why isn't the regroup sub as good as ye olde cbts_stream

4  2018-03-26 by IqtaKadabra

trying to pinpoint what makes me a massive twat for shutting it down


Because /u/redpilltheworld isn't a mod there trying to stir up the crazy fake censorship larp and trying to get the lemmings to jump ship to VOAT while building a literal cult around PamphletAnon.

that post history is cringey as fuck.


look kids, this is your brain on conservatism. stay safe!!

He's the one mod that survived the mod ban from cbts. He also obviously deleted all of his comments and his made his account seem to be abandoned.

They think we're STUPID!


The elderly and insane are too stupid to find the regroup sub.

Because it's not linked to by breitbart and any of their shitty facebook subs. They are too retarded to find it on their own. Except /u/reba64 she's very smart, a stable genius some people have said.

You are funny. All of a sudden your post pops-up in my mail-box. Is this a new site and if so, what is the correct URL? Thanks

Hi /u/Reba64 ! Yes this is the new site. Also[ this one](Meatspin.com) is really good too. Q really bounces around everywhere!

People from /r/CBTS_Stream have regrouped in /r/greatawakening. They can try to silence Q, but they'll never succeed.

redpill me on how you shut them down.. I heard something about that but don't remember reading the details.

So, is Reddit back on-line? If not, is this a new site and what is the correct URL? Thanks