Politicians call those who disagree with them Nazis

46  2018-03-27 by AnnoysTheGoys


archive.is = np tbh

Oh no Abba, I've been a very naughty Goy....

u vanna matzo spankin'?

Not the Matzo!!!!!! ;

Wow now I hate you! Archive.is loads way faster than these bloated "news" sites.

Not on mobile. Also, some functions don't work on archive.is

Nigga what functions do you need besides the text n images? Sharing it on Facebook to your dank memes page I assume? 😉

the "read more" button don't work

r/FirstWorldProblems i feel you my friend. Also the botch knock off sperg as replied in that post. I'm signaling the sharia blue army to attack. Might even call the 21st division Butter Brigade this time 😉

Phone posters get the bullet too

Ok Grandpa

Concept: A

Effort: B-

Delivery: D-

White trash deserves the gas

I hope you're talking about oxygen 😨😥

Delete this. You WILL get canned by spez.

Why would spez care that I burn my used paper towels on a gas burner?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

On you! I hope it'd fly but it won't probably. Also this https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/87n5xb/comment/dwe5e5g/

We've got snitches in this sub. Gotta watch your back, fam. Rules have changed.

Rules have changed

Love is over

This, but unironically. The admins have clamping down lately.

I think that only works if you say “Gas the Jews!” He should be safe because he is only calling for the gassing of Trump supporters.

I thoroughly enjoy the irony of Super White Bro Vice.com becoming the outrage voice of the left.

Gotta follow that zeitgei$$t, bro!

So much for "Nazi is so overused it doesn't mean anything"

linking to Vice

keep yourself safe sweaty

There's other links, I chose this one on purpose 😘

Thank you for your service

I wanna post in /r/flying but keep ending up in this shitty sub


Paging /u/normie_girl

You seriously want me to believe this isn't one of your alts Ed?

Oh please. Having an alt with a particular agenda-ish phrase is no fun. You need a wider audience.

Noooo!! It's me! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Punish me mommy!! 😩

No I think you are a model son and I'd never do that.




wtf Vice? All wypipo are nazis. This lil nigga too.

> Right leaning person expresses conservative thought

Vice: ommmggggggg! nazi's! They have returned and taken over our country!!

> Conservatives call a teenager a nazi who wants people to wear armbands and did a one armed salute at a rally

Can you believe these people compared our ally to the nazis?!


This comment was so retarded I honestly need you to verify if you are merely pretending or not.

Don't seizeshame.

I love this kid almost as much as Zoe Quinn

Same tbqh 😍

if we haven't learned anything from the 2010s, it's that people on the internet can come incredibly close to becoming self-aware, and yet fail miserably every damn time.

wow vice. Pot, kettle, black

I for one am eagerly awaiting for political discussions to be won by whoever can scream the word "Nazi" the loudest.

At least there will be clear winners.

Cultural Warfare in (current year)

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot)

Conservatives are going to new extremes to demonize the teenagers who helped organize the March for Our Lives - now, they're comparing Parkland student and shooting survivor David Hogg to Hitler.

Minnesota Republican Rep. Mary Franson compared Hogg, 17, to the Hitler Youth in a series of now-deleted Facebook posts on Saturday.

Cover image: David Hogg, a survivor of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., speaks during the "March for Our Lives" rally in support of gun control in Washington, Saturday, March 24, 2018..

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