Reasons why r/drama sucks so much these days!! #5 may ⚡️️SHOCK⚡️️you!!

7  2018-03-23 by Ed_ButteredToast


These are only 3 links tho 😒

not realizing that all "links" are one and the same

not realizing that these aren't numbered/bullet points reasons

I have never been this disappointed in you ☹️️🙄

Oh shit! 😥😥

Ed I don't want it to seem like I'm dick riding but I legitimately did not enjoy r/drama when you were gone.

Keep up making folks bussy blasted and posting dank emojis.


We do have dick saddles, though, if you want to give it a try.

As long as said dick is modelled on u/Ed_ButteredToast 😩

Reasons why r/drama doesn't suck:

a) taytay posts ....................

add more

Tay Tay is a basic bitch mayo.

pls stop being so rood :(

Ed, why this sub started to hate baby animal posts?

TayTay posts >>>>>>>> any other form of shitposts

I'm sorry Ed, it's just true. At least worship a mayo with some TNA.

Not too thick though...don't want any r/fatpussies posters being showcased.

don't want any r/fatpussies posters being showcased.

lololo but plsssss make an exception for our Queen!! (◕‿◕✿)

Which queen?

TayTay 🙏

Lol I thought you were saying Tay Tay had a fat pussy at first.

And okay, post Tay Tay to your heart's content.

I thought you were saying Tay Tay had a fat pussy at first.


Is that real laughter or derisory laughter?

it would be real if i weren't drinking juice atm

I've learned to be afraid of Ed when he's like this. He's utterly ruthless with his downvotes. It's just not worth the risk.

Nah, Ed and I are tight. We'd never downvote each other.



Wow rood wtf!!?? You're in the neon green region with me on RES and I most use the Reddit app :(((((

One time I disagreed with you about something or other and you gave me the ol' downsnozzle though. It was pretty traumatic. But you'll always be in my neon green bb.


It's okay. We'll get family counseling or something and get through this.


b) drama

Post ironic.

Post bussy.

/u/TherapyForTheRapy every post I see of yours here is bitching that /r/drama sucks. You are aware you don't have to come here, right?

yo, sorry one side is far less popular. What do you expect? We can still fight, tho. Just don't leave.