>being a leaf

12  2018-03-26 by a_normal_human


Accusation of being a Russian bot is a proxy for accusation of being racist.

A dog whistle for autists.

At this point, it’s similar to accusations of being a Nazi.

I disagree, ergo Nazi.

This but with more Kremlin propaganda

I’ve conducted some research and it seems if you accuse someone of being russian they get really defensive, fast.

I dont have Russian friends...

BECAUSE you’re a RUSSIAN! Everyone knows that Russians hate other Russians, so of course you have no russian friends



I want to go over to Canada with a machete and see how many I can kill before I go down(judging by the quality of your men, many). The only reason I don't is because there is one fetish artist over there that appeals to my niche brand of degeneracy and I don't want her caught up in it. That's all you leafs are to me, a source of oddly specific pornography, your only worthwhile export.

You better hope she never leaves your borders, you should worship the ground she treads on, your days are numbered. The day of the rake = Soon.

Canadians are, hands down, the dumbest white people on the planet.

Now I know you're saying "but wwyzzerdd how can they be dumber than the swamp donkey Dutch?" At least the Dutch have 1.) mastered their domain 2.) colonized other domains. Not to mention their contributions to art and culture. Meanwhile the Canadian has only managed to contribute gravy fries and fighting while ice skating.

It's comments like this that make me think you've never actually tried poutine.

You're right I haven't tried cheese gravy fries, because my body is a temple and not a landfill (like a Canadian).

It's just that poutine contributes so much to the mayocide.

Look at all these amerifats pretending that Canadians aren’t just better version of them.