Dude creeps on model and calls her fat for being 118lbs. The denizens of r/creepyPMs ironically chime in with their own stats for context. They're all unironically enormous.

179  2018-03-28 by Akula_matatta


That's just reddit users in general.

If you believe that fake screenshot I have a new cryptocurrency for you to invest your life savings into.

Does it use blockchain technology? Because I have $200 in my life savings and I think I'm ready to become a rich person

Perhaps if you mortgage your house to buy more.

Should I maybe steal money from my family to invest? I think they'd really appreciate it when I give it back to them 10 fold.

Just get a life insurance policy on your significant other then send them to live in Panama while you claim they die in a freak canoeing accident.

That sounds amazing but normally isn't there a waiting period on these things? I'd be missing out on some serious gains.

Ask John or Anne Darwin.

More like cockchain am I right ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


I used to be a big fat fuck and lost a bunch of weight, feels great. You know what helps keep the weight off? Reading sad as hell comments from the plethora of fat fucks here on Reddit.

Down fifty since 2016! Feeling great!

It's probably not the healthiest way to do it, but that's how I maintain my weight loss as well. I love seeing the excuses and mental gymnastics from other people. It fuels me to be better than them.

I'm. 6'0, 210 lb man who's working on being more active and losing some weight and boy howdy if that thread wasn't a colossal self esteem boost. Like, I'm overweight but at least I'm not a 5'5," 247 pound prize pig.

Hit me up if you need some tips. I went the opposite way, getting bigger after being too skinny, but I picked up a bunch of training and diet knowledge along the way.

I'm 6'0 and 230 lbs. Occasionally I get below 220 and then am no longer officially obese but of course I always blow it again and go back up. I'm a fat fuck and I hate myself. I stayed below like 200 until about 5 years back, now I'm just in a hole where I calorie count but never stick to it.

Evidence that banning FPH was a colossal mistake.

Everyone in that thread is a colossal mistake

Nah, the drama was delicious. The constant tears about it too.

Not to mention that the constant spam on completely unrelated subs was getting old. A lot of the regulars were completely consumed by FPH and it was fucking weird. They didn't seem to understand that 'found the fatty' doesn't work as an insult if the person isn't fat either.

found the fatty

deeply unkind!

RIP bb. u died 2 soon.

Bring back FPH

Reminded me of this

Holy shit they're fucking massive.

5’3” and 240 lbs

Holy fucking shit, literally double a natural weight and yet still lying to themselves that they’re fine

I can’t even make fun of that, it’s disturbing

I'm thinking they just don't give a shit.

Imagine how much weight they would lose if they went to the bathroom then.

/u/beerbeardsbears /u/rheyniachaos /u/dearmissally how does it feel knowing you'll die of diabetes or a heart attack before you hit 60?

I'm aiming to off myself well before that.

I hope this was /s

Should it be?

Yes. https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/

For anyone who may need it. 💖💖💖


I'll drink to that

Way ahead of you.

That’s an inspirational plan!

How does it feel knowing you'll die much older, but single and alone? 🤔

Like a rolling stone

single and alone

try telling that to my dakimakura ;)

sighs in weeb

I won’t be alone. I’ll have my army of highly trained cats to help me overthrow the patriarchy.


Jesus Christ. I'm six feet tall and 210 pounds and I'm overweight. How does a person let them get that fucking large? That's drive-an-old-car-because-you-only-fit-on-bench-seats fat. That's dead woman walking fat. That's fat enough to have smaller fat bitches getting trapped in your planetary orbit.

I'm 5'11 180 and I'm fat lmao

bitch is double my weight and i'm a 5'9" dude lmao

skinny boi

very skinny boi

Have you considered transitioning? You'd have good stats for a woman :)

nah i'm not a male lesbian

wonder what their farts taste like

Fuck you

Everything is bigger in America.

If I’m in an online argument and someone calls me fat, I know I’ve won.



5'8" and 240


Lol. You say yikes but you haven't actually seen it.

You're picturing Rebel Wilson when really it's more like less than half that size lol.

Okay and as you can see, half of them aren't even that big looking. Lol. And even the ones who are, still aren't rebel wilson sized.

half of them aren't even that big looking



half of them aren't even that big looking

The fact that someone can say this unironically makes me hate the world.

I was referring to my comment about Rebel Wilson, half of them aren't even that big looking Not that it should matter to *anyone * here.

