It’s Phil. I’ve removed over 423 posts from r/relationships in the last 2 months via crossposting, and now I need help finding other subreddits to crosspost to.

77  2018-03-23 by [deleted]



Why not create a specialized sub or few just for this purpose?

I would, but the subreddit wouldn’t be included on that list and posts wouldn’t get removed automatically.

Make a bot that replies to every post made by advocating extreme violence against women. It'll only be a matter of time before it gets added to their list.

Make a sub called like retardlationships then x post away. Make the description clear that this sub is for bashing r/relationships users and make a by himself of alts to insult the posters. You'll get on that list eventually.

stop being such a spammy little cunt. nobody cares if you got some posts locked on a stupid sub. smfh


423 posts removed.

Keeping a specific count just makes me thing you are a couple more screws loose from being a serial killer.

Ask if he's a mayo. Might become a future school shooter lol by going full Nikolas "DINDU NUFFIN" Cruz on r/drama

But then we'll get even more drama


But an A+ drama poster

I dunno, it looks like drama but it smells like boring seriousposts.

AFAIK, he hasn't done anything with the posts but just cross-post them. It's an admirable display of undiluted autism, but it's barely even drama.

It's drama on a meta level. He's creating the drama and I admire it.

But at least he's not a donkey!

Tengo la verga de burro.

10 billiom

Spammy McSpamerson!! booooooooooo!!

Sorry about that u/Ed_Butteredtoast is very slow and loves r/relationships

Fuck no lol

Are you sure?





u/snallygaster u/serialflamingo u/geraldo42 help I’m being abused

Well, tbf, iOS 10 or above replaces the gun emoji with a squirt gun sooooo BOO FUCKING HOO at being scared by being wet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°


Literal hate crime



dials UK police number

Ayyy bussy lmao le birby bird XDDDD

I'll need a butt pic from you before I bother scrolling up in this convo.


>not bussy

the fuck is wrong with you

Now this is autism.

Now THAT'S what I call autism '18.

Praise Phil.



Lol, are you so depressed that you can't find a gf that you have to sabotage others looking for advice for their relationship (not like you could get decent advice from /r/relationships but whatever)?

So what you are saying is that their actions help the people writing to relationships?

/r/relationships is fucking cancer. There are plenty of reasons to despise that sub.

I’m not looking for a girlfriend.

How do they do this stuff, exactly? How quickly does the bot respond? You might be able to crosspost the relationships sub, and then delete the crosspost once the damage has been done.

They programmed their automoderator to delete posts that have been xposted to certain subreddits.

It responds in 3-15 minutes. It works in intervals. For example, if you crosspost 5 different things in a 10 minute interval they’ll all get removed at the same time.

This is what we should encourage. Reminder that if this young man din't spend his childhood on this insignificant non sense he would have instead taken his time playing VIDEO GAMES.

Phil: if you have the autism to try to kill links in the hundreds, you have the autism to be a pipefitter. They will pay you $60 an hour to connect pipes together like Legos. Get a union card. You will be able to have a nice family. And a car. If you get a government job you can get a pension.

Your autism can be your life.

Underated post. Top advice.

I am a 4th year apprentice pipefitter, this level of autism will make it near impossible for him to complete the five years of apprenticeship needed to turn out as a journeyman. Learning the actual skills needed, such as stick/mig/Tig welding, rigging, copper and PVC, hydronics, blueprint reading and isometric diagram creation, these are all very important.

But the five years of apprenticeship have another aspect that is equally important. It is the point in your career where you develop your reputation, you create a name for yourself and work your way into a company and crew that fits you besThis is where attitude and personality become just as important as how good you can weld or fit.

As an apprentice you need to learn which group of journeyman you will do better with. Keep in mind you will spend more time with your crew than you will with your family. Meals, long drives cramped together in work trucks, sharing hotel rooms for weeks sometimes, while also spend 8-12 hours a day working right next to each other. Sometimes in confind spaces with no room to even stand, and no ventilation except what fans and smoke vacuuming you can bring. It's hot, hard, dangerous work and you absolutely have to have a solid trusting relationship with every member of your crew. It's everyone's main goal to make sure when work ends the crew goes home safe to family.

I don't think Captain Autism up there has the social skills to become a trusted crew member. By definition the antisocial behavior that autism causes would prevent him from ever becoming part of a solid pipefitting crew. Proper communication is the most important part to a crew, sorry man but the Autism makes that impossible.

Try everything TRP or incel associated.

Aren’t all incel subreddits banned?

As far as I know there is no blanket ban, reddit just keeps banning them a few days/weeks after they start exhibiting certain patterns.

See if you can spam some other red pill subreddits. Or see if SRD wants your autism.

Realistically their criteria is probably "ew we don't like those people" combined with "they engage with us when stuff is posted there".

If you want to be really autistic about it just make a bunch of bot accounts, get them some karma, and then use a bot to auto-post stuff you want removed to /r/drama and /r/MGTOW. The posts might get removed but AutoModerator could be triggered first.

SRD doesn’t allow crossposts. If I start spamming mgtow they’ll probably ban crossposts too.

This is what happens when you vaccinate kids

/r/ThePopcornStand/ might have been relevant enough in the past to make their automod cut.

Definitely, but everyone moved to other drama subreddits.

You could make a text post and put the link in the body

I’ve done that many times before. Problem is, it doesn’t get removed immediately.

What is the point of /r/MGTOW? Cause I've never been on there before today and it just seems like a combo of /r/incels and /r/theredpill.

It’s for men who hate women.

Yeah that became pretty apparent after I looked at 3 posts there lmao

I like you.