[Agenda Post] Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Jeb!

36  2018-03-29 by Going_up_the_Country


Don't care if there's no drama, this sub needs more Jeb!.

JEB (!)



dude, this is a perfect catalyst for drama

I already told you, you Jeb!less fuck, I don't care.

I'm going to steal your post

pls no bully

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush took a few swings at President Donald Trump during a lecture this week at Yale University — saying that, unlike Trump, he goes home every day to children “who actually love me."

I wish we lived in a timeline where we’d heard him live during this during the Republican debates.

It could still happen come 2020 if Jeb launches a primary challenge. Its a long shot, sure, but it could happen.

Jeb 2020: No more fucking around.

Ah yes I'm sure there's nothing better in the world than the love of El Goblino P. Arbusto

"My kids actually clap at the end of my speeches! OR ELSE"

cuckboi jeberano


suggested title:


It only took ~2 years to craft that burn!

The Jerk Store called...

Only Jeb! can save us now

Salty guac bowl merchant