u/normie_girl requested a Grande "Male Tears" Frappucino at Starbucks. They told her they had no idea what that was--and this is what happened next

70  2018-03-23 by Starship_Litterbox_B


Whats this from? Also you should've thrown in something about Destiny being a pedo in the title.

It's not pedophilia if you have a man's head on a child's body. Bigot.

France hostage situation

Unless they have a replica of San Francisco in France somewhere...I'm gonna have to disagree.

For real tho, the heck is this?

Yea, found that same link pretty easy.

dhak! dhak! dhak! dhak! dhuck! dhuck! dhuck! dhadak! dhadak!

dhak! dhak! dhak! dhak! dhuck! dhuck! dhuck! dhadak! dhadak!


Why he drumming at me tho


This sub is weird as shit.

Im gonna go back to lurking now.

Kill yourself, cracker.

Le Drumph


Women don't have penises.

Clearly you've never been to Thailand.

Islam is cancer

Clearly you've never been to Thailand.




Le ebin trole xD


Sn *Fran**cisco

Keep up plebbit.

I've made a horrible mistake.

The internet is conspiring against me.

They both share a c, but you didn't bold it? Next level retardation.

Thats in san francisco, whatever the hell it is

that neighborhood is pretty hood tbh

Yep. It'll probably be the last neighborhood to gentrify.

More cinematic version: https://streamable.com/m3267

Better version, honestly

Nah, that's clearly u/The_Rachel

This is the most cinematic scene that will ever be captured in cell phone portrait.

Seriously, that's one hell of a tracking shot

Legit thought it was part of a film at first.






California truly is a liberal shithole lol.

Jesus man literally half your history is you saying "Surely this will finally be the end of Drumpf."

Do you genuinely enjoy that? Or is it just the Fentanyl talking.

Please stay on topic.

liberal shithole
has a GDP per capita higher than Norway


And yet their debt is exponentially increasing

You have to look at the successful conservative states like Alabama or Kentucky to understand why Cali is a shit hole

(Texas doesn't count, they'd be bankrupt if they didn't have oil, no amount of conservative economics can fuck that up)

successful conservative states like Alabama or Kentucky,

Is this satire or are you retarded?

I hope it was satire

I don't care if people in Cali are liberals. I care that they say are liberals and do the exact opposite of what liberals say they are.

I was at a Starbucks in cali and some man yanked a chair from my table just as I went to sit because he had to have THAT chair out of all the other chairs. He made a woman fall flat on her ass. Isn't that sexism to them or something?

Also this isn't the only example. I can give you multitudes of examples of people in California being assholes (no offense if you are one of the only 5 people in California that lacks douchiness).


RIP that cop's leg

I am not a lolcow

I'm a human being