[shitpost] Internet pedophile Onision streams hentai for his tweener fans (starts at ~6 mins)

48  2018-03-29 by snallygaster


its ok because its art

So is this guy like a bargain bin PewDiePie or what? And is PewDiePie like a bargain bin Hitler or what?

bargain bin pewdiepie

he's an entity of his own. There are many people like him but he's unique all the same.

he's an entity of his own

So he's basically PewDiePie but his own entity

He's like pewdiepie in that he's an internet cel*brity

-Sits in front of superimposed imagery

-Reacts to videos

-Acts edgy

-Acts like 11 year old on methamphetamine

-Looks weird and talks funny

-Tries to be controversial

-Tries to appeal to immature young viewers by doing all of the above

Looks like a knockoff Pewds to me

what are you doing watching pewdiepie??

I watched him for like 2 months when the Wall Street Journal put out that article on him, but if you've seen 2 months of PewDiePie, you're done with him

2 minutes

2 pumps ☔☔

Lil pump

You seem to have a stick up your butt regarding pewdiepie.

Hes like PDP with way less edge and way more straight up child molesting.

Aha! Makes sense

the animated hentai covered by the pepe is actually p awesome

greg has good taste

I can't believe this dude's still around.

Does he style his hair with olive oil?

I think he styles his face with olive oil

He doggone dun it this time I'll tell you whut

He is actually disgusting un-iroh. I saw poster claiming to have "reported" him, wonder if anything will come of it. Also why can't I stop reading his cow threads? Snally help!

video is 6:50

good shit starts at 6:00

fuck you

Why were you watching Onision streams, Snally?

She's actually got a long-term project going on observing him for the sake of science.

There is nothing of scientific or cultural to gain here.

that's what they said about space

dont kinkshame

someone sent it to me, I've never actually watched his vids because I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Why is his hair so greasy?

Why is Rene Russo showing.jpg] the world tentacle porn?

I'm always amazed he isn't rotting in prison for CP.

I'm appalled this dude isn't in jail yet.

"Age Restricted Video"

Yeah what's the age restriction? 7-18?

Looks like a poor Bogdanoff