Once again trannies are triggered by biologists when a "transgender gene" is discovered.

10  2018-03-25 by IAintThatGuy


I think I've heard of this transgender Gene. Wasn't he a contestant on Rupaul's drag race?

They literally harm no one being trans. Are you just insecure because you quietly accepted you life as a closeted homosex?



Next thing you know they’re going to try and “cure” us or abort us before we’re born. No fucking thanks.

How is this any different from curing or aborting a baby with downs syndrome?

Shouldn't we want to eliminate all mental illness?

/u/sackofgarbage is on the right trail. If the abort happy country of Iceland gets wind of this, they will have eliminated all teams people in a single generation.

You spend your whole time harassing trans people. It’s honestly sad.