
94  2018-03-28 by Ed__ButteredToast


This is the first time I've seen what they look like and they look exactly as expected

She's totally rocking that choker right?

accentuates her adams apple 😍😍😍

Wait, that creature on the right is the seductive succubus whose erotic conquests ignited gamergate? I . . . don't get it. Her head is shaped like a jellybean with cobwebs on it.

Also, people paid money for her nudes.

I paid money specifically not to see her nude.

Did they really though? She basically went into full damage control mode once they were leaked and kept referring to her professional nudes as "revenge porn" so her white knights wouldn't look at it.

her professional nudes

that poor photographer. there is no justice in this world :(

Probably the funniest bit of gamergate drama was when the porn came up during an AMA with her ex who started all that shit and he basically said "lol I never saw these before, they're horrendous".

Imagine having porn of yourself so bad that even people who willingly slept with you say they're garbage.

You don't get it? We're dealing with thirsty beta geeks who've only had sex with their cumdrenched homemade dolls, imagining it's a anime monstergirl.

A real life bony zombie is definitely an upgrade.




Honestly she looks a little better than she did when gamergate first started too.

Nerds man

Imagine being a game journalist who works for a website called "Kotaku".

I remember seeing ZQs nudes and her forehead wasn't that high, is she balding?

meth + too much hair dye.

She's to fat to be on meth

someone has never been to arkansas lmao

I regret looking up her nudes

Anita is actually pretty qt tbh this is a bad photo of her

Anita is actually pretty

Jesus don’t say stuff like that - I cringed so hard I nearly pooped my pants.

Don't tell me you wouldn't rape hatefuck Anita.

The only thing stopping me is the fear of punishment/social stigma/being ostracized tbqh fam.

The only thing stopping me is the hoop earrings.

Yah the earrings are gross.

Why, throw a fish in the air and a dolphin may jump through them. It would be funny every time

Not even with your dick.

i probably would rape her except she probably has all sorts of diseases and stuff

Don't pretend the majority of Anita's haters are harboring secret crushes on her. You do too, and it's plain as day dude.

I need gravol after reading that.

"Ugh, NO WAY. That gril is icky and I DON'T like her."

Haven't heard that before.

Don't kink shame /u/did-the-math just because he prefers bussy.

Anita is my ideal girlfriend, I masturbate to her constantly.

Same πŸ‘

Was fucking gold when they first went to the UN and KiA started losing its shit thinking they were going to ban vidya worldwide

thinking they were going to ban vidya gaymes worldwide

Imagine being this big of a dumbfuck lol

Do NOT underestimate the power of my queens. We will emerge victorious.

Ikr? What kind of idiot wouldn’t want them to ban vidya

pretty sure we just said it was retarded that they even let them in and then afterwards it was funny because nobody in there actually listened to them or did anything afterwards

also it was "un women" or some shit and not the actual un it turns out

So basically a bunch of impotent screeching about a bunch of impotent screeching?

Wow you really showed them!

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, also known as UN Women, is a United Nations entity working for the empowerment of women.


yeah i liked arguing about gamergate in like 2014, and its still less embarrassing than posting here tbh

This but completely unironically


fall on your sword

nope, its funny that people in here are unironically living vicariously through gamerghazi because they think it puts them on a side of some ideological battle instead of just making them a huge fag

The denizens of r/gamerghazi are just as bad as you retards. But you’re both retarded.

Both sides

are autists

nope ghazi is a whole nother level of lolcows and that shouldnt even have to be said

this sub has fallen so far with all the rando subscriptions lol 50k really fucked it, srd cancer ahoy

seriousposts about gamergate

accuses others of making the sub cancer

Wew lad


people literally posting ghazi and weuntedthemammoth

that shit aint normal whereas autism is tyvm


I didn’t find a way, it comes naturally babe.

Can you not be a such a huge flamming butthurt faggot for once? KiA retards and gamerghazi losers both suck. Nobody cares that much about video games. Get over it lol

you care very much LOL thats why you try to ham it up being a faggot to piss people off

acting like its a mystery nigga foh

Nobody cares that much about video games

you care enough to fag it up "ironically" posting zoe to spite.. me i guess? im not sure of your exact motivation but pretty sure its got something to do with homosexuality and judaism

(((Ayyy lmaooo)))

Imagine thinking the U.N. would do more than write a strongly worded letter about vidya

kia is always good for a laugh

What a missed opportunity...

AFAIK they were there for a UN plan to require every post/comment on the internet to be pre-approved by site admins, and any site that allowed free posting was supposed to be nullrouted.

Thing is the UN doesnt have the power to do that so it was a waste of time for everyone.

give them the keys to castle and it be an apocolypse lol.

I actually watched Tropes v. Women. It definitely had cheesy and cringey moments but I didn't see what they big deal was. A lot of it was basic stuff you could've read about on tvtropes, like the whole women in refrigerators trope, hardly an original idea. If kia hadn't jumped all over her nobody would know her name.

They needed a Great Demon to fight. Same with this Chairman Pao business.

