Why "questionable" subs got banned:

8  2018-03-23 by Ellavadr

Get ready guys. Reddits about to get as shitty as Facebook and Snapchat. I think they're getting rid of all their advertiser un-friendly content, so companies can run a shit ton of ads to make money. Reddit gold barely scraped through the goal every day, and they're probably running out of ideas. reddits slowly going to make sure all the questionable shit is gone. Sad to see a website with one of the biggest platforms for real content shit the pan. Farewell, Reddit.


/r/Escort_Service/ is still rocking and rolling, don't worry

Who fucking cares, Reddit sucks. Social media sucks.

Can't share my memes at work... šŸ˜’

Depressed because no one wants to follow you?

I am an Afrikan warlord who has literally never masturbated in my entire life, and impregnated several woman of all races. You are some pasty child who rubs his weewee to sexualized fictional characters on a screen. I am superior to you in every way pussy ass nigga.

hleka kakhulu

Hakuna Matata

No form of social media was ever good, pining for the good old days is dumb.

r/Pegging still exists. There is hope.

Sad to see a website with one of the biggest platforms for real content shit the pan.

How many pills was your mom taking when she queefed you out, OP?

What the fuck are you talking about, you inbred?

Iā€™m from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all