Pictures of the "Gibs us yer guns" march aren't doing well in /r/pics and their mega-thread isn't containing it at all

10  2018-03-24 by WeWuzKANG5


I think the mod handled it well:

quit all the damn nonstop whining like little spoiled kids.

We need that stickied in every thread in every sub.

Penis compensators win again!

said dude who sucks actual penises

The dicks I suck don't have to compensate for anything

Room in your throat from the other dozen dicks

Yeah I can fit a few gun nuts in there.

Shit like this is ruining gun ownership. I wanted to buy a second rifle and all the prices had doubled since I last looked (a few years ago, and now even mosins are 200+. I got mine for something like $90.

No, that's because of the embargos

whos embargoing mini14s