Over in r/wowservers, streamer A announces he will leak info calling it a 'Judgement day.' The very next day, streamer B leaks what the leak is about. Whole community argues over who they hate more.

38  2018-03-25 by Wikicomments


I will be contacting several YouTubers and the media

I’m sure every major news outlet will be racing to print this incredible and convoluted story about a man only known for playing World of Warcraft once told a racist joke

I think you're underestimating how desperate SJWs are to write articles about racism when "nerds" are involved.

You're right, I'm reminded of that video of a woman being "harassed" on the streets of Manhattan and it was four minutes of her being hit on by homeless dudes.

Considering they got upset that a streamer used a emote of a black man I can see it. Faux outrage is profitable.