Our favorite proud menstruating buzzfeed writer has changed her header image on twitter to hatred I believe came from drama

77  2018-03-24 by WeWuzKANG5


"isn't this the one bitch who's comics are all about periods"

In case she changes it.

Lol she changed it to all weird and wacky


"whose", you fucking degenerates.

Just noticed she’s a crypto-mayo

how do I short this?

Vice and Buzzfeed have made me realize r/drama is basically the craddle of civilization for Reddit.

We matter that much to these people.

r/drama is unironically the voice of the generation

We're literally bigger than Jesus.

idk wasnt jesus like 5'2, like doesnt that mean im bigger then jesus??

That means everyone but the midgets were bigger than Jesus.

Manlets, when will they ever learn 🤔

That’s just his cock. Jesus still wins.

lol what manlet

Jesus had 12 apostles, r/drama has thousands of spastics and tens of thousands of alts. So yes, we're literally bigger than Jesus

Greater than Ghandi.


Me dumb, me fix

Can we please stop mansplaining her and give her the BBC she deserves?

She's probably already on that shit considering no respectful dude will touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.

wow, such fetishism by her

Michael B Jordan is a snack and I’m starving

what a gross nasty sloot

Damn I'm a racist homophobe and I'd take him in my ass in a second.

Mod her

Yikes! I wish I never went to there.

Do you ever get the feeling buzzfeed is a front for preforming rituals with period blood or something?

That would explain how they're still in business.

Do you mean that her header image is a comment from /r/drama? I checked the /r/drama thread from yesterday about her period article, but I didn't see it there.

Not yesterdays thread, but a different one on her, I reserve the right to be wrong though I'm barely trying.

It doesn't look like a screenshot of a comment on reddit, though. Does it look like that on one of the mobile reddit apps?

When a guy starts mansplaining to me. #GameofThrones

Damn, this bitch lit.

I read drama as obama and got really fucking confused.

Who is this and why the hell should I care?