Imma steal your baby real quick if that’s ok? No? Fuck you this tribe said it was ok!

37  2018-03-25 by wazzupnerds


Not gonna click that link nigga. Where tf is snappy?? 😡

Click it



D.C. The Miami Herald reported that the Miccosukee police were accompanied by Miami-Dade officers and carried a court order. Miami-Dade now says its officers were misled.

The officers actually let them just take a baby lmao

Even worse, they helped them. When are we as a planet going to disavow Florida?

I must've missed that episode of Hustle / Leverage / White Collar / Burn Notice

I changed my mind.

Literally Keep Yourself Safe

We didn't make enough smallpox blankets

Sanders was arrested three years ago for misdemeanor battery on Johnson, and she told the newspaper her mother had pressured her to get a restraining order barring Johnson from the reservation.

Sanders is the mother FYI. Apparently granny was upset Johnson was at the birth, so she kidnapped the kid using a fake federal court order.

So the police are the real Indian givers in this scenario.


So horny

Reason 100,000,002 that the first nations system is a disaster.

well what do you expect with a name like "First Nations"? might as well call an Oldsmobile "OG Baller Ride Yo" it would be more accurate

I think you are mistaking Oldsmobile for Pontiac

It's obvious that he's about to go offroading and needed some more ground clearance, don't be so racist!

sheeeit, i wish i had the disposable income to get a g-ride like that. i'd pull up to the beverly hills library and be all "i got a Very Hungry Caterpillar right here" and bounce bounce bounce

Just so I know how good of friends we'd be, what song would you be bumpin' as you pulled up?

probably DJ Assault. this one: if i were feeling cultured (because of the Japanese Telecom connection)

A decent choice. I'd go this way personally.

a solid tune, cheers