Slapfight breaks out between a bitter asshole and a stereotypical noob over EVE Online in SRD

11  2018-03-25 by dongas420


u/Dasrufken Why the fuck are you arguing about the technicalities of ganking newbies when the thread in question is about hard knocks running an I assume wormhole rental scam an reliving some crab of 19 billion? Fyi you can totally gank noobs you can't grief them which is different. You sound like a massive carbear tbh.

Because the dude I'm replying is having an aneurysm over CODE wrecking his untanked mining barge.

In dreamfleet, not a carebear pick one.

Can I pick not having logged in since my last kill/death?

linking a wallet API to a single character isn't justification to anything. Paragon soul is safer to Jew in than any place in highsex. Your defensive stance on your Jewish heritage just proves you are getting your hebe on, on other charcters.


u/KruglorTalks Go mine some vesp or something that's engaging gameplay

Hah ohh I thought this might happen. Oh well. Have fun with this, guys.

I'd like to apologize for not submitting this with a more attention-grabbing title. I did not do justice to how much passion you and /u/Dasrufken put into arguing with each other over this nerdy nerd spaceship Internet video game.

Truly top-teir use of the internet. Like "Which Final Fantasy is best on a 2006 message board" quality.

Honestly, I was being way too much of a dick for no real reason. Sorry for calling you a twat, noob and all the other things I said /u/KruglorTalks.

I tried to get into dreddit but I think they saw my post history and didn't respond anymore. Know any decent way to get enough isk for membership as a f2p noob? Everything I see would take hundreds of hours of mindless grind and I don't have enough GBP saved up for parents to buy me membership

Man, i am constantly reminded hiw much i love listening to EVE drama, but actually playing seems like a goddamn nightmare.