aznidentity porno is out

114  2018-03-27 by Jewish_pride


/u/dayanara96, you spend a lot of time fetishizing mayos. Are you a Mongorian Wok grill or do you just really like twink bussy like us normal people?

Wtf is a mayo? And a twink bussy? Lmaooo

And a twink bussy?

azn bussy

Wtf is a mayo

wh*te "people" 🤢🤮😷

Lol😋 did you get suspended again? 😁😁

Let’s hope so. I keep reporting that guy 🙏🏻


Mayo is white people and bussy is an azn male's anus, prepared for sexual penetration by the big and dominating mayo.

Now bend over and prepare for /u/subpoutine to have his way with your bussy.

He's a statistical outlier.

By the amount of whining and bitching online from these Asian-cels, i highly doubt the "dominant" part.

7.5 inches of Big Asian Cock

Lol I need to become Asian immediately

it's kind of sad that azn ladyboys have bigger cocks than male azns

> sad

Oh man the comments. Taking pride in another dude banging some skank.

He's so big and dominant 😍


7.5 inches

Literally average for all human races, which I guess is superhuman for slants

Pretty sure average is smaller than that but I can't be bothered to have "average penis size" in my search history for zuckerberg to blackmail me with.

I mean, wikipedia says it's 5.5, but when these are what they look like...

what the fuck

the guy on the left, its like he grew sideburns in the process of balding

(((my uncle))) does that. Goes to the meetups and everything

You have my condolences.

It's as the old proverb says: time spent editing wikipedia is time spent not molesting.

I love that "men wanted for the army" poster in this background. I'm not sure if these guys are who they're looking for.

That's two more than average

two more than average

Is that what you think? 😏

You may have sucked larger, but yeah

use proper camera techniques to make it look inhuman

What, like having Elijah Wood stand next to it?

I think this unironically might be one of the funniest comments I've seen on Reddit in my 8 years here.

Well female versions of him yes. Like Madison ivy, who is under 5 ft

No. Like using smaller than average sized women, using warped lenses, focus shenanigans. Etc.

Like using smaller than average sized women

Did he stutter?

If you think that's average you may be watching too much porn.

I-it's average! I swear!


Nobody thinks about the women with small vaginas

u/ProMeleePlayer tho

I don't get it

The local pedophile lover of petite women

I disavow

I've never been with a grill above 5'1

wonder where that leaves me

A midgetphile

Girls love it when you pound their cervix so hard that you slip directly into their womb.

You're the expert mark ha ha ha ha ha

ah yes, just like doubledickdude, right?

you know that shit's fake right?



oh no baby what is u doin


Just like in my asian cartoon porn.

Stop humble bragging

I'd say having small bewbs is more analagous to having a small dick than anything else.

Some guys like girls with really small boobs, but I don't think any girls like micropenises.

If I'm remember correctly, the variation in size of the vagina when aroused between women is roughly the same as the difference in schlong size between men.

pls dickshame in this thread

You'd like that, wouldn't you.

what's the smallest you'd be willing to go for?

Both the smallest and largest I'd be willing to go for is my fiance's.

is he also one of (((them)))?

No he's glorious aryan masterrace. I'm co-opting.

we have /u/LovelyLeahMarried's spriritual successor over here.

fuck, is she actually me? WTF

You making him get the snip, though realising ye're both probably burgers so he probably is already.

I'm Aussie so no and no. If it were up to my bubbah yeah but no. She's old as fuck and barely has the energy to argue any more.

Omg that's so romantic!!! 💏

He knows my username

I always figured you'd end up mating the way some insects/arachnids do and just kill the guy after he impregnates you. Is he aware of the deal?

Hi fiance

hi babe

Hug me daddy

Can't your mum do it

She's go busy shagging Ur nan

+++brit+++ detected

Eww no. Pure blooded redneck.


(((God))) bless em


That’s me on an average day.

Lol that isn't average for anyone. Even in Africa the average is smaller.

The global average is more like 5.5

That's the Asian's fault tho.

