What's the different between a religious prude and a TERF? Apparently nothing as r/GenderCritical cheers when Cosmo is removed by Walmart in "solidarity" with #MeToo.

17  2018-03-28 by Che_Gueporna


That whole sub is nothing but TERFs REEEEEing and this is the best you can do? I am very disappoint

Same! me me big disappoint

Hey man, haven't you ever heard of pacing?

Can't blow your wad all at once. Gotta start slow. Get the temperature imof things.


This is the magazine that told women to put a doughnut on a man's penis so she can have a snack when she's done blowing him.

Men dont like this?

Men like a donut up their assholes to stretch it enough ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

This was the first topic my grandmother covered when she gave me "the talk."

Happy women don't buy Cosmo, why should they tell their audience anything that would actually work

This is kind of funny. I'm pretty sure the organization they are low key rooting for here is a conservative christian one that cleverly uses feminist lingo to make their arguments about removing media they think is offensive to their christian morals.

something, something, horseshoe theory.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I saw a picture of a woman in a dress on my way to pay for my tampons! BTW, did I mention I was once almost raped?