doggo_irl (◕‿◕✿)

2  2018-03-25 by [deleted]



Quality post Ed 😊


Good Post

1 hug for every oppressed person Ed has stood up for today. 1 hug for every republican BTFO'd by Ed today.

So many hugs for Ed!

What a great guy

oppressed person

After looking through Ed's comment history for today, I see not one comment defending Straight White Christian Republican Cis-Males. Guess old Eddy getting zero hugs.

We really need a white genocide facts guy around here

Social Justice is a codeword for White Genocide, and White Genocide is a dog whistle for racist, therefore Social Justice is in fact racist.

I hate western dog worship

no u

shut your stupid talk hole, faget


Humans are animals.

We're superior tho

literally untrue also white genocide is good

also white genocide is good

no shit, might as well say water is wet and the sun is hot