Are you bussy blasted? Upset that maybe your opinion is wrong but you went to college and know better? Well hi, Billy Mays here with some classic iamverysmart material!

9  2018-03-27 by Thephantomfupa


"[Course of study] major here!" Might be the single worst way to establish credibility in an argument.

>I’m a psych major too and I disagree

>Well everyone in psych disagrees with each other, that doesn’t mean anything

>What you’re saying is patently ridiculous

>If you were in psych you’d agree, everyone in psych knows this is true

Maybe it’s because psych is a soft science but this is literally a logical contradiction. Like it’s one thing to quibble about opinions or whatever but this is person is mathematically just incorrect

im proud to say that im the cause for OPs post