Rounders on suicide watch after brave thruthseeker launches himself into orbit to debunk illuminati lies about our flat earth

33  2018-03-26 by mukumukum


That Rocket launch was still roughly 900 feet short of the worlds tallest building.

Rocket went 1872 ft . Tallest building = 2716 ft

He probably would have spent less money than he did building that rocket had he flown to said tallest building paid to enter go all the way up look around then fly back home.

Right but that's all done with CGI.

Well am convinced

Instead of building rockets and going up in air balloons to prove the Earth is flat, why don't they just keep traveling until they hit the edge? Or do they believe that like China is on the other side and you can just walk over the edge to the other side?

Idk how this works.

these people take Discworld more seriously than me

and i LOVE me some discworld

BTW this guy is just pretending to be a flat earther in order to get money for his rocket.

Which he is using to help himself run for office in California.

I'm sure 95% of all flat earthers are trolling. I pretend to be one at times. It's fucking hilarious the responses you get. People fall over themselves to prove how much smarter they are than you to the point that they end up looking retarded. It's a great troll, even Elon cuck got baited into it, and NASA! LOL