When doubling-down goes wrong... Canadian PM white knighting race baiter (tag: HereForBullshit)

35  2018-03-28 by newcomer_ts


I went in to @LondonDrugs today to take a passport photo. I have faux locs on with shaved back and sides. My hair was down but did not cover my face. I was told my hair was was inappropriate and I'm better off tying it up just to be on the safe side. #HereForCelina

The horrifying state of Canadian Racism.

Imagine where on autism spectrum one has to be to think this is a form of a micro-racist-agression.

When did Canada make Europeans look like reactionaries? You interact with so many of them online now and they unironically believe this.

Hopefully once daddy Peterson becomes PM he'll strap JT down and forcefeed him test boosters.

Why the fuck didn't he get raked over the coals for cultural appropriation for that? Isn't that the same thing as putting on a full native headdress and visiting a reserve?

He did. The newspapers (all of them - left leaning L, right leaning, centrist) have been REEEEEing about it since he landed in India.

I saw breitbart and nypost articles about it but that's it. More ink has been spilled over some tattoos he got.

Uh no. All the Canadian papers are up in arms about it. My FB feed has been nothing but whining for like a month

Why the fuck didn't he get raked over the coals for cultural appropriation for that

He did, but the problem was the articles about it all used words. I'm sure the amount of cartoons on the topic were far fewer, probably why you had trouble understanding. Hope that helps :)

gottem LMAO

To be fair, Ben Garrison cartoons are pretty wordy.

I thought he would try and chill a bit and stop saying stupid things because Scheer is already starting to lead polls, but jesus he really wants to go down with the ship