Toxic masculinity. What is it? How does it come about? Who does it affect most? Is there a female equivalent? All we do know is that SRDines fighting amongst each other is my fucking drug.

67  2018-03-28 by Odemdemz98


I swear to god these are the dumbest fucking people.

They know exactly how to fix the world, if only people would listen

Thanks a lot asshole! I’ve read that thread, and now I’m sure I’ve caught brain cancer from it. I mean fuck me dead: “why do people hit other people? Obviously, toxic masculinity.”

Toxic Masculinity kicks ass then. Hell yeah, I'm the motherfucking Toxic Avenger.

Ok but why do some women still think it's ok to hit men? Is that also Toxic Masculinity?

I mean, yes, that's exactly what it is, dude.

Just inject the SRD into my veins

What does an overdose look like?

Fact is, it's swallowed by toxic masculinity, as "toxic femininity" implies the dogmatic enforcement of ideal feminine behavior and traits in women. Including subservience to men. It does not describe "bitchy feminists who hate men."

Wait, /u/BrainBlowX so what do we describe bitchy feminist with then?

ITT for that thread: Women hit men because they believe they are subservient to men. Makes sense, right?

/u/brainblowx does this mean feminism is the result of toxic masculinity?

Can you give an example of positive masculinity? Or is all (relativity speaking) masculine behaviors masculine?

/u/BrainBlowX I'm banned from SRD for suggesting that MensLib isn't perfect, so I'll respond to you here.

To begin with, I'm not sure if you actually read my comment, as your edit seems to be arguing against something I'm not even discussed in the comment I pinged you from. You describe me as an Anti-Feminist, but I'm the top mod at r/MaleGenocide, which is literally the most feminist a sub can be, so I question whether or not you are even a feminist. On the topic of toxic masculinity's definition, it is seems to be distilled down to the negative aspects of masculinity as constructed by society, so while it and masculinity are not interchangeable, I fail to see why people who inherently see the construct of masculinity as negative, aren't basically saying that all men and masculinity are toxic by default. Which is why I mod a sub dedicated to eradicating toxic(I know this is redundant) masculinity, because unlike you I actually care about women.

Literally half of all college departments are devoted to redefining words for maximum rhetorical impact. The best ones cause shame, guilt, and fear on their side and anger on the other. They are a cancer that spread from English departments in the 60's and now infects all the humanities/social sciences and are currently making headway into STEM.

The solution that I hope some states eventually take is to declare total war. Defund them in every way possible and black list all those associated with them. They are stealing money from young men/women paying them for the privilege of being inducted into their cult.

Have you literally ever set foot on a university campus?

Yes wtf I'm not a poor.

Literally half of all college departments are devoted to redefining words for maximum rhetorical impact. ... The solution that I hope some states eventually take is to declare total war. Defund them in every way possible and black list all those associated with them. They are stealing money from young men/women paying them for the privilege of being inducted into their cult.

I hope you get your money back for whatever education you received because this is retarded.

Fuck off faggo. You wouldn't know education if it fucked your mom and came in your face. The humanities is scum, social science is mostly trash, and you are shit.

sounds like someone failed his 100-level comp-lit requirement :(

Ah so you're a TrumpU grad. Good luck seeing any of that $$$$ ever again.

Again I'm not a poor. Why are you so invested in defending the commie college departments? Did you throw money away on a humanities degree just so professors could tell you why you should hate white people?

It's ok to admit you were scammed buddy. Also, I don't need a prof to teach me that mayocide is the answer.

Fuck you I didn't go to TrumpU I'm a StemLord. YOU were scammed by commies.


Christ this is astonishing stupid.

Dies your mom pad all the sharp edges in your house? She should.

this stuff only has a minor presence at big boy stem schools because students don't actually have time for this shit, everyone is too busy

Dude stem has a huge fucking problem with buzzwords right now

Tldr; Youre projecting! Ha, youre projecting me projecting Na uh Uh huh

They finally let you out of inpatient mental health! Welcome back.

Many women, particularly in religious communities, are taught from young ages that they're inferior to men.

/u/silvermars they are though. what's the issue?

Pretty brave to call out Islam in SRD to be honest.

It's not a call out if you dogwhistle, shoulda come out swinging tbqh

I guess they want women to learn the hard way.


