PewDiePie makes a video about greentext memes, chan autists are unhappy and brigade his sub with gore and CP

104  2018-03-25 by Oh_hamburgers_

I'm not about to link to anything they're posting for obvious reasons, but r/pewdiepiesubmissions is an utter clusterfuck right now. For your own good, don't even bother checking the "new" section.


Are you sure it's chan autists?

Nah it's probably tumblrinas now that I think about it.

tumblrinas wouldn’t post African kids butchered with a machete lol

Never thought of it that way, you're probably right.

Was the CP ethical?

Found destiny guys

Haha le ded niggur xDD epic

Bottom text

this is some baby tier shit

nah that kid is a toddler at least

I thought it was going to be cuckold porn or something, why did you play me like this Ed. 😔

It's /u/feeepo, what did you expect lol

Did he actually submit it? I closed the window pretty fast.

Nah it's probably some salty 4chan autist.

/b/tards think they aren't newfags

O I am laffin.

Reminder that /r9k/ is literally /b/ tier now.




oh i am laffin

This. What is this, 2012?

Let's be honest here. 4chan was already a relic of the past by 2008. When /b/ decided to do an IRL raid of Scientology, well, that kind of signalled the end.

It still had a few more 'good' years after that, it was just different after Chanology happened. It's only since ~2013-2014 that it transformed into a complete dumpster fire.

This is actually some good drama for once. Without Daddy in the title tho, this will fly under the radar.

Ed noticed, but he visits every thread by virtue of this being his entire life.

hmm, how do i make this post about /u/Ed_ButteredToast

My head isn't the only place you live rent free. I'm betting you live rent free in general.

i'm betting

very brave! put those memecoins to good use

For your own good, don't even bother checking the "new" section.

Obviously it's the first thing that must be clicked. After all, we are here for drama.

u/Dragonlord_66 is angry.

angry In trauma

Do you think you've got PTSD now?

After that shock i dropped my iphone and didn’t even care whether its broken or not. i just did some yoga and chant some mantras instantly and after 30 mins took the phone up from ground

Try doing some handstands while chanting. That can help. Then I suggest you google, "two girls one cup," for some primo #eyebleach. It's a bit NSFW but in a good way.

im on eye bleach rn but no thanks

no thanks? WTF

Forgot the comma sorry.


Do 17 year olds get ptsd ?

Yea man everyone can get it. The more traumatized you feel the more likely it is that you are suffering from it. The internet is war.....

Im 17 and im not that traumatised due to the meditation

Do you ever feel that the internet is just too much for someone of your delicate mindset and age?

I don’t internet i only am in happy subreddit and select youtube thats it.but is pewdiepie subreddit dangerous ? why will i every think that type of thing will be in this sub reddit ?

I think you can, and should be prepared for everything in this world.

When they finally take our guns you might get the chance to meet Hitler in person.

I don’t live in US i live in India. so what you said completely went over my head and about being prepared: I’ve learned my lesson

You are up very early then. What time does school start?

I have clg and i wake at 3am

That's when most college students go to bed in the US.


Lol dude, stop being so sensitive. You're 17, not 14. Go on r/watchpeopledie a bit, celebrate some katuas dying in some ME war zone.

I was diagnosed with ptsd at 14. Shit happens

let’s not talk about that then !

Of course they can, the most common form in the west iirc is the result of childhood sexual abuse.

I didn’t get sexual abuse it was a rhetorical question.


I'm confused

Yes, junior high is a difficult time.

how do you even make a video about greentext memes how much content can there be that isnt just a static image

Have you ever seen what that guy releases? It's all reactions and sound effects while he shakes his hands and makes faces.

yeah fair enough it is him were talking about i guess


Is that his name? He does everything wrong. He's literally killing masculinity with every screech he makes.

Nigga, if you think PewDiePie is the problem with YouTube you are literally stuck in 2014. As you yourself said you literally didn't even know what his first name was so how the fuck am I supposed to take anything else you have to say about him seriously? Honestly you should be glad he's the #1 YouTuber because he isn't a sell out and he has constantly called out YouTube and the mainstream media when they do shady bullshit.

I didn't say he was the problem with YouTube I said he was the problem with masculinity.

If you’re this worried about masculinity you’re a faggot

There are plenty of masculine fags and that's not what Felix that cat is.

Did you just fuckin short circuit


TBH I wouldn't take someone who knew his first name seriously.

Can you believe this guy is a regular here? lol

I just see he's a Trump supporter. Anything juicy?

No it's the other way, he's a full on tankie. Screeches about how guns are too easy to get in forums totally unrelated to gun control and then posts this gem about a hypothetical situation

Learn how to thread grampa.

TBH who are you?


When the YouTube comments section visits r/drama

Let's not pretend you have a shred of masculinity

Absolutely a shitshow. If what you say is true, this should be the biggest reddit-related drama that is not Trump-related in a long time.

This happens literally all the time

What, people posts gore and CP on subs they don't like?

Its a pretty old play. Its how laurelai got subs she did like taken down in the long long ago


That's a name I haven't seen in some time.

/b/ raided /r/babyloss with pictures of dead kids and does other sub raids from time to time.

No wonder nobody likes /b/

Where? I sorted by new and everything.

Either the mods cleaned it up or you didn't scroll far enough. Either way you're not missing anything good.

Yeah you're messing nothing that shit was fucking lame

I found some weird porn and dead African boi.

Mercy main btw

DAE no heal filthy ginko?


Being this buttblasted about green text memes

Screech autistically at fellow autists

Create a tard navy to throw vore torpedoes at le reddit

le epic troll ecks dee

who is you quoting?

the only thing keeping 4chan barely clinging to life is /jp/, if only because r/touhou doesn't allow uberjerks

the only thing keeping 4chan barely clinging to life is /jp/


lol what

which existed first 4chan or autism?