You are almost not wrong. Indians and Chinese are more than 2 billion people which fall under the 5.5 mark.

But no country in earth has 7.5 average. Maybe 7 in like Nigeria.

Nigeria actually has a rather low average. Western african /= East african

Nigeria is in west africa tho.

Yes, as in western Africa is generally shorter and smaller than East afrifans

What? So I've been hiring West African bulls for no reason then?

Lol a survey done by is your source... hahaha

dont know what that is. never been on that website before.

Analysis of 17 studies involving more than 15,500 men revealed that the average length of an erect penis is 5.16 inches (13.12 centimetres) and 3.6 inches (9.16cm) when flaccid

However, those findings were based on studies which did not meet the criteria of the new research, which was largely made up of Caucasian and Middle Eastern men.

Just so we're all clear he's not counting mayos and chinkos(honorary mayos) because they aren't humans.

damn i gotta stop calling myself average then.

7.5 if you measure from the base to tip in a weird angle, account for the curve the shaft takes from inactivity and add an extra inch to bloster your confidence.

The global average for penis size is 5.5 inches.

Interestingly. the Japanese have bigger penises than Amerifats

It really depends on the measurement technique though (e.g. who holds the ruler, and how much fluffing is involved). Different countries tend to have done different studies, so the methodology is not consistent.

Holy shit average penis size in the US is 5 inches? I have been grossly undervaluing my 6.5 inches. cough I mean 7.5 forgot to add that extra inch.

are you an Ivanka alt?

Like alt of Ivanka the first daughter? Man I wish. I would be fucking so many chads. I would literally never wear clothes. You think Big daddy is bad? Put me in Ivanka's body for a day. I'm already hard thinking about rubbing her "my" boobies.

Yeh this thread is a real pick-me-up after a shit day.

Anyone packing less than 12" is subhuman.

Is there anything more gay than obsessing and worshipping the size of another mans cock?

Yes: Putting said cock in your mouth.

I’m sure they had volunteers for fluffers

I think you are actually right, they did have people who wanted to help in non monetary based ways

are there people who actually thinking sucking dick is gay?

you’re sharing protein

you’re admiring masculine physique

being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone

eating pussy is gay because you’re literally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling each others test producers.

all these summer DYEL’s piss me off. their twink bodies don’t understand, but in time i’m sure they’ll get it.

long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

this one's actually true, i saw the studies. immediately dumped my girlfirend so i could get more gainz.


are 😡🏽 there people ♀🏿 who 😠😂 actually 😳🚟 thinking sucking 💦 dick 💦 is gay?

you’re 👏 sharing 👍 protein

you’re 👦 admiring masculine physique 😩

being 🔞 in 🕶 the vacinity of other 💰👪 high testosterone 👍👍 males increases your own 🏻 testosterone

eating 🗣🍴 pussy 🍑 is gay because 😏 you’re literally slurping down 🏻⬇ estrogen. ⤵⤵ and ☝👏 long term relationships have ✅ been ✊ proven to ♂ lower testosterone.

spartans 🏋🏋 had gay orgies 💦💦 all the 🎅♀ time 👌 and they 👥👫 were 😍⏬ the 💪 height 🔝 of masculinity. you 👀 bet they ♂😂 were 👶 at 😂 least 🚟😭 fondling each others 😢😢 test 💻💻 producers.

all 💦 these 🔫 summer ❤ DYEL’s piss me off. 👏😫 their twink bodies don’t understand, but 🍑👹 in time 👏 i’m sure ✔💯 they’ll get it.

Sucking cock could be gay for pay, but fantasizing about cock is always gay.

Virgin unemployed: sucks dick for cash, insists he isn't gay.

Chad unemployed: beats down faggots and robs them.

If you look at that commentator, it is a woman.

Gay people are not that obsessed.

