Conservatard Has Trouble Understanding Why Exactly People Were Protesting Today

59  2018-03-24 by RelevantEmployment


What a snowflake

What happens in 4 days?

idk Q just told us it is a very important date!

Oooh! I hope it's when they literally drink the koolaid!

It is my birthday on that date. So maybe Q is going to bake me a cake.

Yeah, man, that's probably it!

9/10 he's fucking two of those pizzanoodles.

Jesus did not die for this.

We are truly alone in the universe

There are so many Christian parodies and religious parodies in general. They're like modern day missionaries.

meanwhile jews never complain about being persecuted

Says the Aussie who whines more than most Jews

lol i dont whine i just say true stuff for cool dudes

lol i dont whine

Sure thing, Sheila

pls stop making australia jokes guys theyre not v good

pls stop making australia jokes guys whineeeeeeeee

Please use the culturally respectful term which is whinge

Haha down under mate hehe cunt

i mean you can if you want im just saying people are generally pretty bad at it

Lol kangaroos look silly amirite

ive always thought americans making fun of australia always came across like indians that try to make fun of america

That's how English chavs speak, not Australian people. Smdh

thats england isnt it (apart from kangaroo)

You yourself said we were bad at it roofucker

i got told i liked andrew bolt last time (?) thats how good most people are at it

Dingo ate my baby

Vegemite is disgusting

They’re actually called flip-flops

dumb bitch left her baby in the desert lol

vegemite is disgusting

and no thats dumb

Good response!

reeeeing again huh?


unfunny and gay af lol

the best way to show someone theyre not getting to you is to reply to a bunch of their unrelated posts at once

top tips by ed


why are you scared by them?

lol cmon dude

im not scared of aids or cancer either but its good to be aware of the symptoms because of how destructive they can be to good people


He mad

detective ed on the case figuring out i write lol a lot

oh right it wasnt actually you lol didnt look very closely



why are you so afraid of jews

is this like one of those things where if you make fun of gays people say you must be scared of gays

i like making fun of them because theyre hilariously sensitive about their made up genocide and their love of scatology

ultimately jews will be dealt with so theres no real reason to be "afraid", its not like greater israel is ever going to actually happen



It is kinda confusing when you look at the facts

As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion.

No it isn't. Fuck off.

Aren't we now like /r/politics since shareblue owns this subreddit?

I expect my shillbucks in the mail. Fuck Bitcoin.

Imagine being this bussy blasted

"Reeeee! People are starting to think my political beliefs are rooted in the stupidest fucking shit! Must be Shillary and Sos grease palms and fucking children!"

Its like people have a hard time thinking they're literally the dumbest fuckers voting.

We at ShariaBlue appreciate your feedback, and will address your concerns as promptly as possible.

Go eat some pork.

Porkcouncil shills always brigading our posts. How many chops did you earn today?

I trade all my chops into rinds.

aren't you /u/Username234983 who sperged all over and scrubbed his comment history out of shame?

him deleting everything and your account age couldn't be just a coincidence lol


We will yet show you the light of Allah.

Allah made pigs to be eaten.

Allah made infidels for beheadings.

And goats for raping.

Maybe that's how you do it down in Sisterfuck, Arkansas but not here, infidel

I'm a person of the book you bigot.

Post on your main, pussy.

You first

Do it now or just admit being a huge pussy.

سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ

Lab grown pork is Kosher and Halal. Welcome to the future.

Tastes like shit though.

I, like most people with a base amount of self-respect, don't know what shit tastes like. I'm sure it isn't halal, though.

It is, come over to my place and I'll show you. <3

Like the emoji of the ass in an icecream cone.

sigh. I missed the opportunity to say 'asscream cone'.

Bait so low its molten.

1 downvote = 1$

If you literally can't stand to read a post that makes fun of conservatives because you think this place is a left wing conspiracy, why don't you scroll down two posts on this same subreddit to read something making fun of liberals.

Your mom isn't either.


As distinct from illegal Jew?

legal meaning lawyer

lawyer Jew

Why so redundant, friendo?

Jews can also be bankers I think

I do find it weird how like two of his kids married into Judaism

Steve Rogers did nothing wrong, tbh

My sincere apologies, feel free to continue protecting yourself.

