Kurt Eichenwald brings the crazy, doxxes a politician. Time for mommy to take his Twitter away again.

103  2018-03-24 by Death_Trolley


Doesn’t Twitter ban ppl for doxx? Might be worth it just to have that hentai-loving sperg suffer a seizure.

Depends what side you're on.


They have something called Gab

I've never heard of that, but I'm sure it's colorful and innovative and keeps twitter up at night.

They got kicked off both app stores and sued and settled, so at least they got a little pocket change to go away and stop bothering people who matter

He was just showing his wife and kids what an SSN looked like

lol he’s never gonna live that one down

Say what you want about Kurt at least he knows how to doxx correctly.

Truthfully, Eichenwald has legit skills at his job. He just happens to be a little bit nuts, which tends to overshadow his actual journalism.

I hope he gets banned from Twitter just because he watches tentacle porn with his children so he can prove to his wife it's real.

Eichenwald's the loli hentai manga enthusiast, right?

Oppai loli iirc

Eichenwald wrote to Post that it "took me 25 seconds to get all the information about you, your wife, your son (tell him happy 25th), your neighbors etc. Don't bring a knife to a bazooka fight

I mean if you're going to doxx someone on twitter putting a veiled threat in the text probably isn't wise.

What's not wise about it? What's the politician supposed to do about it?

Probably put him in jail.

It won't.

Politician can't really do much, but twitter will likely go into full damage control mode.

Maybe. He's a journalist and the guy he doxxed is a public figure so it's a lot more defendable than your average doxxing. I wouldn't be too surprised if they did nothing.

If it was just his phone number and address, probably, but he apparently also gave his SSN, which is a little less defensible.

Then again, it is Twitter, so who knows what they'll do.

Lol how did Kurt get some random politician’s SSN? That’s some actually impressive dox skills.

He's an award-winning investigative journalist; ethics aside, it isn't that shocking he could find that information out.

He's also got epilepsy and likes shota.

/>posting ssns is okay if they're public figures


It's 2018 bro. 90% of the nation's SSNs are freely available on the internet.

Report such a threat to the police and FBI. The FBI can request NSA papers, which give them the offender's address, name and other personal information?

lol are you actually retarded? What law do you think Kurt broke?

You are politically illiterate. Threatening politicians is a federal offence.

This doesn't constitute a legal threat.

Post encouraged members of a pro-gun rights Facebook group on Wednesday to contact the initiative supporters and share their information with others. A rabbi and pastor told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Thursday that they had been wondering why they were receiving phone calls, emails and online messages from gun rights supporters.



"Pleaweez don't send me seizure gifs... I'll get the law involved."


"I'm going to make vauge threats (esp to his kids) and dox a political elite lol."

Make this guy a mod plz

And he's a pedophile that showed his kid tentacle hentai

His "kids" are adults smh. Mock him for being a disgusting weeb but at least be honest about it.

I mean he also paid an underage prostitute for child porn then just forgot to tell the cops about it

Kurt calls this move the tentacle spread. It spreads your arms and legs into different positions so the monster can more easily access your bussyhole.

Eichenwald posted a news story about Post's decision earlier this week to share phone numbers and home addresses of three Portland clergy leading an effort to ban sales of assault weapons in Oregon on Facebook.

I mean, Eichenwald is a nutbag, but Post doxxed first.

So how far does this tit for tat go? If Kurt were writing a story about the town pervert flashing kids at the park, would it be Kurt’s next move to whip out his dick, too?

Seeing as Kurt's a nutbag, probably. I'm just pointing out that they both doxxed someone.

/u/aufgayben nailed it

The doxxer get doxxed. kek

assault weapons


certain features... grenade launchers


Send him another flashing lights gif

I think I’ve only ever heard of that town in the public radio list of affiliate stations lol

Well, the politician did it first. Don't try to out sperg the spergs.

Thjs sub has gotten very partisan democrat in recent months.

Threatening a government official, regardless if it's a judge, or a state representative is illegal and punishable with prison. I hope Eichenwald get's prison.

How the fuck do you 'doxx' a politician, about whom nearly everything is a matter of public record?
