"""Christians""" REEE about evolution

24  2018-03-28 by ineedmorealts



Do I believe in the changing and adaptation of species? Yes. Do I believe I evolved from a monkey? No.

M8 I hate to be the one to tell you this. but you've never evolved. Indviuals don't evolve, species do


Evolution is incompatible with what we know of creation from scripture.

Then it's time to retcon the bible again. Hell even the pope believes in evolution


I believe in Micro-Evolution where multiple genetic variations occur and "turn-off" or "turn-on".

So you believe in evolution

I do not believe in Macro-Evolution in the sense that all life on earth "evolved from single celled organisms".

So you believe that small changes are possible in short time frames, but large changes aren't possible in large time frames?

Contrary to what the throwing stones gallery here espouses, there is no "entire scientific community" that agrees with evolution

Yes, yes there is. Find me a single respect biologist who denies evolution

There is an entire spectrum of people that believe every shade of belief between the two extremes

No there's not.

/u/jmj1970 are your parents blood relatives who chain smoke pallmalls?


How many of your exs/cousins have od'ed in the past year?


Jesus provided for the authority of the OT. Considering He was there and would know, a retcon of the scripture in question is not possible.

He was where? Present for the events of the old testament? The OT was written 600 years before jesus lived

Yes, He was. See John 1.

Wow, euphoric internet atheists become fucking enraged if you talk about monkeys, good to remember

It's pretty telling when Christcucks constantly prove themselves to be intellectually inferior to atheist fedoralords. The rush that these brainlets feel while crying in Church is far more embarrassing than feeling good after making a Reddit comment btfoing religion.

I contend that both examples are reasons to ensure your personal security

Radical central af

🐴👟 and all that shit, now donate to my Patreon

literally everyone is retarded except for me

This guy gets it

This but unironically.

Pretty much, yeah.

You're not the coolest monkey in the jungle

Nice meme but these nutcases are the dumbest of their kind lol.

these people know nothing about evolution and even less about christianity.

even less about christianity.

Are you one of those "No real Christian does X" types?

No, these people are real Christians. They are also real idiots.

And they also dont know shit about the philosophy of christ.

Most fundies only know a few smattered myths from the old testament.

They don't even really know the myths, because they misinterpret those all the time.

Fundies agree with fedoratheists on everything, they just continue to be Christians in spite of it. imo, that makes them more stupid than the fedoratheist.

it's funny when people like /r/aaronis1 are smugly proud of being stupid

Evolution... The missing link between apes and humans can be found on Reddit! No more digging

Why do they have the Atheism+ logo as a flair? lmao

For the same reason you can choose a Liberal or Commie flair on r/debatefascism.

We have cave paintings and pottery decorations that match the images we "conclude" "could" be dinosaurs, from PEOPLE.

lol, no we don't.

Jesus Christ, there's an immense amount of time between dinosaurs and the first stages of Humanity...

Clearly you haven't seen the flintstones

You joke, but entertainment television is likely the basis of many "grass roots" movements. My generation is so comfortable not educating themselves, and being fed information. Smartphones and the internet have given tptb a strangle hold on narratives, it's simply easier to google something or pull up wikipedia or just hear about a story and it's details through word of mouth from someone else who simply read a headline. I'll probably be ridiculed in here a bit for this, but the mainstream media and fact sources have gone from hundreds of independent companies, to an umbrella of 9 or so Parent companies all invested in by, and chaired by the same people, or friends and family; including ex politicians and espionage.

Normally talking about media bias inevitably derails into antisemitism and racism, both of which I think have nothing really to do with this. I think it all boils down to people with money and power wanting to protect their wealth and expand it, and when they get into a room together, the public is only left to guess or assume their conspiracies, until the next smear or talking point arrives making anyone questioning anything appear to be unhinged or agenda driven. Unfortunately for civilization it seems like a stalemate of wealth disparity, and it indicates we are much more a plutocracy with shades of false democracy than anything else.

/u/draniei Where are you from? How old are you? How can anyone be this uneducated? Usually the people that share your stupid beliefs can't type for shit and ramble on and on about nonsense, but you're clear and concise in your comments (regardless how stupid they are). Do you actually believe this or are you some troll?

"I shidded and farded and cumed in my pants" - /u/draniei, on why he's a geocentrist creationist

Jesus was the original radical centrist, just look at the position of his cross when he was executed!

creationism drama? What is this, 2007?

What is this, 2007?

Yes and captain awesome is the number 1 youtuber

Whelp, clearly it's time to embrace the nostalgia and binge on thunderf00t vs. VenomFangX compilations.

I completely forgot about VenomFangX. He and theAmazingAtheist finally did their debate like 2 years ago (6 years after it was suppose to happen)

Shit theAmazingAtheist is still a thing?!

Hell at this point I expect someone to link me to a PaulsEgo vid or something.

Here's a classic paulsego video

And here's one of his new videos

He's also done a bunch of appearances on the Drunken Peasants podcast

Jesus. When did TJ have Paul murdered and replaced by a Sasquatch?

Yup. He's goes by TJ Kirk now and doesn't do many videos on atheism anymore

guy gets nailed to a cross


Brain power isn't their strongest point.

Evolution isn't real. It just isn't. If it was then why didn't I evolve to be a 6'9" ripped Chad? Checkmate idiots.

Any faith not present during the Nicene Creed is heterodox and its leaders are apostates. We shouldn't care what these whackadoodles believe because they aren't followers of the real church.

Imagine bring cucked enough to believe what a bunch of Turks from 325 have to say about True Christianity.

Turks weren't a thing back then

Racist, tbh

Why don't you go pray with snakes or drink grape juice or whatever you evangelicals do

I'm more offended that these dumb agnostics with death-anxiety still cling to an obviously fascist piece of trash like the Bible and then attack others for actually following the bible.

OMG one of those morons believes that the sun revolves around the earth. Really showing off the retardation of traditionalist Catholics there lol