Some sexy Anarchist fan fiction

8  2018-03-23 by Wild_Hunt



Nigga using VLC player to fight off fascists fuckifng lmaooo

VLC's inability to place x265 HEVC files like any decent player should be able to



Meme ideology lol.ogg

You honestly cant make this stuff up

Looks about right to me. Not sure why an anarchist would show themselves like that, though.

Sticking your hand through bike spokes like that seems like a good way to break your wrist. Of course, maybe the artist is just retarded.

why are they wearing thongs ?

I think it's jockstraps actually, and I can't answer that question. Maybe they are gonna go play some rugby after?

It was made by people making fun of antifa. I can't figure out why they have PIG written on them. Why does the back of one of the officers' helmet's look like bad Celtic cross and why is that Parteiadler above a W?

Looks very accurate to me. Four poorly armed losers/drug addicts about to get their shit kicked in for a shitty and unproductive cause.

Lol the anarchists are too pussy to comment here, and instead only downvote

sexy Anarchist fan

Fan that unwashed armpit toward my face, baby, yeah

/u/S-lick Looks very accurate to me. Four poorly armed losers/drug addicts about to get their shit kicked in for a shitty and unproductive cause.

I like the bit where they’re being closed in on about to meet their maker.

/u/S-lick when larping in the streets how effective is cone-fu? I hear they are weapons of mass destruction when placed in the right hands.


Antifa and left militants should use police tactics and strategies to fight against cops. Fight fire with fire.

But that would require a bunch of bored college anatchists to do shit like train and workout, which will never happen.


've used my bike like that against cops. They eventually snatched it from me but before that comrades came to my aid. We all had one hell of a tug of war with my bike! The cops obviously had to cheat & clubbed me up a bit to get the bike. Guess the cops didn't really even want my bike they just left it behind after they vanished back to their holes.



I do not like this.

Is it because fighting the police is stupid and ineffective?

They're obviously outnumbered and should be like 50 comrades coming in smashing on the Fash

Guess not

Comrades in the center should be smashing with bats as well.

Bringing a bat to a riot is part of "How to get pepper sprayed and then clubbed" 101