SRD confirm their support for the mayocide in SA.

78  2018-03-24 by Standard12


Nuke SA.

At this point, it's a mercy nuke.

They used to have nukes, but it massively triggered the rest of the world back then.

Rightfully so, because the mayocide would be taking place worldwide instead of just South Africa if the racists in power had nukes.

Yeah. In case of a revolution, either the whites would nuke the blacks out of desperation, or the blacks would take control of the nukes and just chimp out (or I guess conquer their neighbors).

Which SA?

Because they should nuke the desert SA.

I'm going to write in "Jacob Zuma" for president of the US next election, Malema for VP.

Haha. Please do!

Nuke all of Africa. Literally what of value would be lost? A couple old monuments, some wild animals... ????

a couple of old monuments

What old monuments?

If you ever met a south african you would understand, all their ancestors were dumb enough to move to africa and not USA/AUS/lord of the rings and they have only degraded over time.

I always feel bad for those Europeans who moved to South America in like 1880 when it wasn’t much poorer than America. Their descendants sure got the short end of the stick.

Yeah, imagine being a German Brazilian, living your whole life knowing your great great grandparents, given the option of America, Australia, Canada or, hell, just staying in Germany, they decided to move to fucking Brazil.

At least Brazil has some fine ass ladies though.

Being a mayo or Jap Brazilian is probably better than being from a rural American town.

All their ancestors were Dutch, so it's hard for me to accept they could have degraded much further.

The extra spoopy vibe is how indignant the SRDines get about racism/arguably racist jabs at black SA's and are too busy arguing about whether or not the impediment racial genocide, robbery and pillaging is justified or not.

You just described all of the Western world.

And it came about because socialists found a golden goose of repeated governing in identity politics. Who has time for merits and common sense. The whole thing runs on excessive empathy.

'It's okay to be white' and 'Mexicans and Mooslims are why your life sucks', the winning formulae of renowned socialist leader Donald 'Marx' Trump. It's literally the only thing neocons and neoliberal have to sell. Socialists are retarded in other ways.

tfw the phrase "it's okay to be white" gets you incensed

Weren't you just lamenting identity politics?


It doesn't, it's a dumb forced meme by fascists and I just know whoever's repeating it is a fascist after they say it. That specific combination of words doesn't just innocently appear out of the blue to a non-racist person, they saw it somewhere, probably on /pol/ or the_donald, so I eternally know that I can discount their opinion.

Most people probably saw it first in the news, though.

I wonder why "it is ok to be white" works? Almost like there is a point to saying it.

It was the JOOS

Yeah you can smell the white nationalists scent from this batch of fake news from a mile away, I would support saving anyone who is in genuine danger but these guys moan and groan and cry wolf so loud you can hear it from the other side of the country. Fuck 'em. In my own country white nationalists are the problem, this is just a wedge issue for them, they couldn't give less of a fuck about any danger anyone's in, they just want to convert more people to their cause so that they can get their race war and institute genocide in the US against anyone who's non-white or is capable of tolerating a non-white.

Wow fuck r/news. There's someone there saying we should stop helping Africans and let millions of people die in famines.

Imagine unironically saying people from poor countries should live.

"People" from poor countries

Sounds like one of those people who support initiatives like "send food to Africa" without actually knowing where in Africa it's going to or if there's actually a famine going on there or not.

I mean, me too thanks.

What is that matter with you guys?

This would be mayocide, which is a good thing.

And it would be the most dramatic happening in racial politics in ages, which would create lots of drama.

people here are being ironic when they call for mayocide. r/drama isn't retarded enough for that..... at least I hope.

mayo detected

am black

lol imagine being this dumb, how old are you?

lol ?


Pls no bulli my man /u/life_is_painfull_, they're somali. Also /u/life_is_painfull_ did you delet your previous account?

Hehe, thanks for watching out for me cummy. Yeah lol.

sorry for bulli :( okey :)


LOL means "lots of love". As in, "Sorry to hear about aunt Jemima passing away stay strong LOL".

nig if tru

exactly what a mayo would say.

😅😅😅 ehehe

I'm sorry, mayos trigger me hard and I think I see them everywhere

You'd be surprised

This but ironically

r/drama isn't retarded enough for that..... at least I hope.

Whatever made you think we were ironic?

We have unironic racists on both ends.

r/drama isn't retarded...

Well fuck you too.


This is good for starvation coin

Boers are subhuman, even by mayo standards. Prove me wrong.

are you white?

Fuck off with your statistics retard.

Fuck off with your fucking off dickshit.

They exist. qed

Absolutely correct, my comrade.

They speak with such goofy accents.

They kicked some Anglo ass till the Anglos used Bretonic hordes to run over their positions, so I kind of like them.

Descendants of the Dutch Nah bud, still subhuman

I'm pretty sure some group with an agenda is manipulating those threads. The white nationalists/Russians (same thing at this point) are really pushing this narrative recently. The most reasonable post telling the facts about the issue is downvoted or controversial while white nationalist copypasta gets a thousand upvotes.

u/watermark02 because racism is reasonable right?

Only against mayos bro.

Yea you are racist scum.


you can’t be racist against white people. They’re not human

Fascist-enabling piece of shit.


I know, let's put all the land under state control, you know, the same state who runs SAA, ESKOM and the Post Office? What could possibly go wrong?

I don't support expropriation without compensation or the EFF proposal. Malema should be in jail for inciting violence.

Okay, you're not as bad as I thought then. Apologies!