What's most alarming is how openly racist they are in that sub

Oh hamburgers.


white incel boys on r/drama:


Excuse me, but I believe "Asian-American" is the preferred nomenclature.

seriously though, it's hilarious when blacked -com released stats that show 95% of it's viewers are whites.

and how pornhub released stats that show the most searched word in the bible belt is "gay" [male]

Last I heard it was lesbian or incest in all but a few states. Can you point me to this year's data?

okay having spent way too long looking this up, i can tell you this dude's full of shit and that the bible belt is solidly lesbo, just like most of the country. i can also tell you that alaska is fucking weird

alaska: hentai, 3d hentai, "do not cum challenge"

Alaska keeps it 100

True men of culture.

This must have rubbed off on their neighbors because Alabama was right behind them with no sense of urgency in 2017, being the second state to take their time during their visit to the site.

Ayyy girl

as a former alaskan I can say yes, it is weird.

Also, shout-out to who ever is living in my old house up there. The bunker in the basement was just for storing food. For y2k.

an alaskan on /r/drama?

wanna tell us a bit about how you ended up there?

My parents went up there for the military in the 80s, then the internet happened and my dad became a conspiracy theorist type after I was born, then we all went semi-off-grid, built a house, shook our fists at chemtrails and flouride, basically a built cold-storage bunker under our house, stocked it up for Y2K, that was a bust, then Alaska's UBI of ~5-10k per year dried-up post 9/11 (bush did 9/11), so we eventually moved to Florida because that's the natural progression of things I guess.

holy shit, that actually sounds kinda dope.

I wouldn't mind living semi off-the-grid in the middle of nowhere as long as there was shit to do outdoors and some nice scenery.

seriousposting here, did you turn out somewhat normal? I'd imagine it would be quite a culture shock for somebody who grew up like that to just pack up and move to Normaltown, USA.

I went hardcore neckbeard alt-right-with-all-the-racism. Homophobic, racist, extremely misogynistic (it's just biology, our brains are wired better etc), the whole shebang. I'd be a 4chan/t_d/mgtow/sjwhate nut if it were timed right. Moved out pre-18, got semi-adopted by a literal angel of patience (a medical foster mom here in florida). Somehow showed me a lot of love but never tolerated my BS, and over a few years I realized everything I believed could be reexamined. Changing your beliefs based off new information doesn't make you weak.

I am a normal functioning human now, although Facebook occasionally throws some terrifying reminders my way, which gets promptly deleted out of disgust.

I am a normal functioning human now

yeah sorry this isnt good enough, im gonna need you to denounce everyone who has ever called mao fat or else youre irrevocably a nazi

I did, but the was over on the 'leave mao alone!' thread. You must have missed it.

I "dated" an Alaskan girl before. Basically sub human

For some reason this just makes me think you fucked a snowball and called it a day.

Nope. Just a whore.

Alaska has a large Filipino community which may be the cause

i can also tell you that alaska is fucking weird

It's those short ass days.

implying we are all mayos


Porn is haram brother



omnicide be upon use. isn't

You should spend more time here.

Hey, since you guys are trying to change western perception of asian male sexual prowess. I got a great idea. You guys, the members of that sub, all make indie porns and upload them. Releasing a "high quality" porn once a year is a trickle. But a flood of dominant, well hung asian dudes like yourselves crushing puss and unafraid to post the vids. That would change some minds.

No one gives a fuck about a white skank getting plowed. We are laughing at azncuckdentity.

Lol this thread turn full racist. Calling Asian "slants" lmao takes 1 asian dude and a white chick to bring out all the racists

subhuman white degenerates prove how vile and hateful their pathetic race truly is

dehumanizing people based on skin color

But also claiming that the ones you are dehumanizing are

vile and hateful, pathetic

People tell me asians are smart, but I guess self awareness is mutually exclusive

You can't hurt our feelings, we're white and at the end of the day that just means we already won.


Enjoy winning as an white incel

Besides your comment there is literally ONE mention of the word "slant."

9 mentions of the word Mayo though. Try not to get so triggered eh? I realize that can be hard with your small penis but some girls like being fingered.

Just can't stop thinking about dicks, huh?

