It's been forever since someone posted any daddy tweet drama, so here's for anyone who thought he stopped the shitposting (+ some fighting)

10  2018-03-25 by realShitAtUsernames


god i love daddy so much. i want him to build a wall around my ass and then shove it up my peehole

Dont let your dreams be dreams!


Ed, yesterday was full of you posting about daddy's balls in your mouth.

you seem to be a lot worse at identifying alt accounts than /u/Ed_ButteredToast and /u/AnnoysTheGoys ,Grandpa Tick Tock

lol you are pretty terrible at this. You are single handedly taking r/drama into the shitter. I think the head mods are doing it on purpose tbh.

You people are even more lazy than me. Like, it takes you one look at my profile to figure out that I'm no ed alt. Maybe I am ruining drama by lurking tho, who knows.

Is it possible that we are all Ed alts, fragments of a deranged mind somehow trapped by a horrible brain digitization procedure in the endless silicon of a primary colored building?

Not only possible, but plausible too.

Nice meltdown, /u/username234983's alt account.

I legit believe this is him

We can't even have ONE weekend without shareblue nonsense getting spammed here.

No, I don't. But I guess thats because I'm unemployed. How about you?

I love how you've been sperging out about this for months

It's something I do when I'm bored.

Do you have any suggestions for other topics to sperg out on?

The lack of Amish porn

can you please give a serious answer

i kind of agree shareblue is getting old

You agree with yourself?

Someone has too.


>unironically thinking our military was broken