I am a Transgender Man - AMA

0  2018-03-28 by DowntownWrongdoer


Do you think MensLib be more likely to deify a MtF, FtM, or Cis-Women?

I feel that 10 years ago no one would have questioned me being male, even in early transition.

This is not a good post.

It's very informative and educational, but not a very good post for this sub

/u/JackBinimbul how big is your dick?

How big would you like it to be? Peggy

I prefer a chore, like one of those mini soda cans

Lol.., I’ll bring the hammer for the job!

/u/JackBinimbul I identify as an A-10 warthog, my pronouns are BRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT - AMA

[–] /u/throwawayact69 [score hidden] 6 minutes ago /u/JackBinimbul I to am trans. I identify as an A-10 warthog, my pronouns are BRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT, we can stand together in solidarity for the rights of trannies world wide - AMA

this but unironically

A-10 =/= apache you scrub

Aren't both designed for CAS roles?

Yes but one doesn't give a single flying fuck how hard or with what you hit it and the other spins a lot or something.

From about 14 into my 20's I "pretended" to be male exclusively online

Yet another great example of warped minds because parents didn't/aren't raising their children well and allow unmonitored and unfiltered internet access during crucial stages of brain development.



Hey, rDrama! I am a half-assed poster here and have had arguments with many of you about what it means to be a retard, how I view and relate to faggots, and my experiences as an asshole in Texas. Numerous people have expressed interest in learning more, but didn't want to hijack threads. This AMA is in that vein. A little about me; I am 34, have a very small penis and have lived in Texas for 20 years. I came out as a retard a little over 4 years ago and am on cuckold porn therapy. I will answer any and all questions to the best of my ability. Do bear in mind that I can only speak for my own experience and knowledge. I will continue to answer questions for as long as people have them, but will be the most active while this is stickied. Alright, Ask Me Anything!

How is this dramatic

Entire post is full of polite and reasonable questions and answers. Mods pls do something

She still love that d doe