Just shows how impressionable most people are. I used to follow this games historian, Terry Wolf, over at some outfit called MetaGearSolid. He wrote some really good stuff on the franchise, real insightful, long before Super BUnnyhop. Sometimes around 2014 he got embroiled in this "neo feminism" kick (I guess he means third-wave, idk).

Now it's basically a conspiracy blog. He believes he's going to die in a gulag and I think he means it.

Wammen in fridges?

Her nonsense predates KIA dude, Anita is basically the ur example of "basic annoying white women making a career off baiting 4chan spergs for internet harassment points".

Who's to the right?

Her name is right on the white board in front of her.

The one cutoff to the right of quinn

Oh, that's Ms Madeline di Nonno

The "Ms" part is what's throwing everybody off.

looks like a pre-op tranny to me.

Aren't both of them dudes?

not sure. But highly possible.

You're thinking of Brianna "birth-related urinary tract defect" Wu.

You're thinking of Brianna "birth-related urinary tract defect" Wu.

Corrected for greater accuracy.

That's my waifu on the right. Jealous, cucks?


anita > zoe, fite me 1v1 irl

No lie I would smash the fuck out of Anita if I could get up out of my scooter.

Who are we kidding 99% of the virgin autists here would trip of themselves over girls half as attractive.

Holy fucking shit, tht thing on the right? Keep it away from my dick. It looks like a kraken.

Her n00ds are so hot tho.

Haven’t seen. Post here for drama.

NSFL More are on ED if you really want to see them.

NSFL? Yikes!

Eye Bleach!

I am a robit.

Good bot!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

Anita is unironically pretty. They both trigger gamer nerds too which is super hot. 😍

Thisssssss πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

And just to prove my point, I got downsnozzled as soon as I posted that.

Me rn

Loving your hair Ed πŸ˜™

I’d probably lick her anus till she shit in my mouth.

odd. a bit too wild for me but i won't kinkshame.

thx bby πŸ†πŸ’¦πŸ’‹

She could properbly work you into licking it. The difference between you me and scatmunchies is. When she starts pooping you and me loose the boner and go puke. Scatmunchies just gets exited then.

lol low standards

Implying you wouldn't slide all 3 inches of your throbbing meaty totem into Anita's steaming love channel

nah shes gross youre looking at blurry photos of her 5 metres away slathered in make up and hair dye

get in close and look at those armenian eyebrows

I'd lick off every inch of foundation and ejaculate in her armpit, and you know you would too.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Fuck you, bot, this is Snappy territory.

Too bad she's like 200 lbs heavier now.

Not if most of it went to her tits and ass.

She's armenian so it probably went to her ankles and moustache.

Don't forget the chest hair

It mostly went to her jowls, sadly :(((((

aren't beauty standards sexist? why so much makeup???

Their not sexist if the women are ugly.

Wasn't she the guitarist for System of a Down?




Sam and Carly return to their internet webcast 10 years after it ended.

πŸ†FUCKπŸ† YOU πŸ† ED


Not anymore 😈


Anyone who triggers gamers get an A+ in my book

Ψ³ΩΨ¨Ω’Ψ­ΩŽΨ§Ω†ΩŽ اللّهُ

Those are some broad shoulders.

Hey look it's the reason the UN is a fucking joke.

I thought it was their strongly worded letters.

They aren't even strongly worded

The UN was a fucking joke a long time before they were born.

this is what ed thinks "triggers" people, thats how bad he is at this

lol you resort to that now because youre bad at replying

me says it like it is

dae lol means im angry lololol

you have to realise that cool dudes like me got over this weird semi ironic sjw posting like 3 years ago man its nothing new

it feels like overall youre kind of new to this honestly

Aye aye captain

i want the best for everyone here and cb posting isnt the way to go

learned experience nah mean

Where did Zoe Quinn/Anita touch you? Why are you this asshurt about a sitpost? fucking lol

its easy to tell when someone is doing a shitpost versus when theyre trying to hide how butthurt they are about a certain topic

you think your faggotry has influence lol

I'd still shoot her in the pooper

QWEENS πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ’¦

Goddamn Anita is a cutie

The look of shame and hateful disbelief of the two women behind them sums it up for me very well.

I think this was the first time that it became apparent that intersectionality was institutionally powerful.

Imagine how powerful these women would be if they hadnt received a single death threat.

If I saw them I would immediately bow down and worship. They are drama Gods, I am a mere drama mortal. Inshallah.

I can't think of any reason as to why Anita Sarkeesian would want to be remotely associated with Zoe Quinn.

One wants to be a serious critic. The other is known for having attention getting hair and fucking a dude.

I mean, I get your point. But a serious person would stay away from the latter.

What a shame there are no screenshots of SRS's gamergate era css.

So why is there a clown and an ogre with pink hair at some conference?

I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Anita Sarkeesian. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Anita pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Armenia create something so perfect? To fucking tantalise us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.

If ever there were a perfect time for a couple Hellfire missiles launched from UAVs, this was it.

Zoe goes in the furry gas chamber first

Anita is unironically hot fite me