Another projection I see. Thank you cum again!

Imagine paying for porn.

hurrdurr racism

How do I know you're a cracker?

sighs arrogantly how dare you assume that were all cumskins?

The breeding of Hapas is actually part of a long-term conspiracy from "white" people (more on them later) to vilify the Asian male in various types of media, while sexualizing and fetishizing the Asian female, almost making her a "trophy" for white men.

It is well known that the stereotype of the Asian male promoted by white men, who control the majority of media outlets, which make up a great portion of Western culture, often involves characterizing him as "dorky", "nerdy", "geeky" and, of course, intelligent. It is rare for the Asian male to be portrayed as a "manly" character, or even the typical "womanizer" type of character—these will almost always be played by non-Asian males. Asian males are reduced to the characteristics of smart but socially inept, and never "successful with the ladies"—not even a hopeless romantic, but often reduced to an asexual character, with their sexual identity completely erased. They exist as a trope, and nothing more. It is a fact that people internalize the stereotypes about themselves they see around them—thus the Asian male ends up adopting some of these characterists, but it is important to note that the cause of this is the portrayal of the Asian male by the white men who control the media industry, and the Asian male is merely suffering from their effects.

On the other hand, the white man has decided to portray the Asian female in the opposite way—turning her into an object, a trophy, a submissive significant other, a sex object. This portrayal is primarily directed at the white audience than the Asian female audience, although both are targeted. Why? The reason is that men, being naturally more "dominant" than women, will often be the "pursuer" in the context of relationships, the "initiator", the person who reaches out. This portrayal and fetishization encourages white men to go out and seek an Asian female partner, hoping to find someone who matches this idealization, this romanticization of the Asian female. Often, it is not even necessary for an equal relationship dynamic—many men who have enough money will go to Asian countries to find a wife, a woman who is only looking to escape a situation. She may or may have not been influenced by the media of white men, as they also promote the image of male beauty in the form of white men. Other times, the relationship will come about through "natural" means, as "natural" as you can be with the gross influence of propaganda being blasted at society from all sides.

It is not uncommon to see even white supremacists, who are opposed to race miscegenation, to seek out and marry Asian women. It is a known fact that white supremacists are often fascists and power-hungry—they seek to gain power over others, and abuse it. After seeing the media that they themselves have produced, they seek a companion, rather close to the idea of a slave, a companion who would submit to them without argument. They will even have Hapas children, which clearly goes against their policy of race miscegenation, leading to a conflict: members of their own family are not white, and they see themselves as superior to them. It gives them someone to destroy, and Hapas children, often males, as they are seen as "opposition", become the unfortunate target. This leads to incessant emotional and often physical abuse, because they do not see their own children as people. Fortunately, this is leading the white man to his own destruction.

There is a reason why white supremacists are opposed to race miscegenation, and it is because it dilutes the "purity" of the white race. However, even amongst whites, race mixing has become quite common. Due to the ideas that white people themselves have pushed, the elimination of the "white" race is coming closer and closer. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

/u/the0clean0slate /u/FourzeKITA /u/taizong14

Please god let them take these white women

finna buss

Cool! Now back to Blacked

So proud of that big and dominant boy, my azn cock grew 2 inches.

It's now borderline 4 inches

White women are gonna get fucking R I C E D

Could you ELI5 ? Are those guys really promoting that one Asian dude with an average cock as their mascot for Asian guys having big cocks or am I getting it wrong?

even i couldnt predict that (((they))) would stoop so low

Don't forget that /r/aznidentity planned the "plot" of the porn to revolve around some female twitch streamer that they worship because she's a white chick dating an asian dude. Without her permission/knowledge.

She later found out & sent legal takedown requests so they've since scrubbed all mention of the porn's "plot". And /r/aznidentity were so shocked that she wasn't flattered by it lol.

from now on, do not mention ST Peach's name, or even ST Pear when talking about this project. Her team contacted us asking us not to.


I'm sure she's flatter but she didn't ask for it.


