Sewing drama when a black woman recreates an 1850s outfit, and redditors question the historical accuracy.

29  2018-03-28 by IAintThatGuy


Well yeah. She's not in chains.

Well, this was the era when the vast majority of women wore a boned corset made from heavy fabric as part of their foundation garments. The corset would provide some protection against stabbing their body, and you can weave in a pin so the point is buried in the fabric, so you won't stab yourself from brushing against the pin. I can't imagine they'd keep doing it if they were constantly stabbing themselves - there have always been other fastening methods.

Well ackutally you didn't kill a whale so your outfit isn't historically correct

made a new friend who was into historical sewing, and she ended up getting me involved with her sewing group. We just pick an era we like and get to work! It's so awesome seeing everyone else's creations and learning from each other.


Most women didn't wear corsets, and it was definitely not to protect against stabbing yourself with a pin, but to hold and train the torso into a desired shape.

Well ackutally you didn't kill a whale

The whale is still alive in her picture. Maybe it died later.

Say what? 40% of the prison population is white and 40% is black, give or take. In what world is that disproportional?

/u/Azerohiro hey friend, looks like you got your math degree from mr. David dennison's university.

Still doesn't change the fact that the negros like to commit the crimes Ed.

Black privilege is the dogma of disingenuous white liberals, crusading white pedagogues, and holier-than-thou white conservatives, not to be diverged from, doubted, or disputed.

Definition: A privilege is a special entitlement to immunity granted by the state or another authority to a restricted group, either by birth or on a conditional basis.

“Black Anality” argues that “black” and “anal” are rendered ideologically, discursively, and representationally synonymous, and that black female flesh becomes the material space on which this convergence occurs. Drawing on an archive of online, widely accessible black pornographies, I develop the term black anality to describe how black pleasures are represented as peculiarly and particularly oriented toward the anus, and thus as peculiarly and particularly attached to anal ideologies. In doing so, I depart from black feminist scholarship, which has long examined the buttocks as an imagined locus of racial-sexual difference and which has developed a set of analytics that now predominate in the study of black female sexualities: spectacularity, excess, grotesquerie, and display. “Black Anality” offers a new set of analytics for black feminist work on sexuality: spatiality, waste, toxicity, and filth. These analytics, I argue, allow black feminists to consider how black female sexuality is imagined to be rooted in (and perhaps generative of) certain kinds of filthy spaces, particularly the ghetto; how black sexuality is constructed as literally and metaphorically dirty; how black sexuality is posited as toxic, non-productive, and nonreproductive; and how black sexuality is imagined as wasteful. In turning attention to this understudied and overdetermining space — the black anus“Black Anality” considers the racial meanings produced in pornographic texts that insistently return to the black female anus as a critical site of pleasure, peril, and curiosity.