That's exactly why I'm here.

cHristians are not sending their best, folks!!

Tamika in her fursona:

wtf I hate the second amendment now

-Checks hair color

-Checks eye color

-Checks skin color

-Checks gender

Everything as it is expected to be.

How could you not know the reason behind the protests? It's about getting out of school.

On a Saturday?

I know, right? They should be thanking guns.

wew imagine being this retarded

No one understands why these retards are protesting.

Short answer is that they're don't actually know the laws on the books, as well as being too retarded to read cdc/fbi data.

I know. OP made a deliberately obtuse post, trying to insinuate there was a legitimate reason for this stupidity. Plus, I wanted some SRDine downvotes. Which I got.

The sardines are multiplying like rabbits over here lately.

Imagine being such a gigantic pussy that you run off to make an alt when everyone recognizes your username for being such a fucking spaz that cries all the time.

Imagine thinking you know what you are talking about. Keep Yourself Safe fam.

Keep Yourself Safe

hey /u/AnnoysTheGoys you were right. this is his newest alt account.

this and the timing of his account age with /u/Username234983 scrubbing his history isn't just a coincidence lolololol

(((my nose))) knows

You're even better than Grandpa 🕙tick🕦tock🕥 at sniffing 👃😷🤧 people out haha

I wonder when Kiwifarms is going to do an expo on you.

promptly posts tubgirl

Don't kinkshame pls


I mean, I'd be pretty easy to gather info and do an expose on Ed. Seing how his doesn't nuke his entire comment history like a giant pussy or anything.

How many accounts do you have eddy boy?

your meltdown is glorious

tubgirl says hi

That's like 20 year old shit....Try something new?

PS. you could at least link it. That would be slightly edgier than the dull butter-knife you pulled out of your blasted bussy.

What's the url again?

What url?

Lol faggot at least try not to respond to make it less obvious

"What's a tubgirl?"

No u

You make the mentally challenged population over at TD look like prodigies by comparison.

We all want the srdine downvotes.

lol the people protesting dont know why theyre doing it how do you expect anyone else to

They think getting shot at makes them special.

well i hope they get really special

I hope you eat a Saturday night special

if you mean a delicious meal then im way ahead of you buddy

Oh right. I forgot Aussies got suckered out of their guns a long time ago

Saturday night special

The phrase Saturday night special is a colloquial term used in the United States and Canada for any inexpensive handgun, especially a mousegun/pocket pistol. Saturday night specials have been defined as compact, inexpensive, small-caliber handguns with perceived low quality; however, there is no official definition of "Saturday night special" under US or Canadian federal law. Some states define "Saturday night specials" or "junk guns" by means of composition or materials strength. Low cost and high availability make these weapons attractive to many buyers despite their shortcomings.

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yes im trying to add a little levity you penis

also theyre not legal but theyre still here, the laws just put me at an advantage because they wouldnt sell me one legally if they could anyway lol

and farmers dont give a fuck and will just sell you shotguns for a few hundred bucks

the laws just put me at an advantage because they wouldnt sell me one legally if they could anyway lol

I wanna know why!

Dodging bullets shot by white maniacs is not a superpower, lol.

probably wasnt white tbh because we can aim properly instead of holding the gun gangsta style

When your only experience with basketball Americans is watching don’t be a menace

lol you Aussie tards can't aim a gun at all

I can tell you’re upset because I know your tell. Pro tip: try something different than beginning your comment with “lol”, it’s always a dead giveaway that your feelings are actually hurt.

huh why would my feelings be hurt over a march though, its the left wing equivalent of thoughts and prayers

pick a better post to try and faggot on please

It’s ok to be hurt.

sure but you picked the thing that makes me least annoyed out of all the faggy american shit that exists and thats a pretty big list

protests are just funny now after all the dumb anti trump ones

nice sperg, retard

you know im trying to help right

Not if he's white.

At lest we have finally defeated the NRA and won't have to hear about it anymore.

Bobs not doing it for me.

she show you her bobs?!

Because schools out for the summer?

Oh no right, they want the right to be raped by a criminal with a gun....Sounds reasonable.