That plot sucks. You'd think they'd embrace the nerdy stereotype and have a hard working Asian student bang his hot hwhite project partner for helping her study.

Sounds hot tbh

I can’t recall fully but I think Jeremy Long is a UCBerkeley Law graduate.

Basically some Asian dude went into porn, then into law school and continued his porn career. Made for awkward encounters during the summer because he’d talk about it and say he was a star. Cant recall the name though.

It's a start. Hope adam lansky, creator of the biggest BMWF interracial porn site realizes that dere is a potential untapped market and shows the yellow brothas some love too

""Greg Lansky wants to politicize porn and shoot Blacked footage in Appalachia""

This is literally already a sub genre of JAV lol. Why waste your time crowd funding something that already exists

“White woman” is a category on every Japanese-language AV site I can think of

Maybe they wanted an English-language entry to the genre?

That’s pretty Eurocentric for an Asian identity sub 🤔

Holy shit they actually commissioned this? Love yourselves guys.

So much for "Asian pride"-they crowdfunded to throw Asian women under the bus lol

She isn't even attractive

Art imitates life I guess.

She's a 50 footer. Looks good from a distance (or, in this case, a thumbnail), but once you get close you realize she looks like she's packing a few extra chromes.

post a selfie

I think she has just a really big nose

British teeth don't help

I didn't look at all 194 pics but do they all pretty much focus on his weird penis and small testicles?

Remember to do your part and downvote it on pornhub so they get slightly annoyed.

That just fuels their weird insecurity victimhood rage. Which is good I guess. So don't forget to copypasta about Asians in the Pornhub comment section.

Its honestly fucking weird

I feel sadder now

Don't feel sad friend! Just remember, no matter how hard life can get, you'll never be a pathetic blob of a human that you think pornography is the solution to your virgin/social problems.

The irony is lost on them. They think the reason why they're not getting laid by Asian women is because Asian women watch too much WMAF porn.

Well good luck to them I suppose. Has the twitch streamer that was supposed to be the inspiration for this commented on this.

All this was crowd funded. The true fetish of r/aznidentity appears to be findom

I just finished watching the movie The Outsider. It is the movie to piss off hapas/aznidentity. Watching Jared Leto being unable to speak English normally and still get his best friend's sister really gave me the confidence to ask out the Asian qt nextdoor who asked if I could fix her toilet that one time.


So the lawsuit got settled with that girl they were cyberstalking?

7.5 inch Dick is great and all but it's not really "make a porn exactly about it" big.

is there an old beef here?

Yea aznidentity gets mad that azn chicks fuck white dudes (AFWM) and want the Azn chicks to themselves (AFAM) but they have convinced themselves that the only way to go about this is to promote Azn males with white females (WFAM).

TL;DR azn incels blame their inability to have sex on mayo's and paid to have a porno made with the one mayo skank who they could find fucking the one azn chad in existence.

insecure white boys genocide the entire world to take control of global media

insecure white boys pair up [AF with WM in 100% of all media for 100 years, including cartoons for 10 year olds]( - while dehumanizing AM

Everyone notices WMAF


whites are literally the most vile and pathetic race in history.

Who hurt you?

His white father.

I wouldn't have problem with their goals, though the asian identity subs are fairly racist. Similar to blackladies.

News flash. They are racist because of their goals, not in spite of them.

Their "movie" isn't a bad development. It is just what they espouse that I have a problem with.

You are trying too hard here.

Get rekt, you normie!!!

I once bragged about dating an Asian girl here and like a hundred people from that sub attacked me. Ever since then we have been at war with aznidentity.

asian girls are fucking wierd and gross, it's like having sex with an alien. only ever had sex with one, and it creeped me out, everything about the way they smell and look is just off, like banging another life form.

i can manage like, half asian or less, but not full asian.

An old ex of mine was an adopted korean girl, said she would never date an Asian guy because what if somehow he was related to her.

To be fair though, she only dates white guys and I'm pretty sure that was an excuse. Can't blame her for betting on the winning team though.

