pizzashill is nerd who plays WoW.

75  2018-03-25 by iuhpiz98z


I've openly said I play wow on this subreddit like 40 times. Like you aren't revealing some new information.

Not only do you play wow, you're fucking involved in battle pet shit. Battle-pet players are like a sub-category of wow players that are even worse.

Isn't this kinda like a meth addict pointing at the heroin junkie and calling him a loser?

No, more like a pothead calling a crackhead a loser.

No, more like a pothead calling a crackhead a loser.

Imagine being proud that you're slightly higher on the loser hierarchy.

I take my victories where I can get them.

Which seems to be nowhere.

Yikes. Way to be a bummer.

my dick is flacid and i blame this man

man thats depressing

even for me



Did becoming a r/drama regular come before or after this.

Asking the real questions

Shoot up a school, that oughta make you feel better.

Heā€™s not eva_unit_Hung

šŸ“šŸ‘Ÿ tho

Is that the case for all /r/drama posters?

You're one of us!

Brought if you wanna talk, hmu on AiM.

Username is jaredgayffer27

I kind of gave up on life a few years back

You say that, but I see you still haven't really committed to it.

Ah. A Hillary voter.

I mean, I wish I could say that election was the flashpoint. I think it was probably Sandy hook that sent me over the edge. That's probably around the time I started to really hate society. Everything since then has just been icing on the cake.

If you stop being a faggot-ass bitch, it really helps your demeanor

faggot ass-bitch

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

You have full mythic clears and are getting 99th percentile. You're definitely the crack addict in this situation.

thatā€™s justified though

But junkies are losers, tweekers are the master race.

I will grant you, tweekers will get shit done every so often. They usually fuck it up, but they do stuff.

Meth is just better, dope is for dopes

One bad day away from being a full on nazi.

Well I haven't read every single comment of yours, I just saw you commenting in /r/CompetitiveWoW.

In regards to pet battles, PvP is pretty dumb, but I enjoyed the PvE achievements.


Well I haven't read every single comment of yours, I just saw you commenting in /r/CompetitiveWoW.

In regards to pet battles, PvP is pretty dumb, but I enjoyed the PvE achievements.

Do you main Horde or Alliance?


My man šŸ‘Š

What are your thoughts on Vulpera?

Relevant flair šŸ‘Œ

ha ha, you are nerd who plays Wow.

Gas all who engage in WoW Pokemans subgames.

I understand some of those words.

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

In all seriousness, sick reference bro. It seems nobody else in this thread recognizes the true brilliance behind your comment. An obscure WOW callback that has to be a decade old, inserted here in perfect context.

WoW was never good, you battle pet loser

Nerdicide, when?


"Competitive" WoW, lol

Almost as good as "competitive" Hearthstone internet pachinko.

This thread:

/u/iuhpiz98z: "You nerd you play pvp on wow hehe"

/u/pizzashill: "You catch pets and battle them on wow loser hehe"

/u/iuhpiz98z: "pvp dumb"

/u/pizzashill: "pet battles dumb"

No, let me help you out.

I posted in the competitive wow subreddit, where people that are good at the game congregate.

I have multiple rank one titles, legendary rankings in pve, and am not a retard.

This guy plays ghetto pokemon.

I posted in the competitive wow subreddit

mod this man

Based as fuck /u/pizzashill

Why is pizza not already a mod tbh

Insufficient autism level. We want someone between Ed and Hodor

We really set the bar high nowadays, huh?

/u/riemann1413 is pizzashill your alt

this, but unironically

This but ironically

I have multiple rank one titles, legendary rankings in pve.

Holy shit Iā€™m so impressed

Calling 95%+ logs legendary. Lmao

Legendary is in relation to the color of the parse you moron.

95+ is orange, which is legendary. That's what the color coding system is.

Notice how sub 95 is purple, as in epic? And PS: it's 99s.

I know how warcraftlogs works and I understood what you meant, but I never heard anyone refer to their rankings as legendary.

Because you're bad.

I posted in the competitive wow subreddit, where people that are good at the game congregate.

Good at competitive wow? The only popular game that doesn't have professional gamers?

When a new raid releases, a bunch of neet russians play the game for 15 hours a day for 2 weeks to clear it first.

Itā€™s like a race to see who has the least amount going on irl.

And pizzashill

legendary rankings in pve.


Are you actually interested? Cause I can explain.

Sure, because as far as I know there is mythic raids, m+, but it's the first time I'm hearing of PvE legendary rankings.

He's talking about raids and I'm pretty sure he means the following. This warrior I randomly picked from wowprogress, has a 95% parse on mythic Portal Keeper Hasabel, so /u/pizzashill would say he has a legendary log or legendary parse on this boss. Cause the color coding for 95%+ parses is orange and as such the same as for legendary items.

I never heard anyone refer to their parses as legendary, but I'm certain that's what he meant.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little shit? Iā€™ll have you know I gradually reach to the top guild on my server and in this game, been involved in numerous world first raids, and I have over 200 confirmed world first boss kills. I have played every class in the game and Iā€™m the top dps, tank and healer in the guild.

You are nothing to me but just another casual scrub. I will wipe you the fuck out with skills the likes of which had never been seen before in World of Warcraft, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me in the game? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting the best pvpers on my friends list and your Battle Tag is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, scrub. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your characters and account.

Youā€™re fucking dead kid. I can be on any server, anytime, and I can gank you in over seven hundred ways, and thatā€™s just with my PvE gear. Not only am I extensively trained in PvP and PvE, but I have played every class and I will use them to its full extent to wipe your miserable toons off the face of Azeroth and Draenor, you little shit.

If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little ā€œcleverā€ comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you wouldā€™ve held your little fingers. But you couldnā€™t, you didnā€™t and now youā€™re paying the price, you goddamn noob. I will unleash the fury of the cosmos all over you and you will drown in my crits. Youā€™re fucking dead kiddo.

God you're so cool.

Any tips on mythic antoran high council?

"I'm better than this guy because I'm a big fucking sweaty nerd"

/u/pizzashill you're a treasure and I hope you make it past your 30th birthday

I don't mind actual PvP. But PvP pet battles are kinda dumb.

People still play WoW?

"people" is a bit generous for their kind

This expansion is actually good

am worried about /u/pizzashill , he has all the characteristics of a school shooter.

Neets don't go to school

Well... not as students, anyhow.


lmao that entire thread feels like I'm reading Virginese or some foreign language.

isn't he gay, too?

/u/pizzashill are you gay?

Post Bussy you try-hard faggot





Honestly don't call yourself a Chad if you don't have like 8 nationstates accounts that you play everyday.

WoW <<<<<<<< Runescape.

Fucking scrubs.
