"When you're so black you steal your own phone." [313]

38  2018-03-27 by DowntownWrongdoer




If you actually are as uneducated on south africa as you sound read this.

Yeh when one of their leading politicians says it’s “not yet” time to kill whitey, I’m not sure how any armchair redditor will absolve that. But you go girl!

Also admins should be banning people spreading racism and hate like this user, not the people standing up to them wtf

You do know you’re pretty hateful and racist yourself right? Should you be banned?


you know you're educated when your source is a reddit comment.



lol, it was a very good comment with a lot of effort and research. Maybe dont shit on people for having to put their knowledge into a comment due to an alt-right agenda about SA. If the user has a research paper that no redditor reads and then those redditors discuss SA, is it not natural for the user to comment and bring their kneowledge to the people if the people refuse to learn?

I know, kneowledge (sic) is a bitch to share. But thank you for spreading your self righteous opinion and treating some redditor’s post as the gospel.

Btfo, it's the first non alt-right agenda comment on SA I've seen I'm gonna share it.

Stop putting this much effort into being in the way.

Just because everything says that a literal genocide is about to happen doesn’t make it alt-right. It’s just reality and you need to learn to look to both sides.

One side says “it’s not yet time to kill whitey.” And the other says “no thanks I’d rather not die.” And you’re saying the latter group is alt-right?

And I’m barely putting effort into this. You’re the one all flustered.

Lol wtf I'm out of here you guys can never be serious. You tag me and bring me out here every month and just run your mouths at me. It's pointless I'm dipping

Lol wtf I'm out of here you guys can never be serious.

It is impossible to take a clown seriously. And that’s what you are, a clown who dances and juggles for our amusement.

You tag me and bring me out here every month and just run your mouths at me.

Oh I love a regular! At least you know the routine.

It's pointless I'm dipping

Bye! See you next month.

What a nice guy. Hope he’s white and visiting South Africa soon to hang out with his fellow African-American friends.

So if a genocide does happen there, You gonna eat your hat? or still crow about how no one outside of srs makes sense?

i have a gucci hat im not gonna eat that shit lmaooooo

Standard basic bitch attire. Absolutely no surprise here.

Stop putting this much effort into living.

i sit on reddit all day, how is that living....

just curious, are you white?

I’m pretty fucking tired of these idiots ruining reddit with downvote brigades on any joke that triggers them and any opinion they disagree with. Have they ever stopped to consider that maybe it’s more likely that they're the crazy ones onstead of their delusion that 90% of redditors are undercover nazis?

I just wish the admins would at least do something about them. It’s one thing to ban hate subs like fatpeoplehate and altright but it’s pure hypocrisy to do so while ignoring hate subs like SRS that get a pass because they’re on the left side of the political spectrum, while claiming that this website is a bastion of free speech on the internet.

“But SRS isn’t a hate sub because they say they’re “anti-fascists! Laughing at the murder and other hardships faced by “privileged” white South African farmers is anti-racist!” I should note that I’m a liberal atheist with bisexual leanings who opposes discrimination against everyone but these lunatics would still support sending me to a gulag for being a white male aka literally Hitler!

Mmm mmm 🍝👌