Eeting their own? /r/Againsthatesubreddits vs /r/GamerGhazi

49  2018-03-28 by IAintThatGuy


It's be great if people on the left would be more careful to differentiate these ideas:

  • racism = white people in the west passively benefitting from a bunch of social structures and history that they didn't contribute to more or less than anybody else, and there's no real coherent theory of justice under which joe the white guy should be individually punished.

  • racism = that shithead uncle who purposely doesn't hire black people that society should sanction and punish

But I think they purposely alide the first thing with the second thing for the purpose of having as many people available to punish as possible for when it's convenient

Pretty much. Take a powerful word and use it to describe something nobody gives a damn about. Now you're turning heads, and anyone who still doesn't care is now evil.

Don't forget the third form: racism = white people who benefit from fuck all, and were an oppressed minority in the past because skin colour has nothing to do with race.


But those ARE the same thing.

paging u/kingbooboo

Mayos calling each other racist is really peak mayo.

Can we just rename ourselves to /r/againstwhitesubreddits? Mayocide when.

Everyone is racist.

The problem is that this quote takes unpacking that doesn't get done in the post.

/u/Fr-ckinH-ck I hate niggers because they're all criminals. Don't worry, it's ok to say it, I'll do the unpacking in another comment.

By unpacking I mean like a college education on the issue. I don't like the definition, but this usage wasn't invented here lol.

By unpacking I mean like a college education on the issue.

A college education in a real social sciences field (where you also learn methodology, how to design and analyze a study, statistic, have to do your own research work in order to graduate...), or a degree in "african american studies" or "gender studies" where you just learn a collection of "facts".

The first. Just learning 'facts' ends with complete misunderstandings like this post and most of the comments here.