u/The_Rachel's first day on the job went pretty rough

185  2018-03-24 by Starship_Litterbox_B


I'd be irate if I had to serve entitled drunks at 3 am

Would you spit in their falafel?

Is that your kink?

Why else do I turn up at your falafel stand every night and berate you?

The delicious hummus?

I don't actually like hummus. I love Middle Eastern food to bits but I just can't get down with hummus. :(

I'm adding extra spit to your falafel next time


That sounds hot af 😘

If they dared me to yeah

Is it a proper night out if no slag gobs on a kebab?

Getting upset during the drunk shift is like getting upset at Drama posts.

Then you, like this chick, should get a better job and not complain about shit you signed up for

That's what I did!

Then you've got one up on ol' crazy eyes. Nice work friend

Are you one of (((them))) now?

Have I ever not been?

Wait. Did I order the green sauce too?

No. You ordered the snotziki sauce!

Bon appΓ©tit!


That caused me physical pain

/u/The_Rachel Congratulations on the new Job!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Fake news πŸ™„

Oh😨, well this piece of 🍰 isn't gonna eat itself.😜

Oh😨, well this piece of 🍰 isn't gonna eat itself.😜

Ty for the 🍰 πŸ˜‹

Where's my 🍰?? πŸ˜”πŸ˜’

You no get cake, until you create drama!


Thank you daddy! πŸ’žπŸ’‹ (β—‘β€Ώβ—‘βœΏ)

Here you go!


Those costumers sound like they are in the midst of an oxy overdose.

That bitch had it coming πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

I know!

She literally asked for it and the customer is always right.


If people are filming this shit why do we never get the beginning or end?

because they dont want to film the part where they act like total raging cunts, only the part where the person they were a cunt to reacts.

Post on your main, bitch

Post on yours.

This is :3

Your turn!

That's doubtful.

Quit dodging. Post on your main.

You first.

Quit dodging. Post on your main.

da fuk is wrong with yall

A primer on my friend here: he's the one who posted all of these

Well, why do you suck so much white dick? Is it a kind of initiation test to be "woke" or whatever?

I ain't touching no nasty mayo bussy so you don't have to be jealous, sweetie

Didint read

This autism is the average interaction on here don't act surprised.

I always make clever alts and forget the passwords :(

Me too. RIP u/Schindlers_Listicle :(

Because the lead up isn't always interesting enough to justify getting the camera out. It's very rare that I would think to break out my phone in a chipotle. No excuse for cutting off the ending though.

The way her head turns would imply they're leaving. Probably smart when your friend just got you on camera assaulting someone because they complied with your request for extra sauce.

oh fuck I swear to god I know that place.

pita pits all look the same tbqh

Aww I thought this was a local thing.

It's the Pita Pit in Missoula, Montana.

(Sm)ugly aggressive Beckies are the main driver of mayocide support.

Damn that girl's eyes and smile had crazy in them...but in a good way. She seems cool.

crazy in them...but in a good way.

More like a "this will end terribly, but it'll be fun until it does!" kinda way

I bet she shags like a mynx.

No way in hell she's older than 27 and tje girls are already kneeling on the food baby. Hella lame πŸ‘Ž

I think like 60 or 70% of Americans are overweight, so expected sadly.


That girl's got "ill accuse you of rape if you break up with me" eyes.

women threatening each other = MMA weight-ins

Girl fights are great. Even if one gets on top of the other and just pounds her face nonstop at the end invariably both get up and walk away. They're just so weak the most damage they can do is pull weaves out.

Unless you're in Brazil.

we talking girls here

Yeah and women do not hold back at all like men. What go straight for the kill yo

This is why women don't belong in the workplace.

This, but unironically.

This but with more spitroasting

Garden furniture. Amirite, Ted?

We both know a woman spitting in your pita pocket is the closest thing you've ever had to sex.

πŸ”₯ OoooOOOOOooOoOOoOoo πŸ”₯

This is you are my favorite mod! πŸ˜‚

this is you are

Someone has definitely been as far as as decided to do look more like.

where is this from? source?

The average American workplace

Rick and Morty season 3

Is this a Pickled Cucumber πŸ₯’ Richard reference?

So you wasted perfectly good food for no reason, congratulations ? Fuck both of you dumbasses

Why is is that people who wear plaid have so many mental issues?

Because the majority of plaid wearers are white.

plaid has been co-opted by punk rock, and you have to be a little screwed up to want to be a punk anyway, so there you are

They need to fuck right off. - signed, a grunge dude

Username definitely relevant

couldn't even link the nipple. coward.

I think its on public /r/publicfreakout.

There was an update, she got a tattoo.

i love a happy ending


I want to cum on her tit

Lmao @ dude shielding his eyes.

He is the manager, also I think she is around 19.

He is the manager

Then he should act a little more alpha.

also I think she is around 19.

19 year olds are incredibly boring anyways so flashing their tits and getting in car wrecks is basically their purpose in society.

Touche... touche.

queen 😍😍😍😘 😘

Yas queen.

She was fired.

Someone mentioned that on the orignal thread. Though it was probably a given.

I know the customer is black just by the stupid voice and timbre.

I think they are actually hispanic.

Eh, mystery meat. What can you do about it.

( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

mmmmm she's gotta pretty mouth

Same swag as Ethan from h3h3 if you look close

Finally a job that doesn’t require kneepads

Im sure you worked hard to get a job on daddys lap!

Cry moar minimum wage Mutt. A goddamn floor sweeper at a movie theatre earns more here than these "sandwich artists".

You belong on voat. Im surprised you arent screaming "cuck" yet like the donald trash you are.

Lol. What got you so upset?

Voat? For something this minor? Are you retarded?

I mean, you might as well castrate yourself if you don't get turned on by two crazy chicks throwing pitas at each other.

Yea the chick jumping the sneeze guard at 3 am to fight the pita girl is probably a high earner

My crazy stare loving dick is hard as dioamonds

I think Crazy Eyes there might be the love of my life.

We'd be so happy together until the day she'd stab me in my sleep.

with a katana that she taped to the bed


Ummm... pretty sure the katana is used for slashing, not stabbing. I'm not sure you're being entirely historically accurate here.

Whats her twitter ?

/r/drama mods have become such lapdogs to the admins that I don't know whether I can post it without getting benned.

She went protected overnight. https://twitter.com/ktwesthoff?lang=en

Tbf the Bernie bros were cool till they ragevoted for the chimp

Buttmad baby detected.

Funny, because if you do a little searching you can find the "victim's" facebook page. According to her, the employee was being totally rasist.

Everything is racist.

The fact that you don't know this is quite problematic. I recommend checking your privilege!

Wait, are you calling the customer basic? Because it seems like crazy eyes is the basic one and her ethnicity being basic doesn't change whether or not she is basic sooo... I don't know, hit me up and explain yourself faggot

Whats her twitter name?

I was waiting for her to whip a tit out.

If she didn't get her tit out, she's losing.

Where the tit at yo?

whenever you see shit like this, just remember, these girls are at least average looking and thus have boyfriends. someone has to deal with that shit daily.

And it's proven again. Transwomen hate real women

to be fair, everyone hates women, even other women. especially other women.

That is so fucking problematic I dont even

I need a backstory.

Clearly this is the guys fault. He just carried on preparing food without a face net and as a result the whole kitchen explodes.

Safety first, folks.

Everyday you go in store and you don't see this happening is a blessing