“Black 🏿👱 Anality” argues that 😳 “black” 👍👍 and ♀👏 “anal” are 🏼👴 rendered ideologically, discursively, and 😞👏 representationally synonymous, and that 💰 black female 🚺 flesh becomes 📉📉 the material ❗❗ space 😫 on which 😩 this 👌🍆 convergence occurs. Drawing on 👋 an 💶🏻 archive of 👏😔 online, 🌐 widely accessible black 🖤⬛ pornographies, I 👁😏 develop the 🤔 term black anality to 😘💀 describe how ❓😡 black pleasures are represented as 🌐 peculiarly and 💰💰 particularly oriented toward the 🙅📢 anus, 🍑 and ☝ thus 😂🕵 as 🕓🤔 peculiarly and 🙏 particularly attached to 👅 anal 👌 ideologies. In doing so, I ⬇👁 depart from 😮😮 black 👨👍 feminist 🤰🏻 scholarship, which 🤤 has long examined the 😬 buttocks 🍑🍑 as 🍑 an 😍 imagined locus of 👏 racial-sexual 🏁🏁 difference and 💛💆 which ✌😩 has developed a set ✴ of analytics that now predominate in 👇 the 👏 study 📓📓 of 😣 black 🐵🖤 female 🚺 sexualities: spectacularity, excess, grotesquerie, and display. 👌😏 “Black Anality” offers a 👌👏 new 🎀 set 📒🕸 of 💦👉 analytics for black ◼ feminist 🏻🤰 work 📥 on 🔛🏽 sexuality: spatiality, waste, ☹😣 toxicity, and 🏻 filth. These analytics, I 👁🙋 argue, allow 🎫 black 🏴 feminists to consider how 😟👏 black female sexuality is imagined to 🏼💵 be rooted 🌵🌵 in 😏 (and ➕ perhaps 🙋🤷 generative of) certain 🤔🤔 kinds 👨👦 of 🎆 filthy 😷 spaces, 👌 particularly the 💳 ghetto; how 🤷😡 black 🏿🏿 sexuality is constructed as 🍑🛠 literally 👌 and metaphorically dirty; 😷 how 👉💯 black 🏿◼ sexuality is posited as 👦 toxic, ⚠⚠ non-productive, 🚫🏆 and 💰🚟 nonreproductive; and 💯 how black 👨 sexuality is imagined as 👏 wasteful. In 😩 turning 💫💫 attention 🔜 to 👈👬 this 👈 understudied and overdetermining space 😫🤑 — the black 👍🏴 anus 🍑🔆 — “Black 🏴 Anality” considers the racial 🏁🏁 meanings produced in 👉🍆 pornographic texts 📖📖 that insistently return to 🏼 the 👏♂ black female 🚺🚺 anus as a 🗑 critical site 🎭 of 💥🐙 pleasure, ❤ peril, and 🗣💦 curiosity.


Black 🌚🏴 privilege is the dogma of 💦💦 disingenuous white liberals, crusading white ❕🉐 pedagogues, and 😇 holier-than-thou white conservatives, not to 😔 be 🐝🐝 diverged from, 👉😲 doubted, or disputed.

Definition: A 😂 privilege is 😩 a 👦🌉 special 👩 entitlement to 📬 immunity granted by the 😃 state or another authority to 💦 a restricted group, 👥 either ❗ by 👀👀 birth or ❌🕍 on 🌞🍆 a conditional basis.

  • Black 🏿👨 privilege allows Black 🏿 people 👱 to 💦👊 openly claim racial 🏁 loyalty while simultaneously denying the same 🅱 to 👅 whites. 🏽

  • Black ◼👨 privilege allows Blacks 🦍🦍 to 👉 take 👀✋ pride 💰💰 in one 😣 Black 🏿 person's 🤞💦 achievement and 😟🙇 then 👃 spread 🙌 that achievement over all 🏷 Black 🐵🏴 people 👨👩 as 🅱😏 fellow 😂 racial 🏁 kinsmen.

  • The gang rape 😲😲 of an 💰 11-year-old Hispanic girl 💕 by 20 🆗🆗 Black 🏴 men 🚹😎 can 🔫🤔 be excused, rationalized, can 💦 be 🐝 glossed over endlessly thanks 🏼 to exercise of 💤 Black ◼👴 privilege.

  • Black privilege is 🏻💦 the fact that interracial rape 😲 is 🙀🅱 overwhelmingly Black-on-white ◼👨 (and increasingly Black-on-Hispanic) ◼👍 and 🏽 the 👏📖 ramifications of 🤖😔 such 😩😳 data 📉💰 is never ♂ discussed, 🤔 but the 👑 rare instances of 💰 white-on-Black 😇 rape 😲 becomes international 🍒🍒 fodder for the sexual 💙 depravity of 🗜 white 🏻🏻 males 👅😤 everywhere. 😎

  • The greatest 👍 Black 🐵 privilege of all 🛑 is 😍 that 💦 an 👏🐎 entire 👏 race 🏇 is excused of 💰🤤 any 📨❌ responsibility for high 🆙 levels of 💦☹ rape, 😲 murder, 💣 indeed, any of the crimes commonly 🅱🤔 committed by 😈⏩ Blacks 🦍 that ➡ make 💰😬 many cities 🏙🏙 uninhabitable. Black 🏿 crime is excused away because 👆 of injustices committed by ⚡😈 whites 10, 💯 20, 🔳🆗 40, 80, 160, 320 years 🕦 ago 📅⏳ against Black 🐵👨 people.