Literally every social issue is a subset of masculinity but this isn't a fundamentally anti-male concept because women are also corrupted by men and perpetuate the problems that men create but toxic femininity doesn't exist because in this society men created all the problems because women have always been powerless

That was actually a perfect summary. Good job, now off yourself.

Lemme get one more serious post in and then it's morphine + whisky time.

Wait I never realized I too could blame the patriarchy. Finally my agency is gone I can do whatever I want.

The spirit of bussy compels you!

Good job! 🤗😊

Here's a puppy pic 4 U.

Hey, this is pretty great

You want one too?

I have several puppies, but I would love puppy pics!

Man this thread is not even the shitiest or most dramatic in that post.

Yeah I actually only just noticed the other guy. What a fuckin spastic.

I'm a gay retard

/u/BrainBlowX I agree. Imo.

"toxic femininity" implies the dogmatic enforcement of ideal feminine behavior and traits in women. Including subservience to men.

actually, /u/BrainBlowX, toxic femininity is when some bitch calls john woo movies bullshit

Wtf I hate women now

People unironically calling themselves shit lords. People unironically writing pasta about toxic masculinity.

So much mayo my cholesterol doubled after reading that post.

Well, tilme for a serious post I guess

u/BrainBlowX and u/johnnyslick I just wanted to say this - you two can't possibly grasp how happy I am that an ocean and 7000 kilometers separates me from men like you. 😊

Also - I hope none of you are actually working with male victims of any abuse, because your " insights" would probably push them to suicide.

You pinged 4 people.



😊 you want a baby panda pic?



Its hard too say but according to recent survey majority of them are men.

TIL: when my wife beats me, it's my fault because I have a penis.

Not saying SRDines are right, but you really don't understand what their argument is.

They don't have an argument. They just assert that both violent behavior and the tendency to downplay male victims of domestic violence is the fault of social norms established exclusively by men. But they do this in order to reduce the female abuser's culpability, as is obvious by their tendency to downplay female-on-male abuse while simultaneously damning male-on-female abusers as predatory monsters.

When you object and point out feminist activists who downplay male victimization as an example of how women create/perpetuate the issue, they simply respond with, "Oh, well, those feminists are perpetuating toxic masculinity."

So no matter how you slice it, masculinity is the root cause of female-on-male abuse as well as society's inability to help men as much as women.

They've essentially ascribed a gender to entire categories of human dysfunction/misbehavior while simultaneously railing against the perpetuation of conventional gender stereotypes.

It's quite impressive.

is the fault of social norms established exclusively by men

This isn't what toxic masculinity means. Females can establish and perpetrate toxic masculinity.

You can find academic definitions that narrowly escape some elements of my specific critique, but when you look at how people USE toxic masculinity in discussion, it's essentially just as I described.

It's like white privilege: In a handful of contexts, it's a fairly uncontroversial (and sometimes useful) conceptual framework. But when you look at how the vast majority of people use it, you realize it's essentially just, "white people are fundamentally more advantaged than everyone else at all times in all ways and must atone for their unearned status by submitting to my demands to stfu and grant me special favors reeeeee."

But that isn't how its being used in the linked thread so why argue the points of strawmen when the issue at hand isn't based on that definition? One poster actually says:

They're not really perpetuated by any one person so much as they are reflected by society as a whole and guess what? Half of society are women.

So why claim that "They just assert that both violent behavior and the tendency to downplay male victims of domestic violence is the fault of social norms established exclusively by men" when the exact opposite is being said?

Hmm wow it's very rare a male can understand logic as complex as this.

Good for you!

Actually I took an Intro to Logic class during my single semester at community college, so I know own exactly what I'm talking about. But your tiny woman brain probably can't understand anything I'm typing.

As long as you know everything is always your fault and you are garbage, you're going make some lucky lady mildly satisfied one day 😊

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me

I'm not surprised, I'm a very nice person

So a woman hits a man and somehow, it's men that are at fault for this? That makes zero sense.

Also, toxic masculinity is the dumbest catchphrase and is entirely meaningless.

You expect more from grandstanding armchair shrinks of SRD?

If you were doing the opposite, brigading r/drama to recruit people to r/subredditdrama, you'd be banned.