Us rapists look down on colleagues who use guns. Like are you really even trying?

Well I guess if you are using a gun then you aren't....

Man this is some blatant agenda posting.

Eh, usually I like my drama focused on silly or dull topics. Not usually a fan of political drama, but I couldn't pass this up.

Look at all the drama you created though, this is glorious!

Thanks, it really is!


You done?

your mom

depends if you're still buthurt about people shitting on your retarded waifu

I wasn’t the one literally spazzing out, but sure thing buddy.

I wasn’t the one literally spazzing

nice deflection skipper but nobody said that. you're just plain ol butthurt. your comments prove that.


Yeah.... no, try again.

ur butthurt

I wasn't spazzing

that's sad af.

Lol it’s almost as if you are talking to yourself or to some imaginary being out there. Weirdo.

making fun of someone

lol ur weird

this is some top tier r/sadcringe

Stop replying to me you weirdo, you seriously creep me out.

tbf the sheer amount of participation trophy activism these past few years have all these protests impenetrable to me

pretending "March for Our Lives" is anything but the dumbest hippy bullshit ever


do you wanna shoot up a rally? sounds like u can

u/eva_hung_unit, remember. Old school. None of this prison shit for you. When you go columbine, make sure you keep that last bullet for yourself. go out like a super-nova.

Then Donnie will have to take you serious.

We'll be sending out bestest thots and prayers for ya /u/eva_unit_hung


I once heard from this person who's totally not me how they thought how amazingly easy it would be to pretend to be antifa, go to a rally in a mask, wait for them to chant some fag shit and then reach into your Che Guevara hoodie for your akimbo 1887s and unload on them.

Shoot your way out, ditch the sweater and mask in the chaos.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Definitely don't do this, guys! I know I wouldn't! I wouldn't even think of it!!

The gubmint just might ban weaponized autism after all. Lololol

I remember skipping school to protest George Bush doing something or other.

Teenagers are smart and people should listen to them.

Simply being anti-NRA is not a solution

"nOt aN aRguMenT xD"

Between this and her bitching about Kaepernick I get the feeling she doesn't really understand protests in general.

provocateurs are low hanging fruit

well from what picket signs I've seen on reddit they were marching to take away the right to own a firearm. seems pathetic

Gas all gun owners, tbh

There should be no more gun laws ever.

Ugh I want to fuck her dumb mouth shut so bad. I have such a hate crush on her

Denny Crane!

damn, I miss that show

Dear coworker: I want to fuck the conservative out of you. I can't help myself. Every time you come into my office with your low cut shirt and cross necklace subtly splayed across your immaculate breasts I think about taking you, right there, as a man (with your consent, of course, rape culture is not okay). I want to pull off your panties and eat your pussy until your juices trickle down to the lower classes. I want you to moan so hard and so loud that you can't form coherent words, let alone talk about what Rush Limbaugh said about immigrants the other day.

Each time 'those people' crosses your lips I think about your mouth wrapped around my prodigious cock as my little people spill out of it. I want to make an anchor baby with you. I want to throw all the papers off my desk and ride you until gay marriage is legal in a majority of States or until you've come enough times to admit that maybe universal health care makes sense. And I mean all this respectfully, of course. I'm a feminist.

Why do you do this to me. Why. Do you know what you're doing? Every time you come into my office and sit across from me and cross and recross your legs and talk about the weather and then (somehow) about how unemployment insurance is actually bad for poor people do you know that I'm wondering if your panties are equally as conservative? That I'm curious what you'd look like on top of me, my hands tweaking your nipples like doing so would be tweaking taxes on the top one percent? That I'm thinking about you looking back at me as I fuck you from behind, your Jesus necklace swaying back and forth as you scream "Drill, baby, drill!"

You're not crazy, just politically hypocritical. Social conservatism is selfish and untenable. Your adherence to laws written when people owned slaves and the largest city was 1/10th of what it is now is ruining this god damn country. And I want you so bad. I want you so so bad.

Ugh. Be my Monica Lewinsky. I'll be your Bill Clinton. Let's reach across the aisle... and into each other's pants.


I like the 2nd amendment but fuck Tomi Lahren and her condescending bullshit.

She's hot. I'm on her side.