An incel fantasizes about converting a Muslim with his sex.

13  2018-03-23 by ztoundas


the_doofus is really just /r/braincels who are deluded about their value

/u/bigshawn9999 did you know that having a lot of chromosomes is not a good thing??


Look how pathetic and lonely that retard is. "Bye golly i up den predicted dis outcome you see! Na i gonna yank one tinking about her lips around muh teenie weenie"

I bet he's still in highschool and unironically thinks he's woke af

I mean shit, he believes this dumbass post, seems highly likely his brain is not fully developed. Although does it ever really develop in redneck trash?

they're like the Middle East of America lol

Bombshell if true. Also commenters are being shadowbanned here.

Not just any muslim, though, this is /r/Huma

/u/bigshawn9999 how do you feel about the fact that the opposite happens with whhhite womenz

/u/bigshawn9999, feel free to join us at /r/Huma! You’re gonna have to get in line though because I have first dibs.