ADVICE NEEDED - I can't grocery shop anymore because an employee shouts Rihanna lyrics at me

17  2018-03-24 by CurvyAnna


About 6 weeks ago, I pulled into a parking spot at my local grocery store after work. I was digging on the radio and decided to take a few minutes to finish out the current song and check my email.

I'm absorbed in these tasks and end up sitting for several minutes when I hear a knock on my car window. A reflective-vested employee is there. I panic and yell "WHAT?!?" without rolling down the window. He says something which I can't hear. Instead of rolling down the window like a normal person, I open the door kind of hitting him in the process. "WHAT?!". He asks me if I'm OK and I realize he, like many cart wranglers at large grocery chains, is a socially acceptable word for retarded.

"I'm fine! Just listening to some music!"

"...oh like music? I like music. I like this song. You like this song?"

"Yeah, I like this song too."

The song was Rihanna's Diamonds. Now, every time I go to the store and see him (which is somehow EVERY FUCKING TIME), he bellows "SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND!!! Ha ha!! You like that song, right?? at me. It's happened 3.5 times so far. The 0.5 was when I pulled in, saw him in the parking lot gathering carts, and drove right out - a $45 GrubHub dinner was better than that 5 second excruciating experience.

I refuse to go to the Whole Foods a block away. What do I do? I can't afford this lifestyle. Please help.


Just curious why don’t you ask him to stop?

You really think I can look a good-natured retarded man in the eyes and tell him to stop doing something he thinks socially bonds him to me?


You are a monster.

Then don’t complain on Reddit

Are you srs posting on r/drama?

In the past I've learned retards respond well to dog commands. Next time he starts up just point at him and sternly shout, "NO, STOP!!!" And wave your finger at him disapprovingly.

Your screen name makes me want to kill white women.

You can't handle these mayo slopes

That's beside the point.

Neither can their hearts.

Slopes are Asian not mato

Don't horn in on /u/OniTan's shtick pls

So look, real talk here sister. The only sensible thing to do in this terrible situation is to learn his schedule so you can avoid being accosted by him.

Follow him home so you can avoid that area, learn his hobbies and interests so you can avoid bumping into him in public. Be sure to take note of his barber, dry cleaners and pharmacy so that you aren't caught unaware. You will have to keep regular tabs on him, since his schedule is likely to change. You must be prepared.

Or, you could always report him for sexual assault.

It sounds like this situation is getting out of hand.

Have you considered gaining the upper hand by subjecting him to a de-escalatory blowjob?

That was the first thing I tried. Didn't work 😣

Trigger a cart run so the stampeding carts trample him to death.

Play a new song. Your taste in music sucks.

Come here rude boy, boy

Can you get it up

Come here rude boy, boy

Is you big enough

Take it, take it (yeah)

Baby, baby (yeah)

Take it, take it (yeah)

Love me, love me (yeah)