TayTay is a freedom-hating leftoid after all

10  2018-03-23 by UnluckyImp22


oy vey!


is tap water a taylor swift thing? is that why she's stick-thin? She only drinks tap water?

u just not woke enough homie

Mayocide now?

Dude, you missed a major reference... lol

Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation. Fluoridation of water?

/u/Queen_Jezza do u believe that having 47 chromosomes is better than 46?

the more tap water u drink the better tbqh fam

screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/19wTmxz.png

RIP snappy

/r/T_D is displeased their aryan idol has betrayed them

Another Hollywood liberal. Who cares? With few exceptions theyโ€™re almost all idiots.

Lol, and you guys worship this THOT.

Today has been a really shitty day

Imagine if Taylor Swift's instagram unironically affected your life /u/TheUberHulk

imagine giving a shit what any pop star thinks

electing TV show hosts

Day Of The Rope when?

On the upside, the amounts she she donated is proceeds from groping lawsuit she won against radio host...

That's why she is ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ‘ธ/ourgirl/ ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ’ž

March for Our Lives is a recreation of the Red Guards back during the cultural revolution of china. Kids being forced by the government to engage in "revolutionary" activities and go against all traditional norms of the time. Once the commies get in power again, get ready for a "Great Leap Forward" where mass famine and mass graves will be the new normal. Don't let them use your children as political soldiers because that's what they are doing.

u/SuperMagaVitality, how do you get this from Taylor fucking Swift? How is that connection made for you?