I've read "half of them aren't even that big" comment and I still opened the link with disgusting people inside, am I retarded?

how fat are you?

How fat are you?

well i'm not fat at all. i'm 6'1 and weight 200 pounds, but i lift weights so none of it is fat.

now you post your numbers.

Well I'm not fat at all. I'm 6'1 and weight 200 pounds, but i lift weights so none of it could possibly be the slightest bit of fat. Like less than 1% fat.

Now you post your real numbers.

those are my real numbers. do you find it hard to believe someone on reddit isn't fat?

i actually saw your numbers on your other posts anyway, so no need to hide it, i already know you're fat, just trying to prove a point.

Lol no your condescending attitude about how you think you can't possibly have any fat anywhere on your body is what I'm mocking.

Yep I'm fat. Don't give a fuck about hiding shit. Lol why would I have posted it if i wanted to hide it?

well i'm muscular, and you're fat, so that makes me a superior life form to you.

Says the TransexualWeiner.

Really living up to that username.

Did your parents have any kids who lived?

a fat woman trans shaming? lol, you do not have the high ground sweety.

Yeah no. Not trans shaming.

You're living up to the Weiner portion of your username.

so you're dick shaming now?

Nope. You're just being a giant dick.

still better than being a fat chick, literally useless to society, since women are just objects only good for being hot and cumming in.

Lol. r/niceguys

i'm not nice, nor did i say i was. either way, still better than being a fat girl.


first of all, spamming reddit subs is an autistic thing to do as an insult. second of all, i'm not even being edgy, being a fat chick is a pretty shitty thing to be, and all you the things you called me are not worse than being a fat chick.

You're trying too hard.

you're eating too much.

you're overweight, and all you do is spam stupid memes and reddit subs. you couldn't be more of a typical reddit female.

Because fatties should be exterminated even before mayos.

It's unhealthy.

Do you know them? Where did they claim it was healthy? But maybe they have a back issue (i do. From car accidents, and 2 epidurals and a spinal block) Maybe they have other issues. And *why does anyone pretend they give a fuck about someone else's health, yet when universal healthcare is brought up it's "not my taxes, they're not my problem!" * 😑

How does an injury justify eating like a pig?

I don't eat like a pig. I'm not your mother.

I eat 1200 or less calories a day.

Do you actually weigh your food and keep track of your daily calories? Because if you actually did that and didn't cheat whatsoever for even a relatively short period of time, it would be physically impossible to not lose weight. Seriously, if that happens and you don't lose weight you need to call some notable physicists because you have somehow discovered the process to create matter from nothing. You could revolutionize the world.

I have pre portioned sizes that are pre weighed. So. Yes. Lol.
It's called plateau-ing. I need to up my activity level and break my meal into several meals. I'm already aware, it's just difficult to do working 12hour days and getting 4 hours of sleep because we have kids that need food, play, education more than I need sleep or to go workout more.

Just for context, I'm 5'11" and dropped down to 153 from 175 over this summer by cutting my caloric intake to 1800 kcals/day, with no increase to my workout schedule, so forgive me if I'm skeptical. But I guess if you're happy where you are, and not just saying you are because of some rabid people online, then you do you. If you genuinely want to drop weight you're well within your limits to do so.

As I've said- I'm working on dropping more weight.

I believe in you, you can do it!

Well Thanks! 😁😁😁

I hope so. I'm working on it for sure!

Your BMR would be >1800 kcal a day at 5'8/240, so it's impossible for you to retain weight with a 1200 kcal diet as your body burns 150% of this to simply keep you alive. How do you justify this?

I have a 9 hour metabolism. According to the doctor.

Binge eating as the result of depression or medication like certain kinds of steroids can happen. And if you're immobilized and bored eating can be a relief/distraction. It's not a justification, but it's an explanation.

Why is it that every single time a fat person's weight is brought up, the default is to defend them because there might be circumstances militating against them being a healthy weight. 9.9 times out of 10, they just don't want to eat healthier and exercise. Cases such as yours and the thyroid issues are incredibly rare, and even then, you still have to eat more than you actually need to get fat.

