r/EnoughMuskSpam jerks their way into liking Facebook and turns on users for not being angry enough

47  2018-03-24 by CirqueDuFuder


http://archive.is/8vVYU this is for the whole thread in case mods are salty.

How is there not already a r/EnoughBlankSpam sub?

at this point counterjerking is a superpower.

lmao /u/exit---ghost you need to relax. You shouldn't devote so much time to hating a weird nerd billionaire. It's bad for what remains of your soul.

ooooo neat. i haven't been pinged into /r/drama since like three accounts ago. my retard jew fag jimmies are surely rustled thank you.

Hey you're not AngryDM, are you? That guy is always so obvious with his Musk hate

Nah, I don't have that kind of energy.


Nah, I don't have that kind of mental dysfunction.


okay ty

No, really though, calm down.


Have you considered just breathing helium until your eyes close and the anger inside of you cools down to embers. Make sure to have the hose taped to your mouth for when you pass out.

You can get it at party supply stores!

this is v good banter thank you

lmao there are legit reasons to hate musk, but i swear to god if musk cured aids that sub would somehow spin it into a bad thing

there are legit reasons to hate musk

Not there aren't.

Idk wanting to colonise mars because of global warming is pretty fucking retarded

There's literally nobody that idiots on this site won't hate if a significant number of people praise them. This is literally "hey people like this guy, screw that!".