FYI I am not part of the "whites deserve it" crowd, I am just paranoid after the election of 2016 and I see racists everywhere. If white South Africans are in genuine danger they deserve aid. My preference would be for these populist forces to be defeated so that whites can stay where they are though.

I'm a saffer, myself. The average whitey is not in grave danger. The far right wing lies through their teeth when they say there is currently genocide, nonetheless there is some potential risk in the future with the current rhetoric. I'm keeping a close eye on local politics obviously too and may bugger off to Botswana, Namibia or Zambia if I need to down the line. The occupational risk of being a farmer is very, very high though. Some stats suggest it is more dangerous than being a policeman here. I'd also much rather stay here in SA too.

I have mixed feelings about Dutton. On the one hand, farmers leaving the country en masse would guarantee food supply problems, but on the other anything that puts pressure on government not to pull the trigger on killing the country is good, even if Dutton has motivations that boil down to right wing virtue signalling.

Yeah, what these people try to do is cause some violence in hope that it scares the rest of the people of the ethnicity they dislike into fleeing the nation. Then they take their stuff in the aftermath. If the white people all flee, Malema basically gets what he wants... that's his desired outcome. It's also the white nationalists desired outcome, they want to bolster their own white majorities and prove that blacks can't be trusted with power. I am a naive liberal that just wants people to be able to stay where they are, not be removed for reasons of race, ethnicity, religion, etc... and increasingly I feel like a madman for holding those opinions.

Anyway, I'm glad that the situation is such that you still feel able to stay... just make sure to keep your passport up to date and have enough money on hand for a plane ticket in an emergency. Sorry that we live in a world where I have to say that.

Hatred in the world is increasing so much, I honestly think the internet is making it worse... I only saw a small bit of South African black twitter but there are definitely memes where their joyous about taking the land and such. I think the whole effort is extremely misguided; regardless of how much land white people may own, it's not like farming is a huge cash cow. Blacks in South Africa need education and manufacturing/tech jobs, not farmland.

Botswana would be a pretty good choice if they'd let you stay, wisest government in Africa. Namibia would also be pretty good, and Zambia is definitely better than it's southern neighbor. In an emergency you could just fly to any nation with visa free travel and claim asylum:

Yeah, what these people try to do is cause some violence in hope that it scares the rest of the people of the ethnicity they dislike into fleeing the nation. Then they take their stuff in the aftermath. If the white people all flee, Malema basically gets what he wants... that's his desired outcome. It's also the white nationalists desired outcome, they want to bolster their own white majorities and prove that blacks can't be trusted with power. I am a naive liberal that just wants people to be able to stay where they are, not be removed for reasons of race, ethnicity, religion, etc... and increasingly I feel like a madman for holding those opinions.

Stick around /r/drama then. The radical centrism thing is a meme, but most of us think horsheshoe theory has something to it. Far right and far left can be creepily similar, with their hard on for collectivism and disregard for human rights. Despite what SRDines will say about our sub, the majority of us really are moderate left/right or centrist. I'm a liberal too, but a openly progressive-hating one. The insane kind of kak SJWs support here (like the EFF) and their racist attitudes has hardened my views against them. These people are literally a danger to society / social cohesion, but mostly have good intentions and are just ideologically brainwashed. The worst SJWs are always mayo SJW though.

just make sure to keep your passport up to date

I got it renewed a few months ago! Good for 10 more years. :D

Hatred in the world is increasing so much, I honestly think the internet is making it worse... I only saw a small bit of South African black twitter but there are definitely memes where their joyous about taking the land and such.

I agree with you 100%. Twitter is absolute cancer - I wish this website would die. Twitter is the worst offender, but this current implementation of social media in general was a mistake for race relations, not just in SA, but the rest of the world too, IMHO.

Blacks in South Africa need education and manufacturing/tech jobs, not farmland.

You are spot on. This is my stance too. Agriculture is 3% of GDP. 3%! Farming will not uplift them out of poverty. And working as a programmer for example is much easier work and is more well paying (assuming a smallholding farm and not some massive estate). The state of education in SA is kind of sad though. The government has slashed the requirements to pass in primary and secondary education so they can pump up the numbers of graduates. :/

Botswana would be a pretty good choice if they'd let you stay, wisest government in Africa. Namibia would also be pretty good, and Zambia is definitely better than it's southern neighbor.

Botswana and Namibia both have great governance and good policy. They are stable countries. I'm in Zambia at the moment on vacation - it's actually a really nice country. Still poor, but has less crime than SA, the locals are chilled and pretty fucking awesome, and it is developing very rapidly at the moment. If they don't screw their current trajectory up, they are going to do well.

Also, if Dutton extended the offer to say Somali shopkeepers that were the victims of xenophobia in South Africa, it would remove the racial tones from his policy and be even more effective at putting pressure on and embrassing the useless assholes in SA government.

That is actually me (or the sock I use at work because I can't remember my password). I don't think I've ever been prouder of a comment. So much drama.

I can smell the smug on you. The black people of South Africa deserve their poverty at this point.




It warms my heart to see that black people and liberals are finally getting their urges to subdue another race and commit apartheid and genocide. It just shows deep down we aren't all that different after all.

If you happen to sort by controversial, the currently most contentious post in that thread is this matter-of-fact statement, lol.

So have we reached the point where not calling for genocide against whites is racist yet or do we need to wait a bit longer, it's unclear

genocide = murder + power

SRDines showing off their pin head sized brains

Mayocide: the drama that keeps on giving. This is like an upchuck of a fine meal, get to taste all those fine flavors all over.