  • Black 👴 privilege in 😏👌 Black ⬛ Run 🏃🏃 America (BRA) means 😼 that 🔺💦 Black 👨🏿 people find 🚪👀 nothing 🚫 at ❤ all 🙋💯 wrong 😪🚫 with 🎃 excusing away 😱 the 👏👧 deplorable 😠😠 actions 🤼♂ of 👬🏧 20 🆗📊 Black 🖤 men who 📛 raped an 👹 11-year-old girl. 😍🕵

  • And 🍆🏿 white 💼 privilege is that 🐄🙌 those 👞 actions ♂ are 👏💰 your 👉😧 fault.

This but iny butt

The gang rape of an 11-year-old Hispanic girl by 20 Black men can be excused, rationalized, can be glossed over endlessly thanks to exercise of Black privilege.

Do you have like video evidence? To make sure it's not just racist rumors.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast. I think we have an imposter. Now, settle this the way real faggots do. Hate fuck each other.

That lady looks like she has a great time and is really positive in spite of the negativity she received. We should all strive to be like her!

What an uplifting comment. 🤗

An ugly, fat, black lady?

You first!

Hey guys, look, it's another desperately insecure and mediocre mayo! So glad to have your important and valid contribution to this thread, Joey. Thanks for always being here to make me feel good about the bell curve 🤗

Hey look! Its anoter irony-tier alt! Glad you decided to put on a new mask! I know the worlds big and scary for stupid idiots, but at least you made a new alt to "gime 'em all hell".

The fact I made a post saying a mayo was ugly, no downvotes, and saying this, downvotes, shows me all I need to know about your retarded worldview!

Keep Yourself Safe, you absolute success of a person.

Did you ever take our advice the other day on how to stop being a NEET?

I was the highest rated comment in that thread 😭😭😂😂


lol u mad

Sure thing mrs alt!

post face

In all honesty you can make fun of me for a litany of reasons, but my looks arent one of them...Im glad you had to dig deep for that though! Striking a nerve here is quite an honor.

We cant all be fat and black. Im sorry.

post face

The white fragility is strong with this one

We should all strive to be like her!

Black, fat, manly?

I thought this was an anti bullying sub 😥😥😥

It is, but it's okay to tell OP to keep themselves safe. I would go so far as to say it's a moral imperative.

It's not bullying if we don't username ping.

did that shit get brigaded by the_doofus or something? Such a graveyard in there for such an innocuous sub

Being black is considered by many to be a political statement

this sub has gine full srs

how miserable do you have to be to find a post in a special interest group from someone showing off something that took a lot of time and skill to make and then shit all over them for something that they have no control over?

I know, it's especially strange that it's on a sewing sub too. It takes me half an hour just to sew on a patch to my jacket so I can't imagine the skill and time it took to make what she did.

It's funny because shitting on /r/Sewing is a huge part of what got /r/Fatpeoplehate banned. A woman made something that took a lot of skill and effort and they mocked her in the sidebar for being fat. It's fucked people will harass /r/Sewing users for making positive posts

(((Fatties))) aren't human tho

If I recall it wasn't all that good.

True. I really asked myself : is it that /r/sewing is racist in general, or that some racists have a weird attraction to /r/sewing? Did they have threads about sewing klan attire or replica nazi uniforms that attracted white supremacists to their community?

What happens is one of /r/Sewings posts hits the front page so literal retards work the 2 brain cells they have left as hard as they can to fuck with them.

r/all was a mistake

In theory it's a good idea but /u/spez forgot that this site will mainly be used by spergs rather than normal people


browsing r/all

how miserable do you have to be

Extremist on reddit aren't happy people.

Yeah she made something actually neat and wants to share it with people. Just to have cynical 'tards on the Internet who haven't ever done anything in their lives jump on her. Out of jealousy for actually doing something beyond dying in the top 70 in pubg while drinking their life away or out of pure stupid spite we might never know.

Don't show your retarded shit if you can't take the heat from it.

submitted 13 hours ago by GrandioseNorthwest to r/blackladies

They then proceeded to repeatedly ping the OP of that post, who never responded. If only they had bussies, r/Drama would have found their soul mate...

Miserable enough to use Reddit apparently

Never did I think I'd see the day r/Drama defends r/blackladies.