So. I'm eating too much by eating less than 1200 calories a day? I'll admit i only do walking and playing with the kids day to day for exercise, but kinda cant do much else right now. Hence why I cut my caloric intake to the bare minimum

If this is bait its absolute god tier


Hmmm lemme translate it to non internet speak:

If this is bait

This basically means "If you're not serious and just doing this to get a rise out of people"

and this part means:

its absolute god tier well done

"Congratulations you are exceptionally good at getting said reaction from people"

No i grasp that, I'm confused as to why you would think that though

no one is as stupid as you are pretending to be

Idk i think you come pretty close.

Especially since you can't answer a question.

You're gonna die early and leave your poor kids to grow up alone :( Pls get help and learn to be healthy I'm cheering 4 u

Lol. You're going to die alone and single.

My health is fine. Thanks for not giving a shit. 😀😂

Thats mean :(


Thats okay were friends now :)

Lol ok


Most cases are fat are literally just being too lazy to exercise.

It's time to treat the fats like we treat smokers. It works. Shaming is a good thing, unironically.

LOL no it doesnt and it's been fucking proven. 😂😂😂😂

Imagine being so American that you lose perception of what a not fat person looks like

Americans can look at someone who is overweight and think they're underweight.

Americans can look at someone who is morbidly obese and think they're just slightly overweight.

Um no, no, we don't.

You've already proven it in this thread, you can't nu-uh your way out of this one, lardass.

Except what I said was the women were as big as Rebel Wilson. Not that they arent big

Yes we do. I'm an American and I see it all the time.

Jesus Christ how do people even balloon that big?

Because they're AmeriFats

I honestly don't get it unless they have a binge-eating disorder, eat at shitty restaurants every night, and/or are an alcoholic who prefers high-calorie drinks. It must take a long time to get to that point, though.

Sounds like you do get it

They eat their feelings. When something good happens they eat, when something bad happens they eat, when they are bored they eat, etc.

It's no different then an alcoholic. Just people with shitty control making shit choices.

Just people with shitty control making shit choices.

The problem is that reducing addictive behaviors to this doesn't contribute anything useful. It doesn't explain or address the underlying reasons for the shit behaviors or poor control. It's just as dumb as blaming obesity solely on social causes. It's lazy black-and-white thinking that doesn't solve the problem and only works to make the speaker feel good about themselves.

Most obese people are obese because they use food to cope with situations/trauma the way other people use drugs, sex, gambling, etc.

I'm well aware of the psychological and educational(or lack of) causes of obesity. There are also people who go through these issues and don't turn to addictive self destructive behaviors, so look at that.

As our favorite kermit sounding psychotherapist says

I think there's room for indulgence, that I don't think that that's the same as saying that there's room for weak indulgence. Why do something if it makes you weak? Unless you wish to be weak...

That is truly an amazing find, OP. Thanks.

I also like the part of the thread saying that the model is unhealthy because her BMI is slightly below the "healthy" range; meanwhile the literally obese 5'3" 170 pounder is explaining why BMI doesn't apply to her.

Americans don't, at any rate.

For reference, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a similar BMI when he won Mr Olympia (just a little over 30).

Also, due to BMI being a medical tool, and tall people needing to be a bit skinnier, it's more forgiving to short people.

A tall guy like Arnold (6'3") will look skinny compared to a short person with the same BMI.

The other important point is that muscle weighs more than fat, but then there's two things associated with that:

  • if you have enough muscle that it's skewing your BMI, you aren't the type of person who is looking up their BMI to see if they're fat anyway

  • If you have enough muscle that it's skewing your BUM, you're the type of person that can tape their neck and waist and see if those proportions end up reading as fat

The other important point is that muscle weighs more than fat

Not as much as people think. See here: https://becomingbeautifultoday.com/2016/06/17/muscle-vs-fat-is-the-difference-what-we-think/

The photo you see if you google "muscle vs fat" is probably bullshit. By my calculations, there's less than 8% difference in waistline between a person made entirely of fat, and one made entirely of muscle (same height and shape).

Sure, the shape will be different. But the density shouldn't be that noticeable.

Muscle is also distributed differently than fat. You don't get a gut from having abs. If you have that much muscle, your mass and volume is in your chest, back and extremities.

Even I get insecure by how skinny I look. 5'8" male, 150 lbs athletic build i.e.: I have a gym membership. It's like the opposite of anorexia I feel like I'm too small even though I'm average. It's like everyone around me is colossal and here I am in my tiny frame all insecure and shit.

