Via ursa porcus brings his gun rights to SRD. They quickly explain how wrong he is.

16  2018-03-26 by Standard12


This was a protest against gun violence, particularly gun violence against children


'm just gonna stop you right there. As other people have said, a gun is a lethal weapon and waving a lethal weapon in your opponent's face is not a form of peaceful demonstration.

Dont drive cars to the protest then i guess.

> guy has nuanced opinion

> gets replied to with left-wing talking points

> "I agree with some of that!"

> the rest of the sub piles on original commenter

SRD is a parody of itself. I wonder how many of their users used to post in LeftWithSharpEdge

But its so nice with people like /u/CobaltGrey say things like

compared to the "oppression" of not being able to own automatic weaponry.

They let you know straight away they have no fucking clue what they're talking about and that they're driven by emotion and immaturity. So you can just point and laugh.

Imagine being so insecure about your penis that you have to walk around with a long, thick, black AR-15 in order to feel better.


Not a word I would use to describe an AR-15.

I'd use that word to describe a cock, though.

You know, you think long and hard about a good /u/, and then your dream of achieving your 15 seconds of internet fame materializes, only to have your name spelled wrong.

Haha sorry bud! Manbearpig right?

Indeed. I figure it's not against the rules to piss in my own popcorn, right?

not here! in fact, post your own drama here lmao