In a startling turn of events, u/AnnoysTheGoys has been spotted tackling the boomer menace in Australia and has renounced the mayocide

8  2018-03-26 by Oh_hamburgers_


Fuck you. /u/AnnoysTheGoys has an amazing beard and is much more shredded than this Avi manlet.

He's sounding like a tasty dish right now 😍

Back off. I have dibs.

You can't beat the forbidden fruit of goy bussy

Not short enough.

This but unironically

jfc that kid looks like he's already got a mortgage and a family to pay for

A Sephardic Aussie who's anti-mayocide? How dare you!

Wouldn't he technically be Mizrahi? Or has that designation basically been abolished?

Same thing (shvartze Jews)

I'm offended?

It’s a questionable distinction. Most of the original Arab Jews and Sephardic religious elements basically slowly merged between around 1300 and the 1900s. So there are some ethnic divisions but culturally and religiously they’re similar.

Wow that guy is cute and he lives near me. Do you think he's married or?

Check out Jewish-Australian Princess over here

You're right he's probably looking for a beautiful, tall, tanned israeli girl. Shame.

We all are dear. 😔