That is literally a perfectly normal weight. Americans are disgusting animals.

Completely normal weight for your height, definitely not too skinny.

Sternum shaming is the worst:(

I guess people don't realize what a healthy human body is supposed to look like any more.


such grace.

the literally obese 5'3" 170 pounder is explaining why BMI doesn't apply to her.

One of my most favorite saved threads was when /r/theRedPill posted this pic which shows a fit girl being shamed being fit, and a fat girl being praised by white knights. That thread was picked up by /r/theBluePill where they (tried to) circlejerk over how the fat girl wasn't really fat.

Here's an archive

The blue pillers start out by calling the fat-as-fuck girl "curvy." I say that no, she's legit obese. This triggers a (fat) blue piller who replies "that's not what obese means" - k.

Then she becomes extra triggered and says "you don't actually care about [obesity]. All you care is that you think she's ugly."

The grand finale is this bit of mental gymnastics: "Using BMI to determine obesity is like using eye color to determine visual acuity."

tbf that chick looks gnarly

slightly visible

oh noe

I'm 5'5" and 230lbs. Is there even a word to describe my size on this guy's scale?

Morbidly Obese is the word(s) she is looking for (I'm assuming she and not a fat manlet)

Even if a male, that's still extremely obese. Like, that's the medical term for it.

Lol I’m 6’6” and I weigh 5 lbs less than her

Are we all posting out height and weight? 5'8 and 118. Who's next?

lank mane

thanks mr skeletal 💀👍

6'6” 225lb is slightly overnight dumbass

slightly overnight dumbass


do it for me

U turd

if you've literally never moved yes

/u/XovNielkArze posts on /r/drama, do you think you're dealing with a sporty lad here?

hard to say, I post in here and my stats would make me sound obese but I'm not


lol u wild

wyd tho?

I'm just here for the bussy

Dawg those are NBA forward stats

Dawg those are Lebron James stats


The word you're looking for is Obese

u/beerbeardsbears this guy's got you covered

It. When they balloon like that, mere genders can not encompass their existence

Good god I’m the same height (male) and weigh 100lbs less. If I wanted to gain that 100 and keep it on I’d have to never stop eating.

Man...Scotty Steiner would have a stroke seeing all of those hootchies.



I'm 5'5" and 230lbs. Is there even a word to describe my size on this guy's scale?


And it'll remain the same even if you add a feet to his height. Fuck, that guy's absolutely fucked.

lol wait i thought it was a chick. still true.

I mean you're from Des Moines. And considering you are / used to be a mod here, and had a coup against you- I'd say you probably have no room to talk.


Also great way to treat the homeless in nearly Freezing temps. The high today was what? 36?

Yes bc I did that.

Didnt say you specifically.

Was referring to your entire city.

Amazing ad hominem, tremendous

Do you mean their entire page?

Did you lose a sub or something Ann?

Only fat fucks get offended by insults directed at fat fucks.

I don't know what that means related to my question.

Ya i miss /r/gundeals

Not one person that commented there is lighter than me, despite the fact that I'm around 4-6 inches taller than most of them

Do you want a medal?

yes thanks








Seems like the bot only hands out silver anymore. Why, I remember back when it gave out reddit beer and reddit cheese and all sorts.

Lift some weights skinnyfat is no better

I do triathlon

Doesn't count if it's under an iron man,

118 lbs is very little for 5’9... If anything, she should eat more.

4'8 and 372 lbs

Just and 'lil on the chub side

What's kind of more surprising is the 5'9 175 people saying that they're perfect. I'm 5'9 and coming down from 215, I now weigh 165 and I'm still very chubby, and plan to keep on losing weight.

Yes people thinking 240 lbs is not extremely unhealthy is surprising, but now being chubby is considered fine and I'm not so sure it should be that way.

Also when the mayocide comes can we start with people who unironically post on and frequent all of these neck beard, cringe and creepy subreddits.

Different body structures.

My 5'2 mom looked deathly ill at 109lbs. Doctors even told her she needed to put on weight due to her bone structure.

No 240 isn't healthy and no one said it was. Infact "yep I'm fat" was said several times. Like if you think anyone thinks it's "healthy" you're blind. Lol.
Yes even the people who are that weight and those heights. But seriously- why does anyone here act like they care?

I'm talking more about how being chubby is normalised. Although I could well be in good shape with my weight and height it I put on 20 lbs of muscle.

