/r/philisophy and /r/tuplas discuss whether killing someone with 6 million tulpas literally makes you Hitler

51  2018-03-25 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


Anyone who has at any point in their life created an imaginary friend and then posted about that on the internet needs to be removed from the premises

Waifus not include

waifus aren't imaginary

Both require mental illness, but at least tulpamancers are creative.

The Tulpa subreddit is like some of those vintage weirdforums that Snally posts sometimes, just bizarre shit all round.

I have one of those bookmarked.

I would love to see this play out in a hostage situation, like "Don't kill me, there are several other people inside me you'd also be killing! Kill her instead!"

Hostage taker and other hostages collectively: Bitch wtf?

Are they actually seriousposting about imaginary friends? jfc. It's a good thing Aristotle is dead so he never had to witness r/philosophy.

Lmao I'd love for anyone to read this shit and tell me, with a straight face, that mental illness isn't hilarious

Isn't the mere existence of that thread a wholesale indictment of the utility of modern philosophy?

Is the bullshit clickbait on /r/science an indictment of modern science?

Well if the practice of debating about tulpas led to breakthroughs in medical technology, I'd have no issues. Obviously there's utility in modern science.