Sweat is chemically identical to pee as well.

So you're saying when I sweat it's really a bunch of tiny penises under my skin that pee out through sweat pores?

Yes, but pee is stored in the balls, which in a lady is the ovaries

Just because they don't call it piss doesn't make it piss. It's cool, you're into watersports, no one cares, just don't pretend it isn't pee.

/u/urinidan is that you?

Werid how all of these people must be old by now.

Can confirm, am 42.

Same. Look upon us and despair Freaky.

ITT: more arguing over whether it's pee or not.

It's not. It's urine

Spoiler: it's pee

all ejaculate is mostly pee

Wow, look at all the progress we’ve made.

this requires an expert taste tester.


Great Debate of smut connoisseurs:


Pee is stored in the clit

I had a pal in uni who genuinely believed that piss was stored in men's balls until we told her the truth on her 21st birthday. Apparently she giggled with friends through all of her sex ed classes.

What "truth"?

That's even giggling through biology classes.

yeah, idk what was up with that. She was a great student with a stellar pedigree too. Just a massive ditz.

It is now 2018. Why are we raising things back from the dead?

I'm a necromancer.

It's glue.

It's no penthouse forum but you came through!

I tried!

My man!

Lmao it's urine.

I am glad to have inspired Snally's latest throwback post

You cannot have an ejaculation without an orgasm, and my broad personal experience has taught me that the female orgasm is a liberal feminazi myth.

The simple answer is that female ejaculate is not pee pee because female ejaculation is not possible.


Wut? There was Internet in 1996?


Who cares? Either way it's fucking hot. Kudos to the women who can do it.