Who gives a fuck? Being a little chubby is normal and healthy for the most part. Women have higher fat content in their bodies. Unless you like the body builder chick look of rockboobs (no offense to them, much respect for doing crazy shit to your body for a trophy). But seriously- in the event of a severe illness, or famine chubby to fat people are less likely to die from starvation. shrug

Eh, I get that it's nothing like as bad as being obese, but it's still not healthy. And why should I care you might ask? I don't really care that much. Those arguments about people eating while others are starving, or arguments that people are a strain on the health services are weak at best. However I think being chubby shouldn't be normal just because all other things being equal, people are healthier and happier if they don't let themselves slip beyond a healthy weight.

shrug i think if people are unhappy, they'll do something about it- there's plenty of programs and such.

Some are stuck- either physically, financially or both.


weight is lost in the kitchen


Eating less saves money

I eat once a day and less than 1200 calories.

You're inplying I should literally starve.

Well, there is the fact that fresh vegetables spoil fast and cost more than junk food that's around forever. And some places are food deserts.

But, then again, cheap food is definitely possible on a budget. And, to your point, if you're going to eat junk food, just eat less.

in the event of a severe illness, or famine chubby to fat people are less likely to die from starvation.

Agreed, very good source of calories

You don't live in the USSR. When entire countries with hundreds of millions of people have overweight demographics of 70% no one is having a famine.

Tell that to the starving people in Africa.

And no where did I claim is was an IMMEDIATE issue. I said in the event of

You getting into a famine situation would actually require more effort than losing weight to a healthy level. Let's not be ridiculous.

that's your excuse? you're preparing for a famine?

That's why I'm getting as swole as possible. The inevitable cannibalistic murdergangs during a famine. I really want to be part of a close-knit group of friends like that.


Nope. I had 2 kids back to back, i was in a car accident while pregnant with my youngest that left my lower back fucked up, had 2 epidurals and a spinal block and wasn't even allowed to lift my eldest child during my recovery from the car accident. It still hurts. Constantly. I can't do much in the way of physical activity usually just walking for a few miles a day in total and so i cut my drinks to Flavored Water and Monster Zero for mornings. I eat one maybe two meals a day and a couple of snacks. And the caloric content of my day is rarely over 1200.

Being a little chubby is normal and healthy

No, you can't be fat and fit. Period.

in the event of a severe illness, or famine chubby to fat people are less likely to die from starvation

You're not living in S. Soudan and you're not an Eskimo, you humongous orb of lard. Any event of 'sever illness' you might face will likely be the result of your destructive lifestyle.

LOL. Kay. Tell that to fat ballerinas.

I never said I was in those places, i said in the event of those things you illiterate jackass.

Oh yeah ballerinas are peak fitness levels. There are no fatties in Olympic events that involve a lot running or movement because you can't be fit and fat

Being a little chubby is normal and healthy

America was a fucking mistake.

For people who are under a certain age it is normal.

You were a mistake. But yet here we are.

Being chubby is literally the physical manifestation of biological inefficiency. Eating more food than you have to is not normal, hence why overweight humans are called overweight.

Also, source on me being a mistake. I'll wait.

Err kids have a higher fat ratio than adults. Especially young girls.

People dont have to "eat more than they have to" to become overweight.

True, they usually have to be lazy too.

No, they don't.
I was a very active kid, still had pudge. Walked 3 miles a day in the Florida heat and still was heavy even though I ate correctly.

Some people are just naturally heavier set than others. No one should be killing themselves to be Victoria Secret skinny and starved looking (save for a small handful of their models who dont)

The fact that you think fit people are "killing themselves to be Victoria Secret skinny and starved looking" says everything lmao

Also, stop bringing kids into the discussion like some diddler, we're talking about actual human beings here

Err yeah my best friend and I both went through a struggle with anorexia. Hence why my metabolism is still fucked up.

It's not like i havent seen doctors. And made changes. Following docs orders.

I'm not criticizing you personally. From what you posted itt, you may have legitimate reasons for being overweight, and I understand that. But 90%+ of overweight people don't. Most westerners who are fat, in my experience, are simply looking for excuses. Japanese people have the same standard of living as Americans, yet somehow obese people are almost non-existent there. On a more personal level to me, Romanians and Hungarians are basically the same when it comes to food consumption, yet Hungarians have twice the obesity rate of Romanians. Two neighboring countries therefore have vastly different healthcare outcomes despite similar premises. You can't just explain this shit away with "natural differences", it ultimately boils down to lifestyle choices.

