Moderators at WatchPeopleDie "keeping you up do date" on back-room bitching, fighting and cat-scratching. User base generally don't give a fuck: more interested in seeing more people being cut in half by trains...

10  2018-03-23 by mohkohnsepicgun

Remember how r/WatchPeopleDie was going to get b&? Well the mod who announced this (along with how proud he was of rustling up a pizza with "extra salty sauce"), probably while drunk has been removed from the mod list for some reason contained in these cryptic messages:

Something about him trying to get WPD benned for some reason possibly to do with autism.

Hey check it out, Mr. "How come you want to stop me watching a man bleed to death from a brain injury but you won't ban Da DUMPFH???!?"

Meanwhile, on another thread, users downvote someone who doesn't like watching children get killed.

Oh yes, and apparently I'm "a fruitloop who pesters them in modmail over the years". And could someone explain to me what the joke is cos I really don't get it?


I still want to know what the joke is about my username.

probably just standard mod autism


Lol the reasoning of those guys crack me up 😂

'Yep, this sub is a large part of why I'm still here. My plan was to get dismembered by a Mexican cartel. Then I came here and saw several videos of people being dismembered by Mexican cartels - it wasn't anything like I was expecting. I was thinking they would have sharpened implements at their disposal and they would hit me and I'd be dead instantly... but that's not what happened to the people I saw - blunt knives! - took to long to cut through the spinal cord, blood everywhere, poor technique by the knife welder, all while fully conscious and aware of every bit of pain and agony for several minutes while they're on their way out. Not the "quick & easy" exit I had hoped for, but I'm glad I learned that sitting at my computer and not ducktaped to a chair whiles awaiting the chop.'