Small dicks Ages quickly Broke Low iqs High disease rates Balding Small balls Terrible drivers The winning team

Have you considered the fact that the only women who want to have sex with you are the gross ones? Lmao

all asian women look gross so i don't get your point.

i can get hot mayo girls

You don't get to count them if you had to pay for them, champ

look at all these generic reddit ass "lol tee hee you're a virgin".

i shall retort with reddit level wit and accuse you of projecting, aka "no u".

what now bitch?

You're the one bragging about having sex online, like anyone gives a shit. It's puzzling tbh because you can tell when someone is clearly fabricating an extensive sexual history. Most dudes who have actually had sex with attractive women will use the past tense, typically its those who are typing out their fantasies and LARPing who will use it an infinitive or write out their potential for dating. E.g. "I have had sex with 'hot' white girls" vs. "I can have sex with 'hot' white girls."

In my experience, guys with yellow fever can be all over the map though they are generally weebs with few choices. But those who are adamantly anti-yellow-fever tend to be white dudes who got rejected by an Asian girl. I don't think it's sour grapes, I think that they thought that Asian girls were easy and after they were turned down, the hit to their self esteem manifests as hatred. Can't say I'm surprised that mayos make everyone else suffer for their own shortcomings.

It's strange that you immediately believed I was claiming you were a virgin when I had already previously wrote that you had sex with gross girls. I simply said in my most recent post that you never had sex with an attractive white woman who was not explicitly paid for her time. I assumed you have had sex before, presumably with average looking white girls or worse, as most of us do. However given your reaction, it does call into question whether or not your sexual history includes white women at all. There is no shame in not dipping into the mayo, pal.

It also begs the question of why post about your experience with Asian girls at all. Are you dissuading the men here from hooking up with them? Are you lamenting how prevalent yellow fever is on the Internet? Why exactly are you posting this? To reiterate my first point, who gives a shit?

copy pasta or OC?

me too thanks

At least a future /r/Hapas poster will have no questions about where they came from

there is no redemption for the caucasoid

Imagine being so insecure your spent your time and money looking and paying for an Asian guy with a big enough cock to fuck some white trash girl just so you can fantasize about your white fever and being adequate down there.

You know you can just pay some white hooker to fuck you, right? I'm sure they're professional enough to not laugh at your weenie.

alright well guess no one can be racist against asians anymore

So funny when people so desperate try to put a label on this sub.

to break the stereotype and change perception, film production is only one component. We need to expose as much people as possible to these images in order to actually change the perception, and this part depends upon all of us.

i was gonna mock this, but then i thought about all the times I got laid over the years because some recently divorced cougar was "curious". Maybe those insecure motherfuckers are on to something.

when lolcows go too far

Tired of getting harassed for having an Asian BF and getting asked if her BF has a small penis, popular cam girl XXXDarcieXXX bangs Asian boyfriend in front of her online audience to settle the question once and for all.

I remember I was at a party in college and some guy made an off comment about another guy, to which the guy responded "Shut up tiny dick." So the first guy said "You think this is tiny?" and pulled out his dick, which the second guy responded to by pulling out his own dick, which was even bigger. It was incredibly awkward and while the two guys thought they were asserting dominance nobody cared and everybody just kind of looked away and awkwardly changed the subject.

This didn't actually happen to me though because I didn't get invited to any parties at college. I read about this on jackinworld.

LOLLL so awkward! I find guys who try to one-up each other and assert their "dominance" so cringey.

The biggest asian dick they could find was just 7.5 inches long? Is this a joke?

Their very obvious closeted homosexuality really reminds me of Mac from Always Sunny.

Kind of related but I found a sub for all these tiny dicked asian betas:


check dat out, clear solutions

why are you looking up gay tranny shit faggot? HAHA what a faggot I would beat the shit out of your ass for being such a faggot with one punch.

Good start. Hope adam lansky, creator of the biggest BMWF interracial porn site shows the yellow brothas some love too