It also boils down to healthcare- which is insane in the States. Japan i believe has universal healthcare- does Hungary and Romania?

It also boils down to Work / Life balance, and Education as well.

I appreciate your honesty and your additonal examples of other countries who have Obesity issues. I am always curious to learn more when and where I can.

It also boils down to healthcare- which is insane in the States. Japan i believe has universal healthcare- does Hungary and Romania?

Yeah, universal healthcare exists everywhere in Europe, even in non-EU members. The States really stand out when it comes to not having that sort of thing

That's what I thought. But didnt wanna sound like a jack ass about it lol

Walked 3 miles a day


In the Florida heat? In all black clothes? Black tripp pants, black steel toed boots, black long sleeve, black short sleeve, black hoodie.

I walked more than that if you count walking at school- from one end to the other, plus the mile walk during P.E. , walking to work (another 3 miles one way), etc. That was just my daily walk to the mall.

But your sarcasm is duly noted.

In all black clothes

I apologise, my Muslim sister, I did not know you wore the bur'qa. Allahu akbar.

I'm not Muslim. But cheers.

Not yet, inshallah

I don't do religion.




Who gives a fuck?

ur mom

But seriously- in the event of a severe illness, or famine chubby to fat people are less likely to die from starvation.

But seriously - in the Western world we are not going to be experiencing famine, and it is extremely rare for anyone to get so ill that they starve to death, compared to all the downsides of being obese.

Lol. K

much respect for doing crazy shit to your body for a trophy

Yea you seem sincere

My highschool guidance counselor was a Body Builder. You'd never know it to look at her.

I am sincere. At least they have a reason for doing it. Unlike the dudes at the Tmobile kiosks lol.

implying that you have a reason for being a lardass

"i have big bones lol"

Or a bone structure that causes your rib cage to jut out? Not "big bones" but differently set and shaped bones.

so you have a big gut because you have an abnormally large rib cage? this just gets funnier and funnier.


It would help if you could comprehend basic English.

What would be your goal height and weight that you want to be? You have said you aren't healthy so I assume you would want to change current situation.

No, he is trying to commit long-term suicide.

Lol. Well I'm not growing any time soon.

I'm working (slowly) to get back down to 150. Because on me- 150 looks good. It was my pre preggo weight. And I'm going to get back there, one way or another. Trying to adapt to spine injuries sucks. But. That's life.

Well weight is lost in the kitchen not the gym so there is hope for anyone that wants to lose weight even if totally immobile.

Errr sure if they starve.

No, you don't need to "starve" to lose weight. They need to eat less. If you ate 1200 to 1500 calories a day you would shed weight immediately.

Even paralyzed people are capable of not being overweight or obese.

No apparently I won't even with being semi-active. I walk probably close to 2 miles a day, and play with my kids by chasing them around. When i cut my calories to 800, or less, that's when I started losing some weight.

You should seriously consider counting calories. People half your size lose weight at 1200 calories and the bigger someone is the more calories they lose even with zero activity.

I do count my calories actually. Hence why I know I'm not losing any weight at 1200.... and why i know i had to cut calories to 800 calories or less.

When I cut down to 2 - 400 calorie meals i lost weight. Ironically i also lost weight eating nothing but ramen 3x a day. Doesn't mean I was healthier just because I lost 40lbs. I was malnutritioned but it's all I could afford at the time when i just moved and was spending all my money on gas and rent.

You're not counting them right.

Okay should I be multiplying them by 5?

Tell me how addition and going by the serving sizes is wrong?

Being 240lbs is insanely unhealthy so when eating nothing but ramen would actually be an improvement if you lose 40lbs from it. That doesn't mean it is the only way to lose weight.

Look, you don't need to be honest with yourself and can rationalize your lifestyle if you want, but for other people reading you could literally last in bed and do nothing and eat under 1700 calories and lose weight.

Get your life sorted for your own sake and your family as well. Your life is only going to get worse the longer you live being morbidly obese. You are over 35 BMI by a decent margin.

36.5... Lol. And i never claimed i was "healthy" I'd love to see your doctorate(s). Lol.
Yeah the 5000 mg of Sodium is totally healthier. /s

And no not every person can. Lol. As i said I'm working on things slowly but surely. But thanks for acting

You need to lose 80lbs bare minimum. I don't need a doctorate to repeat the most basic of medical research. It is impossible to be healthy and obese. Anyone that is obese is automatically unhealthier because their risks for the biggest killers goes up. You are more likely to break down body wise, your quality of life is shit, you have respiratory issues, increased cancer risk, heart issues, diabetes risk, you name it.

Get under 1500 calories and you will lose weight. Shoot for 1200. There is literally no way for you to not lose weight at 1200 calories. I would lose weight at 1200 and am a normal weight. The bigger someone is the easier it is to lose weight from doing nothing. It is actually harder work for normal sized people to diet versus an obese person.

I agree i do need to lose 80lbs minimum. And thats what I'm aiming for actually. I've lost close to 30 since I started working again (was unable to for a short while due to being on bed rest from my surgery and then childcare issues) because I'm doing more than just chasing kids around.

I dont have respiratory issues actually. Lol. My husband has asthma so we see a professional every few months.

Sorry, I meant RISKS, not that you right now have all those problems. All of these are tied directly to obesity. Great job losing 30 though. Good luck on losing the next 80. I have no idea on your age but the sooner you pull it off the better the returns. I am glad you had a goal in mind. Makes things easier that way.

I'm under 30. So I've got a little time before I'm completely just SOL. Lol

I'm 4'11 210lb and I say fuck the haters

Hence why


who unironically post on and frequent all of these neck beard, cringe and creepy subreddits.

So r/drama will be the next to go....


لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱلله

Starts collecting stones

chubby just means they are a healthy size, but some areas they look a little fat. i wouldn't really ever call an adult chubby.

I now weigh 165 and I'm still very chubby, and plan to keep on losing weight.

Cause your bodyfat % is too high. You can be at that weight and look great if you have more muscle and less fat.

Depends how much muscle. You can realistically be 5'8 175 if you're just a little jacked.

Worse is people use terms like chubby and overweight to whitewash harsher, but more accurate terms like fat and obese.

230 lbs and 5'5" is not chubby, it's obese.

That fucking convo in the OP tho holy shit.

If you believe that's real I have some elves to sell you.

I'm amazed that people freely and willingly posted their obese weights (seriously, 5 feet 5 inches and 230 pounds?) and then get upset when people comment on it.

For a 27 yo dude, he has an embarrassing lack of game

What would you have said if you were him?

Hey BB u wan sum fuk

TIL I really fucking hate amerifats not using the metric system.

This is why I'm glad I never quite got over my teen eating disorder, for all the other motivational issues I have, I do have one irrational fear that I have made more than a net-profit from.

Everyone knows that Americans are morbidly obesed

I'm 5 9" and I weigh 180 pounds and I got a beerbelly going on

I'm 5'10 (apparently) and weigh 175. I feel like a disgusting piece of shit but apparently by their standards I'm fine.

5'11 180 and I'm a fat piece of shit

some maniac posted a photo from a Reddit meetup

Bad move.

I remember how the world with FPH used to be. A place of swoleship and fitness where hambeast and lardplanets were bullied until they were thin.

But then the soyadmins attacked...

There's a woman in there claiming she isn't morbidly obese when she has a bmi of 36.5 and saying she's going to have a long life.

My first thought was the first comment of that text message chain sounded a bit flirty but he wasn't really being creepy. Then it turns out she's the one who said the flirty message and he maybe read into it a bit too much.

unless they go crazy like this photographer guy, but that’s a different story

Those are called male feminist guys in these parts

Use metric you american idiots so i dont have to type every second thing into a converter

1 pound is 450g or something.

You can't do math in your head, but it's Americans who are the idiots?

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Fuck you faggot I'll tell you if I want help.

/>user flair: proud feminist

/>Im 5'3" and 200lbs. I don't even exist. 😂

All too easy


Your BMI is: way too high By NHI standards you are: a ham planet

Do they think if they just say their height and weight together that we don't put two and two together? I'm a fat fuck but its not like if I tell the world my weight and height it somehow makes it okay. wtf

[–]Trajan_ 6 points 14 hours ago Your BMI is: 28.3

This makes you: Overweight

See the NIH for calculations.

[–]FatFingerHelperBot 6 points 14 hours ago

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